Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What piece of advice you have recieved had the most impact on your life? How did you use it?

Rachel, without a doubt, the best piece of advice I was ever given was, ';Always remember a person's name.';

Nothing is more sweet to most people as the sound of their names; and when you remember them, it really lets people know that you consider them important. You'll be amazed at how far this simple bit of practical courtesy will take you in life.

I've actually been promoted because of this.What piece of advice you have recieved had the most impact on your life? How did you use it?
if someone ever tells you that u can't do somethin do it and prove them wrong One day this modeling agent from this major company came up to my mom and my sisters and wanted two of my sisters to join his agency emedialtly and partiseapate in the fashiom show they were having at that moment and he only wanted my two sisters so my mom said only for right now but they will not join they agency unless all four of my children partiseapate and he said there not what were looking for and then about 6 or7 months later my other sister and i have worked on shows and movis and have done a few commercials and partisapated in the runway cure for the make a wish program there agency wanted us and my mom negoshied along with our lawyers these contraks for over three hundred thousand dollars per shoot and an extra hundred thousand for any time it takes longer then planed and after our two year contracked was up my mom change agencys and we made more money then we ever did woth them and they other agency was then later bought out buy or new agency and the modeling/talent agent know works as our agents assestant every time we go in to his office we always laugh and tease him becase he said we werent what he was looking for and we now make over the amount we used to makeWhat piece of advice you have recieved had the most impact on your life? How did you use it?
What an excellent question!!

Hmmmm.... I'd say that it would have to be: ';happiness and self-liking are two terms for exactly the same thing';

Best advice I ever got. How did I use it? When I am unhappy I remember that it has nothing to do with what is going on on the outside and seek where I am not liking myself instead.

This has allowed me to take responsibility for my own life and DO something about my unhappiness rather than staying caught-up in blame, which never solves anything.
';You were chosen to be Christian';. It changed me completely.

I went from having random sex, smoking, and drinking to being clean and not cursing.

I don't want to think of the past sometimes. It just scares me.
My Grand daddy once told me.....

';If you don't have nothing good to say about anybody, then mo'bettah no say nothing';

I've used it as a reminder to mind my own business.

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