Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Please give me the diet&exercise advice I need to change my life.Positive attitude tips also required.Thanks.?

Any help will be gratefully received,as I'm an absolute beginner to healthy living and believe me,I NEED HELP!!!!!!Please give me the diet%26amp;exercise advice I need to change my life.Positive attitude tips also required.Thanks.?
Eat smaller amounts more often.Exercise even walking maybe everyday if u can, if not every 2nd day at least 40minutes or so. Try and eat more fruit and veges.Eat in moderation.Lay off the booze and a smokes.Please give me the diet%26amp;exercise advice I need to change my life.Positive attitude tips also required.Thanks.?
Cut out on all 'white' foods and eat wholegrains instead such as wholemeal bread %26amp; pasta, brown rice and oats (porridge is a great way to start the day as it's really filling. Try it mixed with a chopped/mashed banana or some berry fruits. Oats are a particuarly good ingredient for homemade muesli as well, mixing them together with a tablespoon of raisins and maybe a teaspoon of sunflower seeds for that extra crunch. Beware some so-called healthy brand-name cereals as many of them are actually quite high in sugar with any vitamins added in artificially. Check the ingredients on the back of the packet; the less there are the more healthy it is i.e. Shredded Wheat is literally just wholewheat).

Always make sure that you have 3 main meals everyday. It's also important to snack heathily and reguarly as it keeps your energy levels high and also means that you never go hungry. Things like fruit, nuts, seeds and veggie sticks. Some cereal bars are alright but make sure you read the back of the wrapper first as many are just as high in sugar as chocolate (Nutri-grain bars for example are quite bad. The Jordan brand ones are okay though).

Also cut out any junk like fizzy drinks and fried foods in particular because of their high saturated fat content. Cheddar cheese is also quite high in saturated fat but does contain some health benefits so should still be alright in moderation. You could treat yourself about once a week to something like grilled cheese on toast for example.

You don't necessarily have to adopt a vigorous exercise programme down at gym in order to help shift the pounds. Simply walking to places more often is a great way of keeping in shape (if you use public transport for example, try getting off a stop early) and going swimming a couple of times a week is really effective too. Dancing is also a brilliant form of exercise and it's fun!

Good luck.
You can create a great outer self by working on the inner self first Inner self is positive thoughts affirmation and surruonding yourself with positve people things and enviroment, Get a checkup and discuss with your docter what type of fitness plan is good for you .Once you get there ok.Consult with a nutritonist and personel trainer to get you started,Once given a plan stick to it .It will be fun once you get used to it .remember 64 oz of water a day 8hours of sleep a day Try to bike or walk to work if you can find a fun souurce of exercize.Walking bikeing roweing jumpropeinghoola hooping ball room danceing belly danceing swimmimg Whatever you do start out slow and work your way into it and remember clear your mind of can,t you can do anything if you focus on what is going right in your life.think to yourself do I have a nice smile am I careing Do my eyes sparkle pat yourself for every positive thing about you You can do this
I don't have anything new,same old same old.But eat small portions and eat fruits and veggies.Less carbs help a lot.Go for a walk every day.Drink water befor eating,it fills you up.
Stay away form 'diets'. That's the best advice you can possibly get. 'Diets' fail, pure and simple. If they worked, we'd have found the perfect diet ages ago, and wouldn't see new, 'better', diet books hitting the shelves every other month.

Here's a link to the USDA food pyramid. http://www.mypyramid.gov/

It's includes ALL kinds of foods, what makes up proper portions, and how much of each you can eat each day. There are even free tracking tools you can use to monitor how much you eat and exercise each day. If you are overweight, eating a healthy, balanced diet, and getting regular exercise will cause you to lose weight at a healthy rate. It won't come off fast, but it isn't gained fast either. It allows you to lose weight while eating all the foods you love (in proper portions), stop when your body reaches the healthy natural weight you're supposed to be, and is livable enough to be a diet you can easily stick with to control your weight for the rest of your life.
if you get your five in daily that is a really good start.
o, boy. open phone book directory and see under category ';gyms';. search the one which is closer to u and has moderate price. then u open internet instead of wasting your time here go ironmagazine.com and see exercises and articles how to lose weight and tone muscles and stuff like this. they have diet tips and moving pictures how to do exercises in gym. good luck
Hi,I am an independent distributor for an international health and nutrition company called HERBALIFE have you heard of them? this company has everything from a personalised weight loss program called shapeworks to targeted nutrition products for men, woman, heart health, stress management, nutrition for sports\active people and so much more!!

I became an independent distributor for HERBALIFE in December 2005 after getting an amazing result with their weight loss program! as a first time mum I was very tired and was tempted to eat fast foods all the time and really lacked in energy! before I knew it I put on about 2 stone and went up to the weight I was in pregnancy! I heard of HERBALIFE through a woman who used to be my teacher at school years ago and had got such good results with HERBALIFE that she decided to leave teaching and start her own business from home being a distributor for them! she looked so healthy and so much younger! I had to find out what she was doing! so I went on the weight loss program and lost my first stone in the first month! I could not believe it! by the second day of being on the products my energy levels shot up! I felt so good! and the best thing was that I was still eating all my favourite foods! and I was not starving like most people are on diets! I instantly fell in love with the company! I love what the company are about and all their products! so I decided to become a distributor which has been amazing and I get to work from home around '2' children now! they have helped millions of people around the world improve their health and in 64 countries and growing every year! I love my job as a personal wellness coach I get to help people reach their goals!! I really want to help as many people as possible improve their Wellbeing especially in todays world full of health concerns such as heart desease, diabetes, even certain cancers all due to our poor eating habits making obesity our biggest problem! if you would like to find out about how you can improve your health and a great weight loss program then please get in touch with me as I believe their products are the best nutritional products in the world!!!

PS: I have had 2 children in the past 3 years and have never been so slim and felt so great with so much energy in my life! and have maintained my weight thanks to the program!!
get a pedometer and try to walk 10,000 steps a day. you can do this. its not as bad as it seems. walk upstairs, walk round the park, walk to the shop. 30 minutes walking is about 5000 steps. if its hard at first do less but aim higher. dont eat pizza, chips ,fried food. eat fresh fruit and veg cut down on beer. thats a hard one good luck. be positive
The only ';diet'; that I propose is a detox diet. It is not even a diet per se. But more like a cleansing regime to get rid of toxins. Toxins cause a lot of the symptoms that you observe. Example, if you have acne or eczema (which you can see), most likely, it comes from within.

Any balance in your mind, body and spirit can be corrected through a detoxification, meditation and exercise program. Think wellness.

It is good that you recognize that you need to start doing something. Getting more educated on the topics to help attain wellness will put you on a good path. The more information you have, the more you become aware of what you can do and the options available. In the end, you have to choose which diet or exercise program you want to follow.

To get started, I recently sign up to a free newsletter that gives out plenty of free tips on detox diet and heathy living. You can get more details here http://www.detox-cleansing-diet.com

All the best :-)

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