Sunday, December 27, 2009

Advice For My Life....?

Honestly, i dun no where i shud start... Hmm, its already 2008.

For the past 4 years +, i've been job hopping and few days back, lots of things are falling apart for me... I lost my jobs, my r'ship of 5 years is drifting away %26amp; my parents are upset over me...

I felt so miserable of myself.. Feeling hopeless.. Doing revision over wat i did in past %26amp; wat im yet to do... I lost my confidence %26amp; my way in life....

So i sat %26amp; think... Now im feeling much more better after knowing wat i want in life.. To continue my studies will be impossble as the tight financial... I decided to stay focus and achieve my dream to be a STEWARDESS... My 1 %26amp; only dream..

However, before i could soar, my boyfriend put our r'ship on the line.. Saying dat if i dont show him any good results, he'l have to leave me... Hearing those words, i fel again...

I noe i shud stay focus.. I do wana proof all those pple wrong! Hw shud i pull myself together?? Its seems so hard...Advice For My Life....?
Aww...This is such a sad question. When you look at your situation, you can see it's the people around you who are making you miserable. Your job in life is not to impress others. It is just to make your way as best you can, and make it the way that suits YOU, no-one else.

It sounds to me as though your boyfriend is trying to sabotage your efforts to reach your goals. I believe you can do better than him. If it's not too difficult for you, I think you should dump him, and forget about having a relationship with anyone until you get yourself on track.

You say your parents are upset over you. Well, parents are like that, and you just have to put your own wishes above whatever they expect of you.

I think it's just fantastic that you actually KNOW what you want to do in life, even though you haven't reached that goal yet. The best thing you can do is contact an employment place, and ask them what steps you need to take to become a stewardess. Once you find out what you need to do, start taking those steps. You will get there in the end.

God bless you, and good luck. Things will work out for you in the end.Advice For My Life....?
Worry about getting yourself together, and not what others think even though that will be the hardest, look at for number one, and thats yourself.
Tell you boyfriend to go take a hike. Find a way to get on board to be a stewardess. Clear your life of everyone that is not supporting you. Life is hard but you can do it!
Maybe what your boyfriend said was just an encouragement, so that you would really hold onto the dream you really desire and achieve it. You should talk to him on how you felt when he said that to you, besides if he really loves you he would be there to catch you when something bad happened again. Don't lose hope and confidence again, because surely things will turn out good and things have a way to fix itself. You should just think what's the next thing you should do and these are obstacles that will make you stronger and will make you into a new person.
you have the power to change your life.

you have to think positively and take control of your thoughts.

you must please yourself not other people.

you haev said what you want to do, now go and do it.

your parents will be proud of you if you do your best, try your best to be the best you CAN be.

you can always put your studies on hold, or better, find something part time so you can afford to work as well.

it's a good idea for your future to have qualifications behind you, or even a career that you have trained in.

think ahead, not just short term.

then reaach out and go for it


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