Thursday, December 31, 2009

Some advice on a life change?

i have found myself in a very strange situation. i'm 19, sophomore in college, and suddenly all the teenage angst, and life transition anxiety has hit me like a ton of bricks. This is going to be long, just fyi. In high school i was never mr. popularity, but i was one of the rare few in an interesting niche. Everybody more or less knew me, everybody more or less got along with me, i was never really hard up for friends. Despite that, i never really felt as though i belonged to any group, i had a small group of pretty close friends but that was it. I was always very introverted, verrrrry introverted. When i was 11 my mother passed away, which really didn't help this already shy kid, my dad is a big fixture in local law so while many of my friends in those early teenage years were out getting in trouble, partying and such was scorned at my house to the point that i really didn't even care for going. I was always very shy around girls as well, there were three or four i had been talking to a little more than average, just flirtation and get to know you stuff, but i never mustered the courage to ask them out or make a move, (it was almost anxiety provoking, i was so shy i assumed they either wouldn't want to hang out or i wouldn't be able to entertain them if they did) when i was 16 i caught the eye of a girl who wouldn't accept my shy awkward no to hanging out without a reason or excuse as an answer and i went from girl-less to completely falling into a 2.5 year relationship with her. we graduated together, and i did everything i could to make her happy, so much i kind of distanced myself from my own friends. I don't know how to describe it, alone when i would get invited out i'd get nervous, but i'd always kick myself for not going later, very frustrating, anyway we made it to college together, and the challenge was maintaining this relationship, i holed myself up in my thoughts and staying with her, made no friends, she made tons went out and did all kinds of fun things while i stayed at home so i wouldn't get in trouble, then we break up she moves on right away, and i am left with literally nothing. no new friends, no new wild memories (not partying took its toll on my social life), i'm on winter break now and i have no old high school friends to come back to. i'm alone. my confidence was shot, i had many opportunities to make friends last year and i blew them off because i was shy, giving me kind of a jerk persona. i deeply regret not doing things like a frat that would have forced me out, and i'm living in this regret. every little thing has become a huge failure to me, she has moved on and is living a great fun life, i'm in this hole. please give me ways to break this shyness, or branch back out, i can not stay alone like this it's killing me. whether this is the teenage angst that is so expected i don't know its just driving me nuts.Some advice on a life change?
firstly stop regretting what you could have done, the past is the past and what you need to do is accept that you cannot change that but you can change the future, just say to yourself I am who I am, look in the mirror and say it, Ha I know that means talking to yourself but accept that you have something to offer, forget the shyness, you are holding yoursel back, if you dont accept yourself no one else will, start with joining a club or a gym, anything your interested in, its a startSome advice on a life change?
dang, sounds like depression. Dude dont sweat it lifes short and full of surprises and things that might not go the way you planned. Enjoy your self, I dont really have many firends eather, and I dont really want to. I have a few very close friends who have helped me alot, as well as my girlfriend who I' ve been with for 3 years. I' am pretty much in a hole too, only financially. Keep your self busy, finish school as fast as you can, be smarter than everybody else. Renember if you live life like everyone else you will be stuck in traffic.
I think your answer might be to go out to social gatherings. Stuff like movies, seminars, plays, stuff like that. You meet a lot of women at weddings, so if you have any coming up go to one.

Confidence comes from within. Compassion for other people gives you confidence and inner strength. Have patience. Love life, and live with what you got. Dont fill the hole with earthly things, because soon enough you will realize that this starts an endless cycle.

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