Thursday, December 31, 2009

Need advice on my life...?

Ok well i'm a 17 year old guy and about a year ago I had a great life...lots of friends, good social life...etc. Then I got really, really, really, really, bad acne (entire face was like one giant and my ';friends'; left me (don't really blame em...couldn't hardly look at myself either). Anyways, after accutane and stuff my face is ok, but I have no friends, no life, and it seems like I have lost everything that was once dear to me :(. It seems like every week I just become more and more closed and anti-social, but that's not me! GRRR. It's so irritating...I guess i'm more like venting then anything else, but yeah any advice?Need advice on my life...?
dude, if your friends left you coz u had bad case of acne then they werent your real friends in the first place. forget them, and move on.

If you're plannin on going to college, then that will be a great time to make new friends and move on....leaving the past behind you. You also have to figure out: did your friends ditch you...or did you avoid them coz u thought you were too ugly with the acne?? You need to lok yourself in the mirror and tell urself that u are awesome (self fulfilling prophesy)... If you tell urself u are antisocial, u inadvertantly act that way, pple see that, so they stay away. You see them keepin away from you, then you think they dont like u....or its coz u are antisocial...and the cycle goes on.

Keep ya head up....true friends will show up eventually. Just smile when u see pple, and strike up conversation. When u see someone u know or whatever, greet them. It costs nothing to say hello to someone in the elevator or wherever.. Remember, the other person is prolly just as shy and self-conscious as you are. Good luckNeed advice on my life...?
Umm dude those don't really sound like friends at all maybe you should start new and get actual friends instead of I'm assuming just popular people and don't worry about having no friends dude just find comfort where you are I do but I'm a real easy going guy not real opinionated I'm just like indifferent to almost everything and just kinda laid back, so yeah just like make some actual friends (ones that would like you even if you were acne) and just try to enjoy life man
I know you don't want to hear this but if your friends left you because you had acne then they WERE NOT YOUR FRIENDS! Anyway, now that you are feeling more confident, outgoing and approachable try and meet new people with common interests as you. The internet is a great resource for that. Join clubs, sports, music etc etc and things will fall back into place. Believe me when I tell you that in 3 years you won't even remember high school!
Well it seems if your friends had truly been your friends they wouldnt have left you because of some pimples, so i wouldnt worry about advice is that if you dont already then you should play a sport, go to sports games, or join a club-art club, younglife, anthing-at your school and meet some new people who like you for you, and those are the people that wont leave you for silly reasons...just get more involved
Well for starters your 17 thats a hard age your going to be going through alot your not a child anymore but your also not an adult so who are you don't worry you will find yourself again Plus those so called friends were not your friends friends would never do that and when you find those kind of friends your going to feel very lucky to have such good friends plus I am sure you have grown from this experience and you won't shun someone who is different from you
i gess i can kinda relate to you, it sucks being antisocial (although ive been that way for so long ive gotten used to it and actually prefer it) try starting over or maybe give your life over to virtual websites. but whatever you do dont end up like me! live your life man!!! dont become an emo, antisocial, overly emotional pathetic loser like me!!! ( cries ) wow i really need to get some friends
just be firendly. smile at people in the hall, go to school sports games, find friends outside of school. try hanging out with the people most people label as ';geeks'; or ';nerds'; they're usually pretty nice. just try to be REALLY nice to everyone, and see where it gets you.
sports and other social activities, maybe clubs at school. other than that talk to the ppl sititng net to you at school, help them if they need it and little by little become more social.
get a makeover. new hair, change the eyebrows, colored contacts, new wadrobe, totally renew the you, make a new person. then do it all over agian. pick yourself up.
Go meet people. Join clubs, visit malls, go to conventions, etc.

Also get a pet; dogs and cats, though dogs could especially help
Now, you know the acid test for real friend. Real friend are those still with you when you down and out.
this is your chance to start from scratch. You weeded out so called ';friends'; and now it is time to associate with newer intellegent friends. Your old ';friends'; will become jealous. You'll see.
Finding a new interest is a great way to meet new ppl
Get some new friends.
look into the sky and find the one who created you so dumb. :)

psalms 319
Just go to partys, or if you know anyone, ask them to hang out. Try to find mutual friends, and try to get in contact with your old friends again!
If those pricks would have left you for that they're not real friends, hate to tell you. You're being far too easy on them.

Anyway, you're 17, right? So you've probably got another year of high school to go. That's not so bad, once you get away from high school I think you'll be happier. Don't worry so much about ';making up'; for your high school social life in the last year. That's a mistake, that's what I did, and I was more miserable at the end of that year than when I started it. Just try to focus on your future. What do you want to do after high school? You need to put that priority ahead of your social life. But other than that, you know, try to find something you're interested in that you can do in your spare time. Something at the school if you like, or not, or even a part time job, if you can find one with this economy. But you'll be fine.

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