Sunday, December 27, 2009

I need advice on my life and the people in my life?

My parents are divorced and have been since i was 3 months dad just came back in my life in 2005.... he doesnt have a lot of money but he loves me alot...well i have always wanted a mustang and i bought one with my moms help.. i pay for it and the insureance and the gas and the tag....well he is upset at me for that... my parents also dont like the guy i like...he is in jail now and will be for a little while... well i wanted to go see him just to talk well my dad said he would take me but he has to ask my mom 1st....which is fine with me its juss they are arguing so bad cause my dad said i was old enough to make my own decsions on my problems and who i date my mom totally disagrees im 17 fixin 2 b 18 in May....i just need help idk on what to do with my life ne more...i really care for this guy alot and i know he feels the same its just his past has a few mistakes but he was tryin to change thats y he turned himself in....he wants to get on the rite path he just needs someone to show him he can do it...i wanna help him....what do i do??I need advice on my life and the people in my life?
I think that u need to help that guy if u really luv him. u said that he turned himself in rite? so there's a clue. maybe this guy really wants 2 change. try 2 get ur mom 2 understand. after all u r 17 (almost 18) and u have the right 2 date u r true luv. good luckI need advice on my life and the people in my life?
Ditch him because its gona take him a while to change and if he doesnt you dont want him to be a liability to you

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