Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hate my life right now, need advice-what should I do?

I am 23 yrs old and working 2 full time jobs.I graduated from college in May this yr., but some really complicated stuff happened with the grad. school I was applying to attend (application packet lost in mailroom at the school). So I have been working to pay off some of my undergrad debt (credit cards, loans etc) while waiting to start grad. school for social work in January.

I at times am depressed because since I am either literally at work or asleep, I have no time for a life. I was wondering, should I try to have something right now, even though I have very little time to do anything at all, or should I just sit on the sidelines until January?

I at times I flat out hate my life right now and find myself counting down days on the calendar often, almost like a prison/probation sentence.Hate my life right now, need advice-what should I do?
Try going to a yoga session or go to a nice loud club to loosin yourself up.don't worry about it if you need to talk just e-mail me for any other advice...but don't give up so easy.
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