Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need advice about the life path I should take!?

Ok, so my mum is Filipina and my father is Australian.. I was born in Australia but I really want to move to the Philippines to live because all of my family are there! Here in Australia I only have my parents as I am a only child.

My mum doesn't want to move there because she thinks there are more opportunities here but I met a manager of a talent agency who thinks I could be a star there or model! I want to finish year 10 here and then finish the rest of my school there with my family! I am currently in year 9.

Our family in the Philippines are above middle class and if my mum and dad moved to the Philippines we would be living a good life there. Probably even better than we are here.

I really need advice! What would you do in my situation?

Would you take the path of living a normal life alone in Australia and maybe having my own family one day? OR

Living a fun life with my big, close family in the Philippines, starting my own family there one day and taking a shot at stardom while I'm still young?

I want to live my life to the fullest and not have any regrets.. I don't want to die wondering ';what if...?';I need advice about the life path I should take!?
i guess u shud go to Phillipines though do try having a real conversation with your parents talk over your choices and then make the decision. dont forget ur parents love you since u r d only child so cheersI need advice about the life path I should take!?
One thing I have learned over the years is to not trust ';modeling agency'; people.

Your young, your family is well to do, get an education and make your own life fun and exciting without relying on some perv who might just want in your pants.

If I were you (and I have been you), I wouldn't go in with modeling until you know what your really getting into.
I would try to get you parents to come with you to the Philippines and see what happens. But you know it could be your parents know some thing about the place you want to go and they are trying to keep you safe. I don't know man I would ask them and see if they are willing. And see ask them if it's to dangerous for you that could be the reason.
1. Finish school

2. Talk to your mum, she lived there she would know

3. Be careful with the talent agency

4. Talk to your mum

5. Talk to your mum
Just think twice man. your in 9th year so I would agree with one of the above post. Finish school then talk to your mother about it. That is what I would do and what I suggest you to do.
Only you can decide what choice is best for you. It's good you are thinking about it now, but just wait a few years. You're still young
you talent agent want to sell you into slave trade run forrest run!
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