Thursday, December 31, 2009

Restart life at 40 .. any advice?

i feel i have lived a failed life . i am 39 and change .. male unmarried .. when i look back on when i was 15 i did not achieve any except the most basic goals i had ..

there were lot of family problems, personal problems, stupid mistakes, bad relationships and lots of just plain bad luck ..

is it possible to change now .. restart life all over ..

any websites which give pep talk .. affirmations ..

thank youRestart life at 40 .. any advice?
You can change. You know what went wrong before, therefore you have that advantage. You can't start life all over, but you can make a new start for a better life now.Restart life at 40 .. any advice?
Sounds like you are going through Intimacy vs Isolation stage of Erikson (has the most evidence to back him up, so I use that theory) and are probably entering the next stage (sometimes they overlap and the ages listed in the link are a bit specific for my tastes...we are all different).

The best advice I can give you is to look at the last question you ask yourself in life. Did I live my life with integrity? Look at your values and see if they match up with what you do. Chances are, they dont (Very few of us do.) Do your best to start making those things match. i.e. If you don't believe in lying...are there ways you do lie that you are aware of? in what ways do you lie by omission? Etc. Get real with yourself. See you from someone else's view and dont make excuses.

What you will find, is that your life will become a whole lot clearer and you will attract ppl who have integrity. (We tend to attract who we are.)

Find ways to give to the community. Volunteer at a recycling center (or find something you believe in..coaching, church, building sets for theater plays, etc) and be part of something bigger than yourself.

Its never too late to change your life around. I'll bet you do it! Good Luck!
A famous German philosopher around 1800 , Goethe, said,';It is never too late to become who you might have been.';Can't be a doctor? Become an RN. Can't become an RN? Become an LPN. Can't become an LPN? Become an EMT. Can't become an EMT? Become an orderly. Can't do that or anything else? Become a hospital administrator.Go for it!
Yep my adive, just me, is to start running it might sound stupid to you but it helps me restart my life and out of addiction to drugs

Good luck

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