Thursday, December 31, 2009

This affects every part of my life... Please give some advice...?

I have anxiety so it makes things such as socializing a little awkward but even if I am calm aI still can't think of anything to talk about. I need to learn how to be more carefree and sociable. I try not to care what people think but it still doesn't give me any ideas of things to talk about. This is a hard question but basically I just want to know how to be talkitive... I feel like I have no personality. I have good morals and I am an attractive girl but I come off as so serious and lame. I want to lighten up but I don't know how?!?!?!This affects every part of my life... Please give some advice...?
gossip, gossip, gossip!This affects every part of my life... Please give some advice...?
Try not to care what others think, cause if you did, i don't think you would be that serious, since you say you aren't. Make jokes, even if they aren't good, even if they are lame, and if they are, make fun of yourself because you said a bad joke. That saves the situation. Go talk to someone about the simplest of subjects, and if you see any response and same feelings, continue the conversation or let it go. Just be more spontaneous about things. That's what i think
The best thing to do is ask questions to the people you're talking to! Instead of talking about yourself, or feeling self-conscious, you can ask questions and when given answers, really listen! It takes some of the pressure off you, others will feel good because you're interested and you could learn something new.

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