Tuesday, December 22, 2009

All my life i want to become a janitor.Any advice?

That's quite a tough career to get into... but don't let anyone convince you that you can't do it!!

Get plenty of experience sweeping floors and picking up rubbish!

Look into which universities offer a Bachelor of Waste Management or Bachelor of Janitorial Studies.

Many janitorial positions require that you have at least a Masters degree in a relative field.

Good luck!All my life i want to become a janitor.Any advice?
Find a place you like being around (like a certain office, school, etc) with people who go there (employees and customers) who aren't REALLY REALLY messy... For example, don't apply for a janitorial position at a bar...

The bigger the place, the busier you'll be, but the more likely you'll be to have coworkers.All my life i want to become a janitor.Any advice?
Sweeping, Easy to learn, impossible to master
you could do housekeeping in a hotel lol ...but my advice is dont do it lol.
Aim a little higher.
ur serious?

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