Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need Advice on my Love Life...can you Help?

I want a Girlfriend and I've already had two relationships before but they didn't work out. So now i want to know If i should just keep going and try and find someone else or wait for miss right? I'm really confussed and I am really in a jam so please all your help and advice will count.

If you still need more info about this Question then email at my profile. Thanks for your help :)I need Advice on my Love Life...can you Help?
The relationships I've had were the ones that were the most unexpected. When I'm looking I don't find, but when I'm relaxed, having fun and just chillin', that's when I suddenly notice this person who has been right under my nose and BAM! there you go.I need Advice on my Love Life...can you Help?
well you should stay on the lookout for a new girl but dont obsess over it. dont worry 24/7 that you wont get a girlfriend just keep watch and i promise you will get someone.
O.K Sup? I had this kind of situation before.You should move on and trust me don't wast your time on waiting for Miss.Right.She would never come at least you'll find her.
if you like a girl tell her how you feel if you think she likes you. then if she does ask her to be your girlfriend.(i got that info from my sister.) if you want my sisters email its
You cannot succeed if you don't try.
Well I just sent you a message through yahoo answers... you can message me on messenger and I'll give you some advice...
You should keep trying, eventually you will find the right person for you
love is funny, it will happen when you least expect it,then bang,there you are,in love with that special some patient
Dont be desperate, it shows. Take it easy, be yourself. Dont stop trying but dont try too hard. Good luck.
Cute! There is nothing wrong with testing the field a bit. No need to settle down and wait for Ms. Right, you're too young. Have fun, but be safe. Enjoy dating and spending time with girls. There is nothing wrong with that.

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