Thursday, December 31, 2009


Ok here's the deal...I picked up this dog (';Bear';) yesterday from a local kill shelter on the day he was supposed to be put to sleep. He's a little over 1 year old and he weighs about 75 LBS. We're almost positive that he is almost ALL Rottweiler, or at least he looks like he is. The problem is this: I live in a condo (2-story, large backyard, and plenty of room for this type of dog), and Rottweiler's happen to be one of about 30 breeds of dog that are PROHIBITED as pets in my complex. This is not something that suprised me, and I am aware that rules like this are something you would find in MOST apartment/condo communities.

';Bear,'; however, is a pretty unique dog. I have had him for a day, and he already acts as if I've been the person raising him for the past year. Even though I'm no expert on animals, I know a LITTLE bit about dogs, just from my experience with my past two dogs. Therfore, I have a pretty good sense of ';Bear's'; temperment, and I have no worries. I trust him enough to risk my residency in these condo's and keep him, because I know he won't hurt anyone.

Now here's where I need advice...I need someone to look at these pictures of Bear and tell me what other breed or breeds look similar to him. I HAVE to fill out some paperwork with the leasing office at the condo's and let them know I just got a new dog. Otherwise, I would not only have to hide the fact that he's a rottweiler, but I would also have to hide the fact that I even have a dog. This would be tough, and I'd rather not. If there is any other breed that I could say he is, a mix that is actually believeable, PLEASE tell me. It would eliminate almost all my problems if I could just tell people that he is another breed, or that he is a mix. I don't know enough about dogs to determine what his looks are similar to.

Here are the only two pictures that I have:

As far as the condo's rules, a dog CAN be a mix with SOME blood from a ';restricted'; breed, as long as the dog doesn't LOOK like it is of a ';restricted'; breed. My friend who lives here has a Pitbull Terrier/ Lab/ Retriever, and it doesn't resemble a pitbull as far as looks. Allowing a mix such as my friends is about as far as the people in the leasing office will bend the rules. Anyways, thank you for helping, and I'm sorry about writing you a huge essay on my problem lol. I just really want to keep this guy and I need some advice on what breed i could say he is. I dunno about the whole ';point'; thing on yahooanswers, but I will give as many points that I possibly can to whoever comes up with an answer that would work (I RARELY use yahooanswers). THANKS AGAINHELP!! I'M SAVING THIS DOGS LIFE BUT NEED SOME ADVICE!!?
I didn't see Mutt listed as a prohibited breed. I think that you're safe.HELP!! I'M SAVING THIS DOGS LIFE BUT NEED SOME ADVICE!!?
I would say he could be mixed with lab his coat is a little longer than most rotties have and he does not have too much tan
Chocolate Lab mix.
He is beautiful and I have to guess pure Rott. But do ask the vet for their opinion and see if they think he's a mix breed. Good luck
Just say he is a Black and Tan Coon hound. ;)
That has to be the WEIRDEST list of prohibited breeds I've ever seen. Pulik? Aussies? Irish terriers? do they have some sort of reasoning behind this?

I would say your dog is not 100% Rottie. He has Rottie markings but doesn't look very much like a Rottie in build. I might consider listing him as a lab mix.
Bear is an all american breed. A mixed breed with several heritages. Put rotti/shepherd/hound mix....that should cover him. ;)
I have a dog that looks similar to yours. he is lab and black %26amp; tan coon hound. he definitely has roti, but black %26amp; tans have very similar color markings.

good luck!
I have to agree with a previous answer, he looks like Doberman/ Rottweiler to me. If you're unable to keep him, look into a Doberman or a Rottweiler rescue, good luck.
Your dog looks like a mix of German Shepard/lab/rot/ The only way to really tell would to bring him to a dog breeder or a vet. If you just want you could just say he is that kind of mix. Either way he does not look like he is 100% anything.
I would have said rott and german shepperd. I know some will probably disagree but I had one with this mixture and she looked a lot like bear. That would explain the longer hair than most rotts and also the longer snout. I agree with the going to the vet and have them tell you what they may think he is and have them put on his papers that he is a mix breed so that you have documentation to show your condo people.
Sorry, don't think you're going to fool anyone. He looks like a rot/dobi mix. And I'm sure if rots are on the forbidden list, dobis are too. You can always tell them he's a brown %26amp; black dalmation! Good luck, I'm glad you saved a life!
That's a Rottie with a capitol R. He looks just a tad on the thin side.

You kinda put the cart before the horse on ';saving'; him knowing your lease clauses.

I would call a Rottweiler rescue right away and relinquish him over to them before he ends up back at the kill shelter.

BTW... I am surprised the kill shelter let you adopt the dog without doing a background check on your living conditions.
He really looks like a rott wheiler, don't know what to tell ya, should have thought about that before you adopted him. But I'm glad you tried your best. Maybe if you get him in a very good obiedient class maybe they will let you keep him.
I have been raising and breeding rotts for 7 years. I'm sorry but that is most likely a pure bred rott. It sure looks like it!! He is absolutly beautiful! Now if the people in ur apt complex are stupid you can say Lab mix.... even tho u know he is a rott... If you take him to a vet and sweet talk to reception staff they my put lab mix on his papers insted of Rott..... then you can show the peper work to the office..... GOOD LUCK!!
I think he is a Doberman/Rottweiler/Lab cross,

Because he has the markings of a Rottweiler, The body of a Doberman, and the face of a lab.

That's what I think.

I would say he is a Lab, with a teeny bit of Rottweiler or Doberman

He's a nice little/Big dog. Good Luck.

Hope you get through there with Bear. I appreciate you adopting him so he wont get killed. He's saying Thank you.
I would say he looks more like a Doberman than a Rottie. His build is more slender than most Rotties that I know. Hopefully a Doberman is not on this list. Good luck.
I had at rot/dob for 14 years and she looked just like that. Sorry but he really looks rot/dob! Mine was a sweet heart wouldn't hurt a soul. oh and those breeds that they are prohibiting are pretty lame! Alot of those a wonderful dogs. i have 3 of the one's that are listed. I am a certified dog trainer and behavioral modification degrees in dogs. Most of which are wonderful dogs is raised properly. Good luck, keep him if you believe he is that wonderful!!

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