Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Life sucks i need advice?

okay,i need some advice on what to do..

my mom is like most moms she treats me like sh*t,she always thinks of something to argue about like told me to water the dog then gets in the shower and says i purposly ran water while she was in the shower.my sister had a baby 3 years ago and for 2 and a half years shes been my responsibility my grandma got custody but she works all the time and i have to watch her all the time and when she knocks something over or spills something i always get ***** at and told i should be watching her ..i mean shes 3 come on?..reminder im on 17..my brother and sister treats my mom like sh*t but they get treated like there the world..my brother stole my moms credit card jacks it up to $5,000..and wheres he at now..here with his dog that i have to babysit while him and my mom go out..my sister shes always doing bad stuff to my mom and yet my mom never says one mean thin to her..my mom always tells my how she cant wait till i leave she kicked me out 6 or 7 timsLife sucks i need advice?
yeah, you're right, life sucks. Your mom has something called a personality disorder and is trying to make you feel like you're crazy to make herself feel better. It's called ';crazy-making'; believe it or not. Sifting through your writings to find the truth, however, is difficult which is why you may not get too many helpful responses. You get to realize at 17 years old that your parents are people too, not necessarily to be put on a pedestal like you used to when you were little. It sucks to have to live with people like that but find yourself an outlet like art, poetry, etc. or you'll end up with hurting yourself more than you should.

You're going to need a high school education to get to a point where you can pull yourself up by the bootstraps and make something of yourself, but that's what you're going to need to do. There's not a lot of people it sounds like who can help you out, but you can seek them in places like community centers, ymca's, or even churches if you want to do that. You need to get a job, save some money, and get out of the situation. I know you care about the baby you have to care for but you're right, you're only 17 and you have got to get out of that situation if you're going to make something of yourself. You can maybe come back with you're 20 something, nobody's telling you you can't come back later, but your mom's going to always be the way she is, your sister and bro will always be the way they are, and you have to make room for yourself outside of that house or you'll drown your life away in it. Just a suggestion. Read biographies of people who are successful, or read books on how to make a living doing what you're interested in. GET OUT. The baby is not your responsibility, it's your mom and your sister's, they have to find day care for her if you're ever to make it. You better be charging your mom for caring for the baby too, if her personality disorder won't stop her from doing that. You'll see how much she really needs you when you charge her as much as a daycare would ($20 a day)...Life sucks i need advice?
I'll try my best. I am so sorry you are in this situation. You are young and should be enjoying life at school and with friends. It really sounds like you are the only good one in that family and that baby is stuck there like you are. I know it is not fair, but if you were to leave, who would take care of the baby? If you left would you feel the baby would be taken care of properly? I know the baby is not yours, but does your grandmother live somewhere else? Could you live with your grandmother? If your grandmother is working and lives in the same house maybe you can talk to your grandmother about finding a place together and see if there is a way you could work it out. If your grandmother works during the day, than you can find a job at night and you both can take turns watching the baby while the other is at work. If you are working than you can help with the bills. Your grandma probably works all the time to stay away from all the cr ap that is going on in that house.
Contact the human resources department or child services in your area and see if they can help you get out on your own and go back to school, or find a job. If you don't know where to call, just call the health department and see if they can direct you to the right place.

No child should be made to feel this way, but just remember to hang in there and don't be a victim. Just hang in there. May God bless you and guide you where you need to go, in Jesus' name.
As soon as your 18 you can get your birth certificate yourself. If you have to go to night school, or get your GED. Sorry, to hear you are stuck in that awful situation, but it won't be forever, just keep your chin up and look to a brighter future. Good Luck to you

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