Saturday, December 19, 2009

Looking to join Air Force while attending community college. Need to turn life around. Need advice.?

I'm eighteen years old. My parents recently separated and I am currently homeless. I'm living in my car at the moment. My father was physically abusive, so I've disassociated from my family. I do not have any friends or family members who can help me. I really have no idea what to do with my life. My grades are suffering because of my bad situation - I got 4 As this semester, but also failed a class, and I don't think I can live like this much longer. I'd like to join the Air Force, I think, but I'm not sure how or what to do or anything. Could I get an education while in the Air Force? I'm a very motivated person so if I have a purpose and goals to work for, I can definitely accomplish them, but I just don't know what to do and there's no one to help. Unfortunately, I don't really have any particular skills or talents, and my education is pretty shoddy due to the abuse/neglect. I basically just need a lot of information on joining the Air Force, and the best way to go about it.Looking to join Air Force while attending community college. Need to turn life around. Need advice.?
Go to a recruiter ASAP and tell him you want to sign up and tell him your whole situation...and yes you can get a very good education in the military...I signed up for 2 years with the army and I got 34,400 dollars for college.Looking to join Air Force while attending community college. Need to turn life around. Need advice.?
If you want to talk to a recryuiter contact me. I hope your okay. Good luck to you. Report Abuse

Well you can start by going to the Air Force web site. Take a free asvab test or two. Then go talk to a recruiter. They will answer all your questions. Be specific on what you want to know. Then pick something, if you are close to a base as the recruiter to take you there and show you that career field at work so you can see what it is about. Good luck, I have been in for 20 + years and would not change a minute of my time.
See an Air Force recruiter. That branch has the Community College of the Air Force. A lot of the airmen at the base near me are taking courses at classrooms on base for college credit through that Community College of the Air Force.

Don't worry about your having been home schooled. Most of the winners and the finalists in both the National Spelling Bee and the National Geography Contest were home schooled.
i stay in North carolina i stay in charlotte i just turned 19 in oct im thiking of joining the navy so lets do it together
Try here first:

then here:鈥?/a>

then go see a recruiter.

For an education the Air Force will do well for you. Your initial job plus a few clep/dantes tests gets you an AA. That's halfway to your bachelors which is also paid for by the AF.

Good luck to you and hang in there
Everything you just mentioned doesn't matter in the AF besides school, i.e. you need to be a HS grad, sounds like you have that. The military, especially the AF, will set you on the right track to go wherever you want to. They will give you motivation, discipline, and, for you it sounds, most importantly, a family, the AF is a giant one and no matter who you meet in blue, you can consider them family as they would do just about anything for you if you ask. The AF will give you a job from a list lord knows how long and let you pick what interests you most. If you want to go to school, tell them that once you get on active duty and they won't only help you go to college, they'll ';make'; you go to college. Many enlisted folks come out of the AF amazingly focused people having gone in with their life astray. If you want a sort of guidance the military will help you with that. I think for you the AF is just what you need, a good job, good education, a resume' after you get out that will rival some college grads (that is if you don't go to college while you're in), direction, and a huge family in blue. Go talk to a recruiter and get the ball rolling, nothing is ever lost or too overwhelming.
Being that you are home schooled it could pose a bit of a problem, the Air Force would have to validate your school, Unless you have 15 colleg credits, then you are considered a traditional HS grad. As far as you not having any special skills or talkents, that is why we train you. Good Luck. Any more questions don't hesitate to ask

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