Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice about single life?

I'm almost 27. Still single. Living in a small town. Not many single guys my age. Not many singletons my age period. I feel so out of place.

Any advice on how to make the most of this time?Advice about single life?
The apostle Paul says that we should be satisfied with whatever stage we're in, whether single or married. Paul himself was single and made the most out of not being attached.

Now that I'm married, and with fatherhood around the corner, there are a lot of things I can no longer do. For example, I'm going to an NBA basketball game tonight - but that's something I may not get to do again for years!

So, have fun! Hang out with friends and develop relationships. Do things that you may never get to do in the future (travel, concerts, other events). And maybe explore moving, if you're so inclined. This is the time to explore that option and to explore career changes.

And most of all, I would suggest you use the time to help others (volunteer) and to glorify God by worshipping Him.Advice about single life?
Travel if at all possible, save every penney you can and see the world. You can stay in really inexpensive places..see for some ideas. Meet cool people and be exposed to much more than your small town has to offer.

This is the perfect time in your life to get out there since you have no obligations holding you back. Go have fun before you are settled down with a hubby and kiddies!!

good luck!

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