Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice on my life please im about to just give up!?

im not talking sucide. my dad died in 2005 because he fell from 132 ft from a cliff while i was in juvy. so the last time i said bye to him was in handcuffs and shackles. i use to live in Las Vegas with my mom i had my fecona out there. i was onyl 14 and knew who i wanted to marry. but my mom made me move to Michigan in the end of 2005. me and my sweety have still been dating and staying loyal. But now i havent talk to him in a week i have been calling and calling no naswer. and i keep having these dreams of my dad just falling i cant do anything i just watch. these dreams are getting so bad i wont sleep. i cry all day and it 2007 people say when someone dies it gets better as time passes seems like the oposite with me please give me advice what i could do. get my bf to remeber how he honestly does love me and just to put my dads accident to rest. thanx you for reading if ya can help i will read!!!!!Advice on my life please im about to just give up!?
You are working on severe depression. You need to seek counseling so you can deal with the issues in your life. A major male figure in your life left it (your dad) and you may feel guilt because you were in juvy. Once again, a major male figure in your life (boyfriend) may be leaving and you again are helpless to react. Discuss these feelings with a councilor. You need to get them out, then put them in perspective and deal with them. You will not have a normal (or happy ) life unless you do.Advice on my life please im about to just give up!?
I lost my mother in 2001 and I am still grieving. I heard the same thing that it passes in time which it has somewhat. I beleive when there is a loss of a loved one you never get over it. It doesn't hurt to cry. Don't let the grieving get in the way of your love life if you can help it. Everyone has their own way of grieving and it could take yrs. or maybe never until you are able to cope with it. You need to get on with your life though. Maybe you could seek counseling. As far as your boyfriend is concerned, if he cannot understand and stand by you through this then forget him. I have been there also. I haven't had anybody I could talk to about my mother's death but I just keep on a ticking........hang in there things will get a little better. I will pray for you. Good luck.
leave your bf a message on his phone about how much you need to talk to him and need his support
let your boyfriend know how much you need him at this point of life...and remember your dad is in a better place now...we look at death in a selfish point of view...where you dad is now is better than we are in....remember that..
Try not looking at your dad, but listening to him. What would he be saying?
My dear,

A Man is not finished if he is defeated, he is finished when he quits,

life isint an easy going. you always have nights and days, good days .. bad days, i will tell you i am much better now after a continous dark days for a period of 7 years. but what i learnt is that just keep faith in God and be easy with things, cuz you cannot panic, as what happens is what has to happen.

i would also give you a comment !


Cheers !!

You are missing your dad as even your BF is not in touch with you. You need emotional warmth. May I know your age?

I feel you are still very young and tender. Trust yourself. Trust the love your dad had for you.

Remember, hen you remember your dad, even he is remembering you from heaven and is staying around you!

Be sure his memories are deepening to help you out of some emotional disaster that may be round the corner.

Trust that your dad will help you out of everything, no matter where he is! It is easy to help our near and dear from heaven!

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