Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I really need guidance and advice about my life.?

I'm 23, living w/ parents, working full time at night for $12/hour. i went to college for 3 years but only have 23 credits. that's b/c i didn't really care, b/c i was running my dad's business, then he sold it, and i realized i can't get another job like this w/ out a college degree. and i blew all my money. dropped out of college. and that's when i start this warehouse job.

I have saved enough money to go back to college now.

so can someone give me smart advice on what should I do now? i was thinking about taking online classes and keep the job or quit the job and go to college full time?

so what should i do? i started off w/ majoring in computer science, but i'm not sure if i want to keep doing that, seems too hard and not for me. then i thought about getting Microsoft certified to get into IT career?

please give me an good smart advice, i have wasted last 2 years being lazy and doing nothing but sleeping all day and working all night for $12/hour.I really need guidance and advice about my life.?
I think it is great that you want to go back to school. Too many people in your position would not go back, they would just stay in the (deadend) job they are in. The decision to take online classes and keep working or go to school full time is not one that I, or anyone ese but you, can make. I tried online classed and found that they did not work for me. I tried it but found out I did not have the motivation to do all of the studying on my own. I found that in my case traditional classes worked better. Like I said, it is really up to you if you take traditional classes or online but I think that if you can afford to quit and go to school full time, that is the way to go.I really need guidance and advice about my life.?
It sounds like you really enjoyed running your dad's business and that you got a bit discouraged when he sold it. Maybe you didn't fully appreciate the value of college the first time around because you felt your life was already decided and this situation could be what you need to become your own independent person pursuing your own dreams. Although a million commercials and articles tell us computer science is a lucrative field, if you find it boring and hard you won't be able to make a success of it. The best way to be successful is to figure out what you really like and go for it. Believe me, I know because I started and stopped college several times myself, worked in multiple hourly wage jobs ranging from cleaning to retail and finally wound up daring to pursue my dreams as a writer (which seemed impractical to me at the time). If you want to have your own business, make it happen for yourself - you don't need your dad or anyone else to do it. Explore online learning opportunities at websites such as http://www.distance-learning-college-gui鈥?/a> to see what programs interest you the most. Start by taking a couple of classes to make sure you like the program so you can find the major you really want. Explore freelance work during the day instead of sleeping so you can finally get out of the warehouse (it seems to be making you feel like you are in a dead end). There are a variety of freelance work opportunities at websites such as iFreelance and Elance to get you started as an entrepreneur so you have valuable experience once you start your own business. Good luck!
Each morning when you wake up visualize what your life will be like when you get a college degree and what your life is now. Slowly it will seep down into your subconscious and you will be able to focus better and motivate yourself.


It is clear that you are unhappy with elements of your present situation and are ambitious enough to work to change it. If this is true, you will definitely achieve your goals!

Depending on how much money you have saved, you may want to continue your job and do online or night classes. Granted, if you have enoug money to go full time to school you may find that easier.

You may want to consider getting a 2 year associate's degree in a technical field. These are similar to computer science, but perhaps not as intense. A 2 year degree will take les time (obviously) and therefore be far less expensive that a 4 year college. Also, these jobs are IN DEMAND and make very good money in some cases. Look up schools like ITT Technical Institute or other Technical schools. Similar paths may include things like training at an aeronautics school. After such training, you make REALYL GOOD money and usually can afford to fly to any part of the world with free tickets at a whim becuase of your job. Schools like these are also very facilitative with jobs,etc., and often have an excellent career placement after graduation and throughout the rest of their alumni's lives.

Although I know that I did not give you any concrete facts about a specific school or career, you may want to look into these options. I have heard wonderful things about them from people who wanted similar things as you have expressed. Good luck!

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