Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I plan to spend the rest of my life as a tramp....anyone got any advice?

don't set your sights too high in life - it only leads to disappointmentI plan to spend the rest of my life as a tramp....anyone got any advice?

I plan to spend the rest of my life as a tramp....anyone got any advice?
Sorry to disappoint you mate ,but you cant just decide to become a tramp, its like saying tomorrow I'll be a brain surgeon. You need to be a bit more Realistic in your ambitions, and start at the bottom and work an apprenticeship as it were. So in the morning I want you to piss all over your clothes,go roll in the dirt , buy some Diamond White and become a BUM. Go live at the bus station and beg and shout at passers by, please remember you can lose points if strangers can understand what you say. 2 or 3 months later you can move into the park with several Friends, please make sure one is a toothless Scottish woman who spits and another is a young man with dreadlocks and a collie dog, Well done your now a WINO. Give it 6 more months and if you have moved at least 3 towns away, acquired a woolly hat, a belt made of the finest string and a nickname ;eg mad bob or slippery joe ,then you can stand on your knees and say ';I AM A TRAMP'; and nobody will argue with you. good luck
What do you mean by ';tramp';? Do you mean a hobo- bumming around, or someone who sells his/her body for $?

Either way, I would say, save your money (you will need it for medical care), and put your $ in the bank in accounts that earn a lot of interest. You will need all the cash you can get.

And, be careful. The world is a scary place.

Otherwise, stay in school and get a good education. No body can take your education away from you once it's earned.
Crash out under a popular ATM machine, make shivering uncoherrent speech noises. Don't give out abuse especially to females, and maybe have a cute and cuddly dog (well trained with sad eyes) to lie on your wool (but tatty) rug. You should do ok, and be able to go home, shower and have a good nite on the lash at a pub in a different town.
well you can begin by giving all your money and possessions to me

i suggest be a tramp in italy as the weather is better. then you can sleep out at the railway station hoping someone will give you something to eat youl get smelly long hair and a long beard youl get pneumonia and die and no one will care,
No advice but you must really hate yourself....the best advice I can give to you is forget about the fool or fools that have you thinking this way. It's obvious someone has hurt you. Or confront them and verbally give it to them. No need to take whatever pain someone was tried to destroy you with and destroy yourself......I'm Out
People will hate you.

You will have to sell your home and all your possesions, give away all the money chuck all your good cloths and eat out of bins and also your hair will go really greasy and you will have to sing, dance or play an instrument for money
Now would an intelligent person want to waste his life not contributing to society. i suggest you start teaching. You sound qualified enough..
Continue on as normal.

You're pretty much an asshole anyway.

You're doing good.
Well what kind of advice do you want? I say just go around and be a whore if that floats your boat.
You may already be a loser.
give me every thing you own thats a good start

anything else i can help you with?
don't discriminate
Well it won't be a long life!
Sure, if you see my cousin Violet, tell her, she owes me still 100 bucks and stay away from her ! She's bad news !!!
LMAO ! Yes, enjoy the ';joyride'; !!!!
quit your job and start drinking
Wait till next summer.to cold soon to sleep rough,
captain pugwash what ever floats your boat, judge not least ye be judged

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