Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Help! I really need some advice about my life?

Ok i really need some advice.

I don't really know where to start but at 20 my mum had an alcohol problem and accused me of assaulting her and i had to move out. I wasn't ready to move out as i wasn't financially stable. I moved in with my brother but it didn't work out so i moved in with the guy i was dating. The guy i was dating was a bit older than me and took care of me as i needed that at the time. I was really cut up about my family and stopped speaking to my mum so i basically didnt speak to either parent. He helped me a lot with a place to stay for a while and emotional support etc. He also helped me get into uni and without his help i wouldnt have done it because i was really too upset about my family and drinking etc.

I lived away from him for 3 1/2 years and we've been broken up for over a year. I live with him again now due to financial issues which I am trying to sort out and i plan to move out as soon as i find a new job. My ex has started being emotionally abusive and violent but he is the one person who has done more for me than anyone else in my life. I am going to move out as soon as i find a new job. I'm 25 and i feel like everyone is judging me and saying i have issues but i wont go to a shelter. The worst of the violence is him pushing me against a wall usually. I know people are going to judge me and i'm really upset but i dont want to move out when i cant afford it (i really have weighed up my options and cannot afford it).

I can't ask my parents for help. I just don't know where to go from here. I do have a degree, i came top at uni, i am not a complete loser i have just had some difficult stuff to deal with. I am going to focus all my energy on looking for a new job. I know i'm going to be judged because i'd rather be pushed against a wall and sworn at for the next 2 months (or until i find new job) than be in debt and not be able to support myself.

Any advice?Help! I really need some advice about my life?
The thing is you can be really cut up about this and you probably are. But please find the strenght within yourself to hold on. You have accomplished some good things your life, your uni degree for example. Secondly find a job. It can be really tough in the current economic climate to find a job but you need to find one. But you need to be ok inside and still stay as motivated as possible. Obviously if your ex is being abusive to you, you need to talk to him about it. You need to ask him why he treats you like that. You obviously respect him much because he gave you a lot of opportunities and a second chance at life. But ask him why and discuss this with him. It is not necessary to be as violent as he is. He might be upset about you guys not being together but it is even harder when you live together. Get a job, get a place and you're free. If your mom has tackled her alcohol problem it could be another chance for you to give it a go but I wouldn't think of it at the moment. But please do not pay attention to what people think of you, that is you wasting your energy and submitting to them. Please take care and good luck, feel free to email me any time.Help! I really need some advice about my life?
What do you mean by ';You will be judged';? Its YOUR life at the end of the day and what is going on is what you are suffering, not sum1 else suffering for you!

Dont be bothered about what others have to say or others have to ';judge';...

Well, concerning moving out, yeah, in my opinion, You need some kinda help. If you have a friend or sum1 who can lend you some money (on friendship basis), take it for now. Dont treat that as debt. Treat that as a life-saver for you.

You cannot go out into the world with no penny in pocket and no job in hand!!

If your partner can be violent enough to push you against a wall, he can get more violent by the day and you are not safe there at all... Dont take it to the extreme end (unless you have no other option left but to wait for the job)... Look through your contact list... I am sure you will have some1 atleast who will be willing to help you for a short period...

After you get some help, buck up and try finding a job as soon as possible...
Ok, find a job, any job for now mcdonalds, burgerking, walmart, kmart whatevermart, dont be picky for now, once you have a fulltime job you CAN support yourself, move into a small apartment (im assuming you have a vehicle) and MAKE yourself learn how to spend your money (vital step). you can learn how to cook if you dont know already so food will be cheaper. once you really look into your spending you can find many little things you can go without for at least a while till you get back on your feet. All you need is willpower. Good Luck.

P.S.%26gt;%26gt;I agree with the above statement, I wouldnt recommend staying with the guy for too long.
well u could try living with ur brother but and

i think u need God r u a christian i think u need to pray God loves u and when ever life is hard for me i turn to him he gets me thru and makes mircales happen he created the world and made us to u should read the bible God makes the blind see the deaf hear the cripled walk he heels the sick and turns the worst drug addics the acholic and the murders be pure and good and he still does that today when u turn to god ur a new person a happy person with faith and god will help u and ask Jesus for forgiveness for ur sins he suffered a great deal of pain that no one on earth can imagene all because of us if u do some thing bad u got to a horrible place called hell and because no ones perfect Jesus who was and is perfect came and took are places we where soppused to suffer and die coz of are sins ask jesus for forgiveness and u will be save and if ur babtised thats all u have to do and God and his son jesus can help u but u need to let them help God is are father creater of all and jesus is are brother they love us soo much but we r like adopted children too god becouse jesus is gods true son but i know how u feel my mother and hole family has betrayed each other and all kinds of dramas u name it but i remind myself that my family may be blood but are true family is God and Jesus and other true christians out there tho are blood runs thru are family vains it dosent matter coz are body and blood is apart of the earth are body and the world is sin and dose not last forever but God and Jesus does the love u never leave u and forgives us all for are sins that we do (we cant help it)but as long as we try to be like jesus perfect and are hearts are pure were good God and Jesus cares for u they dont juge they love u and see u in ur tuff times u need to pray and let them help go to a christian church read the the bible be apart of the church u will be out of the house so often with job searches and church u will be at home only a short time i guess only for sleep so u dont have to get beaten up and if u pray for ur ex to not hurt u god will help u just keep pray its all about how much faith u have in God trust me christians are very nice people good people u will make friends fast who nose mabey u will be such good friends u will move in with them christians make good friends u can tell them ur hard time and yous can pray together but i should warn u some people pretend to be christians u can tell when someones really close with God and Jesus they just have this heavenly glow to their faces

God bless i will pray for u prais the lord!
Who cares what anyone else thinks. This is your life not theirs. Don't get me wrong you are asking for opinions but it is just that. I do not know if you believe in God or not but either way you have to have confidence in yourself to move on. Two months can do a lot of damage to your emotions and well being. Besides it only takes once for him to go to far and then you don't get another chance. I guess what I am trying to say is personally I would rather see you take a chance and have financial stress because at least then you would still be alive to change your mind. I know this may sound extreme but honestly do you really know?
Well...I have already replied to many questions created by you........ find a job, any job for now mcdonalds, burgerking, walmart, kmart whatevermart, sybershop !! Dont be picky for now, once you have a fulltime job you can support yourself, move into a small apartment (im assuming you have a vehicle) and MAKE yourself learn how to spend your money (vital step). you can learn how to cook if you dont know already so food will be cheaper. once you really look into your spending you can find many little things you can go without for at least a while till you get back on your feet. All you need is willpower. Good Luck.

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