Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advice on extreme hardships in life?

any quotes to get through them?Advice on extreme hardships in life?
life is what happens when we are making other plans...Advice on extreme hardships in life?
Most of us go through hardships in our lives, some of us go through more than others. It is what shapes our lives and makes us who we are. We can let them get us down and become bitter, angry, sad or we can learn from them and use them to our advantage and become strong from them. No one ever said life would be easy, but wouldn't it be boring if every thing was great and wonderfull all the time. We learn to appreciate the good times from the bad times otherwise we would never know the difference. My mother always said to me when things were bleak. ';Tomorrow will be a better Day'; I have always remembered this and have thought of this saying when things were down and it always helped me get through the bad times. She was right somehow things always worked out.

Sai Ram. Pronounced as Saayee Raam, it is a greeting, a mantra and also a blessing to you.U show the intellectual aspect of your psyche and your real need to know. Happiness is the only purpose of life,.I feel as if you are tired of life so i guess your question is how to get happiness? Search deep within and try to know who you are. Who is seeking the answer to the question? Who is that you? Find that real you behind all the layers that are heaped upon by society and its conditioning.

i go through the same thing. when i get stressed and fed up i give up. and i dont think im suicidal but i feel tired and i feel like going into a deep sleep and not waking up. I think this way because i want just to let go of all of my problems for a little bit. I think there is a point where everybody gets like this. but there are ways to prevent. try to do something u like. that will get u out of that mood. if u like dancing and singing, then dance and sing.

Believe in yourself

Be brave...but it's ok to be afraid sometimes

Study hard

Give lots of kisses

Laugh often

Don't be overly concerned with your weight, it's just a number

Always try to see the glass half full

Meet new people, even if they look different to you

Remain calm, even when it seems hopeless

Take lots of naps..

Be weird whenever you have the chance

Love your friends, no matter who they are

Don't waste food


Take an occasional risk

Try to have a little fun each day.'s important

Work together as a team

Share a joke with friends

Fall in love with someone..

...and say ';I love you'; often

Express yourself creatively

Be conscious of your appearance

Always be up for surprises

Love someone with all of your heart

Share with friends

Watch your step

It will get better

There is always someone who loves you more than you
The best quote I know of in this instance is 'sh!t happens'.
Tough times never last, but tough people do.- I believe it was a quote from Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.
';When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.'; - Helen Keller
It depends on what the hardship is? No one ever promised that the life we live would be tantamount to perfection or for that matter even come close. Life itself fallable, and that's why it ultimately ends. Sickness? The body is weaker than the soul. Death? We all die, if you have faith in something greater it's not the end. Finances? What goes down can only go one direction. What is an extreme hardship?

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