Saturday, December 19, 2009

I made my bf quit WOW and hes making me feel guilty and my life miserable. any advice?

we live together, hes been playing wow for the last 3 months, its really impacting our relationship in a neg way. i gave him an ultimatim that if he doesnt quit i'll move out and we're done. i love the guy but im not gonna put up with it. he hasnt deleted his character yet but hes just giving me a hard time. ex:

-complaing that life is boring theres nothing to do

-drinking excessively

-taking pain killer

-saying that he wants to kill himself

-im a control freak

-im a bad gf

all of these things are not as serious, its very mild and i think hes just being dramatic but its so annoying.

i feel bad cuz i dont want him to be unhappy. should i just wait it out and it'll just die out?

plus im sick so we cant go out and do too much now.

life is just miserble.

thanksI made my bf quit WOW and hes making me feel guilty and my life miserable. any advice?
he is acting like a child and rebelling...the thing you should have done is this..let him play his game..but you make the choice weather to be in his life or of making him say..OK you be and do whatever you want..but I'm not sticking around to watch it and then leave...if you can go ..then him come running when he realises what he has lost and then he will make his choice the game or you...i bet he chooses you...once he feels lonely when you are no longer there and all he has is his game to cuddle at night...also let him play his game again but make sure there it is limited or it wont work...he should be allowed to indulge in his hobby interest without it affecting your relationship it just has to be done right with courtesy for each otherI made my bf quit WOW and hes making me feel guilty and my life miserable. any advice?
Taking pain killers and saying he wants to kill himself are very serious. Maybe while you are sick let him play in moderation like only 30 minutes a day not cold turkey and if he gives you a hard time tell him how the game is making him a different person than you were going out with and it is just a game that you really have feelings for him and it kills you to see him so sad and hard for you to watch....
The guy has serious problems if he has to do drugs or alcohol to get over NOT doing a video game. It suggests an addictive personality. I'd suggest you go ahead and get out of a bad situation before it gets worse. The WOW in and of itself wasn't likely as big a problem as you thought but the other two things definitely are.
this guy has got some problems,

sounds like he needs a mental evaluation or something.

and if life is so miserable then leave him, seriously.

even if it is hard, its harder now.

you'd be better off with out him.
hes got some issues if hes that freakin addicted to a game

i mean im sure its fun and all but seriously?

thats just not right
what does playing WOW mean please.^^
leave him, cause hes putting a video game before you
Anything can be an addiction, anything can be bad, that sounds bad all together, Pain killer and excessive drinking, you don't watch the news do you? Come on girl, do you want that in your life, sorry bad question, you obviously do, you are still living with him. WOW isn't evil, but taking pain killers and drinking excessively is called SUICIDE. All it takes is the right amount of pain killer and the right amount of alcohol in his blood stream at the right time. You obviously want to go through all that or you would get away from it. Yes, oh you love him, so did I, even after I put his *** in jail for High and Aggravated Criminal Domestic Violence, and even after he got out and I went back to him, and ended up pregnant and he still hit me, I wanted to be there until I realized I had to get on with my life, no matter how much I loved him. He didn't.......couldn't love me, or his son. Please take a good look at your life and where you want it to go. Do you really want to be the one everyone feels sorry for at his funeral, after he od's. Um, it all comes down to logic my friend.

K+1 for 43 more days!

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