Saturday, December 19, 2009

Senior citizens - any advice on getting through life?

I respect my elders most of the time just for making it to their age. I am 34. What is the best way to face all of the challenges that life throws you?Senior citizens - any advice on getting through life?
Well geez young 'un!! I'm 53--been dealt some blows, tad of cancer, lost my mom, brother, sister (well, didn't just lose em like they got lost, they died). Sooo-you just keep smiling, find the humor in life, enjoy the little things (sun comes up every morning and you see it!!), pet your dog and kitty, go to work (thank God you're able to), sit at the computer and be able to move your dang ole fingers!!! Like my good friend says--';Any day above ground is a good one';Senior citizens - any advice on getting through life?
Have faith,GOD get you this far!
Start saving money and leading a healthy lifestye NOW.
relax,,,enjoy your isn't a destination it's a journey...but I'm only 57
i'm 67 and all i can say is thake care of your body .you only get one in life. if looks to heavy get some help or a hand truck .cause i thought i was super man i thought if i can lift it it's ok ..NOT iv'e got bad knees, thumbs,back has a blown disc that they can't fix. had to retire at 62 . don't do drugs or smoke or drink boose just be happy in your own skin. in my mind i'm about 45 but my body says different . just try to be happy do things that make you laugh and beleive in the lord he will help you in tough times dale
I'm only 38, I asked my grandma when I was little if she ever thought when she was young that she would be a grandmother one day, I remember her telling me she never felt older than 25 inside, and she lived to be pretty old, and was gardening on the very day she died.

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