Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can a lost soul get some advice please about life........?

Being an adult is hard. I feel overwhelmed. I have to keep up with a lot of stuff on my own now like doctor appointments, ortho appts., when bills are due (even though my mom %26amp; bro pay some of them), etc. I have to make sure I get all my school stuff in order every semester and on time. I put everything off so this is hard for me. I think it is because of anxiety. Then there is the drama I get myself in by trying to make friendships with people that don't want one with me. I have this really bad and it's starting to consume my life. I feel worthless unless I make these relationships work. I tell myself if I can overcome this than I can overcome other things. Yeah...crazy, I know. I am starting to think these people know this and are getting a kick out of ignoring and rejecting me.Can a lost soul get some advice please about life........?
Develop a meaning lasting relationship with Jesus. He won't let you down or leave you.Can a lost soul get some advice please about life........?
Well you can either realise this is how most people feel at some stage or you can join a religion and blame it on ...Oh I don't know failure to be fearful enough/bad incarnation/Not submitting to some medieval prophet's skewed view of morality.So my friend the choice lies with you to do something rather than wait for it to happen.
I've done some of that too and understand how you feel. I found that walking by faith is the surest way to happiness. Draw closer to the Lord and pray constantly. I know the devil would love to destroy you and me too but we can find that place of peace in Christ and not worry about friendships so much but ask the Lord to help us with friendships and expenses, and getting our lives together. God bless you!!!
I agree with the poster that mentioned counseling.

I think many of us have felt overwhelmed or anxious with all the responsibilities life can throw at you. If it is becoming overwhelming, you should talk with your doctor and a counselor.

Best wishes.
You really are in need of some therapy. I'm not saying that to be mean, but to be helpful. A counselor can help you examine why you have these self-destructive behaviors, anxiety and self-esteem issues.
Look for people you get along with. Don't waste your time on those you don't.
Take a deep breath and hang in there ..
I agree that counseling will help you transition better into the adult world...look into it
Forget everyone in life. You are on this journey, your path, alone. Forget making friends and all that stuff. Enjoy the company you have in your life and if more come along, let it happen naturally. You shouldnt force it. Find the faith and self confidence in yourself, so that you dont have to depend on your relationships with others, to make you feel satisfied. When things get tough, take it as a test. Are you strong..... or weak? Will you pass..... or fail? When things get tough , I like to remind myself of all the unfortunate situations so many others are in, that are so much worse than mine. It kinda makes you just be greatful for what you have , and get over the petty difficulties. You will be alright. If anything, this time for you will make you stronger. But do not whimper and complain about it. Take it face up, with your head high, and know that everything happens for a reason. And that this is just a moment in time...it will pass.
Hi there.

Genesis 2: 7:

And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a ';LIVING SOUL';.


You questioner, are a living soul; just like Adam; just like me and every other human.


Don't worry either, because we all go through what you do. It's hard to trust anyone in today's world, but we keep plugging away. For instance, I did the part about meeting a very good friend about 5 months ago. Now she is my caregiver and I trust her utmostly because she's proven herself and also told me when she first met me that she hoped that she could gain a friend; a genuine friendship. She has told me most all of her deepest secrets and some of mine I've told her also.

Now for the struggling part; today my internet service and cable was turned off. I thought I paid the bill over a week ago but they said my bank account came back NSF so I went in to check out my bank today. It had over $462 in deficit?? It was from a charge that I did not authorize a while back that a company snuck in and charged anyway, so all of my payments I made are all coming back NSF and obviously I don't have the money, so I was able to borrow some money just to get my internet/phone/cable services back up and going. Just an extra bill I have and with my disability money now, it's so very hard.

I am not able to do the things I used to do, but nonetheless, I am still here. I just had surgery and require more; oh well, such as life.

Anyway, what I am saying is you're not alone and you can overcome, it's just that some days are better than others and we have to take them when we get them and cherish them --- tightly.

One day soon however, we won't have to struggle and work our fingers to the bone because we will all own our houses and no one can take them away and we will not have to work for money because Jehovah God says so. If you can hang on a little while longer and pray for endurance to make you stronger, and to keep putting up just a bit longer, you too will share in the new system free from stress, strife, toiling and laboring for money that is taken from you, free from crime, free from illness, free from sin but the last sin to be removed is death. We will not grow old and die.

You will have some bad days, but you've got quite a heavy load at this time. Some days will be much better, but life is not a fairytale. You will eventually find friends that you can trust who are on the ';same level'; as you are. We go through life and sometimes when I thought I'd found a friend, it turned out to be anything but; now I have just two friends that I love and cherish very much; I have patience with them as do they with me, and I don't expect too much except their honesty, love and forgiveness. I have that with them and everything else falls into place.

Prayer to Jehovah God also helps me. You will survive and ask Jehovah for a true blue friend. If your heart is in the right place, he will deliver because having a true blue, loving, trustworthy friend is within Jehovah God's will.
Please read the Bible, New Testament first. I found answers there. It's important to pray for God's will in your life. If you are out of His will, you will waste a lot of time and make bad choices. I'll pray for you. Here are some Bible verses to look up that may help you: Proverbs 3:5,6; Romans 10:13, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, John 3:16, Philippians 4:6,7. Also, try to find a good Bible-believing church to attend. You seem to have a bad case of scrambled priorities.
';Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.'; - Matthew 11:28-30

';I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

sometimes the only thing that keeps me from going crazy is knowing that God is in control of everything. put everything in His hands, He cares more about your situation than you know. its only when we acknowledge that we cant do it ourselves that He can begin to work in our lives. God bless you.
Unfortunately, in this life, stress is inevitable. However, when we are rejected we know that even Jesus was rejected too. Just think about it... if the very son of God was rejected, it is not far-fetched that we would be also. But if that is the worst that happens to you in your life, then, (not to belittle your problem) but you are doing pretty good.

I understand the stressors of becoming an adult, as I was married at the early age of 20. But, with time, you learn how to cope. Just take it step by step and don't be so hard on yourself. You are secure in Christ. He loves you and fully accepts you for who you are.

God bless you. %26lt;%26gt;%26lt;

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