Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'm going through the worst days of my life. Does anyone have advice?

This is an update on:;鈥?/a>

In the past two months I've had two other interviews with different agencies and the result: Failure. I wish I didn't feel so inadequate and insignificant. I've suffered another lost as well: I've stopped talking to my braggy friend, since he has no compassion what so ever and feels the need to make fun of other's misfortunes, namely my own. Now he has - since he lost his job and got a new one that's better - this ';now-you-know-how-I felt-like'; attitude. Except for one thing: I never braged about how he didn't have a job and I did, I was always there for him, telling him to keep working at it (i.e create a resume) but now he has a permanent high paying job and he didn't have to do a resume at all nor did he interview. Why do I have such bad luck? Maybe if I get a new job, I'll find better mature friends. I'm terribly anxious for success and feel it'll never comeI'm going through the worst days of my life. Does anyone have advice?
I have a friend just like yours. He's actually not a friend anymore because of the fact that he was a jerk about other things as well. I finally just let it go. Patience and hard work is what you will need to be consistent with. As hard as it is to keep going sometimes it's worth it. I have been one of those people that had to work hard in my life in almost any aspect. In the end I feel wonderful when I achieve my goal. It's the best feeling. My father always said, ';Anything worth having is worth working really hard for';. So true so true. If I had things handed to me the way that person I once knew did I wouldn't appreciate the goals I've achieved 1/2 as much as I do now. Stay positive.I'm going through the worst days of my life. Does anyone have advice?
Patience blows but it's true. You have to be patient. Otherwise, you set yourself to fail by jumping in too quickly.
I feel the same way. It's quite depressing sometimes. Patience is the key. Knowing that one day your goal will be fulfilled is also motivating. Hang in there.
mister or (missus )i have a shining resume and ever since i moved here one and a half years ago ...seeing no one can pay me what i had before ... but i have gone through some really hard hard times .. i wish to god it woulda been 2 MONTHS!( like you!) but its been a year and a half... and i still do not have a decent job better yet i took a job close to me and this guy that ran the place started cutting hours a month or less after it opened so I collected unemployment which is what I am on now... and for your friend - any one who shoves stuff in your face or whatever... is NO friend of yours... lose that friend -that is no friend to begin with ... i am glad you do not talk to that stupid braggart let him come back to you BEGGING if he really desires friendship... sorry I am sick of stupid people who claim to be your friend or stupid jobs that claim this and that ... I am setting my standard high and so should you!! AMEN BRUTHAH?
Quit whining and feeling sorry for yourself.My sister is the same way.All this Envy and Self Pitty.Let it go!!!!!!The things you want in life will come to you when you stop looking for it and just relax.Things seem to just fall into place at the srtangest times and places.Try doing something for someone else or volunteer your time just to get some free advice or free career training and everything will fall into place from out of no where.Trust me on this one.It worked for me.Just Let It Go!!!!!

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