Saturday, December 19, 2009

I need advice on my life.?

Ok, im pretty smart person, I could be a lawyer, Jornalist, Teacher etc if i wanted. But what I really want is to be a Director/scriptwriter. Its a v. hard industry to get into, what would you do, should i choose a steady career, or follow my dream and HOPE i make it ? Please its really upsetting me !I need advice on my life.?
Why not do both? A friend of mine has a dream of becoming an actor. But, just like directing and scriptwriting, it is a hard profession to break into. So he became a Nurse Practitioner and is making a very good living (around 80k + per year) for himself while he auditions for parts. Don't hedge all your bets on one pursuit. You should ALWAYS have a backup plan while chasing your dreams. Also, since you are a smart person, do not deprive the world of your intelligence. I am finding that smart people are a dying breed within our society, and to not utilize your skills would be a real shame. Good luck to you, and never stop achieving.I need advice on my life.?
im in video production. go to school for it. i dont know how old you are, but i would suggest going to a film school. other than that, i work with a director and you have to start from the bottom and work your way up. why dont you look up some video production companies in your area and ask if they need an intern. once you intern with someone you get a feel for how the business is, you get your foot in the door and in a lot of cases you get to move up from there.
you are pretty smart person so try to get your target

1 you should study in relative section and don't spend your time free

2 try to find out good friend which has same position and you should earn some thing from them

3 if you can't reach to your desire pls don't worry god will solve your problem
i think you should follow your dream. another option is get a steady job for now and work on getting your dream started at the same time. you will meet more people and get more resources.
Please follow your dream. Good luck to you!
One of the worst things in life is having a job you hate, or are not really into at all. If you don't follow your dream and at least try, you will regret it for the rest of your life. And you will probobly spend alot of timing wondering what if???
Choose a steady career and attend college for Director/Scriptwriting.
Go into a field you think you will enjoy. Do not take on a career just because it pays well. Just because you make the money, doesn't mean it brings happiness as much as some might say it does. The stress, deadaches, etc. are not worth it.
you have to do what makes you also have to do what's important to you, what do you want from you life.
Why not do both, go for a double major.
you could choose both...

I think you should first choose a steady and acceptable career like a Lawyer, if that doesn't work out than be a director.
If you're serious, get a job as an Entertainment lawyer. You'll make the contacts you need to get your work the attention you want. Also, try to have a book or some short stories published before you approach anyone, you'll have a legitimacy to you if you have published works.
Follow your dream.... I hope to see something that youve written.
Definately go for the dream--but ';hope'; reflects doubt...if you are doubting yourself %26amp; your choice, you will forever push that dream just out of your reach...soooo, start rethinking %26amp; Go for it!!!

By the way, you could always position yourself in a job that relates to your dream--one that could open a least the bills get paid, and you will have provided yourself the opportunity to socialize with, %26amp; learn from, those in %26amp; around the biz...See???

Imagine, as a teacher...reading a student's paper %26amp; discovering the next writing talent of the times?
Follow your dream - Do what you love, money will definitely follow.
You already said it yourself. You're a pretty smart guy and you can be anything you wanted to be. Your dream is to be a director or script writer. Well, follow your dream, take up a directorial or writing class. But at same time, pursue also a another course or career. A second alternative just in case, you would have a hard time in your first choice. It is always good to have something to fall back into if you fail in your first career.

I have a friend who double major in college, she took Psychology and at the same time Accounting. Either way, she's very good at both and is very successful.

You can do the same.
Well i guess the best thing to do is to make sure that you use the oppurtunities that you have at the moment. It would be really sad if you sat years from saying.';Man! I could have become a Laywer';. But also remember that if your heart is not in something you shouldn't go for it. I mean sure there'll be ups and downs but I guess that it'll work out in the long run.
follow your dream, but if you end up really really old with no checking account living in your moms that point I would give up and get a boring job.
You should pursue your interests in college, get involved in extracurricular activities and internships related to your dream job and if that doesn't work out, you can always go to grad school after college. I know that to be a lawyer, you can major in a variety of social science/humanities/language majors as far as you complete your pre-law requirements. So if you haven't picked your major yet, choose a major that will prepare you to be a director/scrpwriter and follow your dreams. Also, remember that our generation is going to live to be about 100 so chances are you will have more than one career in your life so feel free to explore your options. A career in journalism can also land you a job as a director/scrpwriter, since being involved in the media helps you establish those connections.

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