Saturday, December 19, 2009

BREAKUP! How long or what will it take for yoru ex-gf to miss me? Some life experiences or advice. THANKS!?

Me and this girl broke up after 3 1/2 months. (I 29 she 25) Initially she told me that she lost the spark. She wanted to stay friends badly!. I kept asking her i wanted her back sweetly. We fought over the next 3 weeks about getting back. She said things like you cant force it, give it time, etc.. Then she started to call me a crazy person cause i persisted and i know i did. Last night i get a text from her telling me the reasons for a break up. My charm got old. She was no longer attracted to me cause she is outta my league, my asskising got sickening and now she says she will never be friends and wants nothing to do with me. I pushed to far? . Will she ever talk to me again. Has anyone ever had someone talk to them again after something like this. I really just wanted to stay friends. Saw her recently and she said hello. We tried to talk but she said she has nothing to say? The happened to her? She said she will regret the breakup. Why would she if she wanted it over!BREAKUP! How long or what will it take for yoru ex-gf to miss me? Some life experiences or advice. THANKS!?
She is a human being and needs to be treated as such. Yes, you pushed too far. Unless you want to make things even worse, try your hardest to forget her. If it's meant to be, maybe you'll be back together in the future. But don't even try right now. =]

It all makes sense in a girl's eyes. She wanted you, but who she thought you were isn't the person you are right now. She wanted the you she thought you were, and therefore regrets. But don't worry. It takes time. And chances are, you'll find a woman who is WAY better for you -- a perfect match.

Just take it easy for awhile. Go on some fun -not trapping- dates with some other people. And let your date be a person... not someone who lives just for you =] No one can stand a person who tries too hard. Just let it be... play it cool =]

Best of luck!!!BREAKUP! How long or what will it take for yoru ex-gf to miss me? Some life experiences or advice. THANKS!?
your screwed let it go. you sound wayyy too obsessive so just use this as a lesson and dont make the same mistake with the next girl. and if a girl really likes you there is no need to be a suckup
First of all do not bug her. That would ruin any chance of u guys being together. I am a girl and i have been through this before. Doent let this bring u down. Forget about it and when the time is right she might come back for u if anything. Try not to chewed up and spit out in other words doent be VARNIBLE. Keep living ur life and good things will come;)
If she just got out of a relationship where she needed a restraining order and your acting like this - well lets see - maybe you scared the crap out of her and she will probably never come back to you - the best advice I can give you is to not contact her in anyway - if she changed her mind then it's her choice - if not - move on...

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