Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Any advice on how to deal with the shittiest week of ur life?

if anyone has any suggestions... i would be thankful.. its wayyy past midnight and i cant even go sleep. lifes so #*@!ed up right now...Any advice on how to deal with the shittiest week of ur life?
Well I had the worst YEAR of my life so I think I can help you. You just have to struggle through it. It gets better. Just concentrate on the things that are important in your life, like work or school or friends and use it as a distraction. You have to pick your self up and dust your self off and just live. Get past it. Don't dwell on it either. It doesn't help. Shake it off and welcome the future. Meet the new week with optimism and hope. It's tough cookies I know, but it's the hard truth. Good luck!Any advice on how to deal with the shittiest week of ur life?
everyone has **** weeks.

its just the way life goes.

i like to listen to my ipod.

do something you like or enjoy. watch something funny maybe.

stop thinking about it.

the problem is that you have nothing else in your head to think about but that.

do something.

it will get ur mind off it.

when it gets **** again just think about how it will sort out and you have a great future.
Two suggestions.

Exercise. It releases endorphins, making you happy. It is also a good way to get tired.

Go and enjoy nature. It won't help you with sleep, but it always cheers me up.
When you think it can't get any worse, it does!!! The good times are just worth it!!!
three words

ben and jerry's

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