Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Am i wasting my teenage love life waiting for college? Please give me advice!

I get really depressed when i see films or stuff like that where teenagers are in relationships. Im depressed at the minute because im after seeing ';angus, thongs, and perfect snogging';. Ive went with girls before, but not many, but ive never been in a relationship. Im not that bad looking and im popular, but all the girls i know are friends. I really wish i was in a relationship, but ive always said to myself i can wait until i go to college and then really live life to the full, but its just not the same as teenage love, is it? Im 16.

Any advice? THANKS.Am i wasting my teenage love life waiting for college? Please give me advice!
You shouldn't work yourself up about it. and don't worry about missing out on ';teenage love'; its not that different. and if ur really that worried about it then just go out there and look. it shouldn't matter too much if there your mate, if u like them go for it. u wont get anywhere in life unless u risk it.Am i wasting my teenage love life waiting for college? Please give me advice!
i know how you feel. i am just starting my teenage life at 14 and i too always get so upset when i see teen couples.i have guy friends but they are like my brothers.plus i want to date guys who are between 14and16 only because i hate guys at my age they are so immature...sorry going on about myself...but if you wanna date right now you can...there are nice girls out there who I'm sure are looking just like you.don't save yourself unless you want to hon.

e-mail me any time.
Well, i personally think you should live you life!

Ask out the next girl you find, ok well maybe not the next girl you find but you know what i mean.

Buuuuut, if you want to wait, wait if you want! but having teenage love is fun!!

Take a risk and ask out sonmeone!
You sound like a really lovely guy, why not ask one of your ';friends'; out on a trip to the cinema/ for a pizza to try to get to know each other a bit better. I bet a few of them fancy you! Good luck!
omg! don't limit yourself. live your life man!....
I think you are having difficulty getting into a relationship so you are just kidding yourself that you are deliberately waiting.

There's nothing to wait for, just live your life. Not to be morbid, but you could die in a car accident tomorrow. Any of us could. So why wait for something that may never happen.

The fledgling relationships you have as a teen prepare you for college life. Your relationships become more complex and deep as you get older. But if you deliberately avoid putting in the practice as a teen, you will find yourself feeling insecure, and lacking confidence in more adult relationships.

So never make the conscious decision to avoid relationships assuming that they will just fall into place when you are older.

Live life to the full NOW. You won't be 16 again.
Well there is kind of a double edged sword here. Teenage relationships aren't like the movies and sometimes I wish I had never dated anyone in high school because it was a waste of time... however it's also bad to try to have a serious relationship in college if you've never had any experience. I dated someone in who had never had a real relationship before when we were 21 and it was really difficult. He never had the emotional maturity and experience to be able to handle a real adult relationship. If you are looking too hard for someone you're probably missing them right in front of your face. Just don't be desperate for love and it will come your way, I don't think you should NOT date in high school to wait until college though.

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