Friday, April 30, 2010

Women-I need your advice....about our bed life with my boyfriend..?

I guess I feel like I know when I met him he put me 1st to you know what...and no, he goes off in 1 minute, and I don't. I get really excited, and can't finish. It makes me very angry and so I just lay there dead, turned off, not wanting anymore. I kind of feel used when he gets off, and I don't. He feels bad and tries his finger, but hey, that is not what I want. Am i normal to feel frustrated and angry?Women-I need your advice....about our bed life with my boyfriend..?
Im not a female but me and my girlfriend been together for five years. After I get off, I make her get off by giving her oral. And we both go to bed happy, he should do the same you guys sex lives will be a whole lot better!Women-I need your advice....about our bed life with my boyfriend..?
If you have not talked to him about it, you should. Maybe he doesn't realize how it is affecting you emotionally. This may be something he can't control. If that is the case, you should try to be more understanding.
Of course you are normal in feeling angry and frustrated...but also know that if you are blatantly blaming him for this, you may be adding to his own anxiety for not performing for long enough, which may make him more premature...

Like 'jrw' said - have you talked to him about it and let him know how its affecting you? Because if this keeps on going, your sex life and emotional state is going to suffer because of this...

There are a few ideas to try:

(1) Have him bring you to orgasm orally and/or with his fingers 2-3 times before having sex

(2) Having him bring you *very close* to orgasm a few times, so you are in a highly aroused state, then have sex, so you will have a much higher likelihood of orgasmic during intercourse yourself.

(3) He has going to, with your help, need to work on his delaying his own gratification - this can usually be done both through his own masturbation and the two of you having sex by using for example a stop-start method where as soon as he comes close to the point of no-return, he backs off and reduces all stimulation, lets his arousal die down and get back into it. Repeat atleast 3 more times. Over time this will increase how long he can have sex without reaching climax

See how those 3 ideas resonate with you and we can go from there...



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