Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I WILL lose weight and get the life I deserve! Advice?

Hello everyone.

I am currently 262 lbs. My highest weight is 282 lbs so that's a 20 lb loss.

I'm not expecting any miracles or anything, but I know i have to work hard to finally get my weight loss goals accomplished. In the past I have quit because i failed on one thing, when I should have just kept going. Now that I have all the research and knowledge I need and more importantly the PATIENCE to keep going through all the mistakes. Overall, I have lost 20 lbs and my goal is lose over 100.

I don't really know how my life will change AFTER I hit my goal weight but I know it will be better than what it currently is, because I will feel better about myself and I will be more confident naturally.

Do you have any advice if you have done it and also if you know alot about exercise and have advice on weight loss in general.

Thanks.I WILL lose weight and get the life I deserve! Advice?
try the specail K diet, it worked for me, I went from 245 to 170; good luck! :) http://www.specialk.com/#/SpecialKI WILL lose weight and get the life I deserve! Advice?
You are doing so amazing. I'm so proud of you for losing the 20 lbs. Think of how amazing it will be when you get to where you want to be! You can do it! I know you can!

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