Tuesday, April 27, 2010

If you know you will die tomorrow, what advice, garnered from your life, will you give your children?

You can always catch more flies with honey....

Always have an extra set of underwear, never know when they might come in handy....

Let the important people in your life know how you feel, bottling up your emotions will hurt in the long run....

Don't waste your time with people who make you cry, they are not worth it....

I can think of lots more, but those are the main ones.If you know you will die tomorrow, what advice, garnered from your life, will you give your children?
I would tell them to always follow their hearts, never stop looking up and believe in themselves.If you know you will die tomorrow, what advice, garnered from your life, will you give your children?
Live each day as if it is your first and only day. Because it just may be.
if you know when you are going to die that is worth millions .......but no one knows that answer and when it happens there is nothing you can do about it !!
Don't regret your choices in life, learn from them.
Never settle for the path of least resistance

Living might mean taking chances

But they're worth taking

Lovin' might be a mistake

But it's worth making

Don't let some hell bent heart

Leave you bitter

When you come close to selling out

Reconsider And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance
I would tell them never to have kids, all they do is suck the life out of you.
Honestly if I knew that I would die tomorrow, I would do much different.

I tell my children everyday that I love them and how much they mean to me, I stress honesty, politeness, respect, courage, etc.

I would just make sure I told them to live everyday to the fullest, and tell them that I'll ALWAYS be with them and watching over them. I would tell them that I want them to be happy, and to stay away from negative influences.

Don't let the little things get you down. Sometimes life is crappy, but with stength they'll get through it. And ALWAYS ALWAYS be there for one another.

But mainly I would want them to know that I am not leaving them, it was just my time to go and they should always always remember that I love them.
I would just want him to know that I loved him more than anything in this world. And that i hoped he would grow up to be a productive part of society. And to always follow his heart.

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