Friday, April 30, 2010

My love life is allfxed up. I need help going into my junior year. Any Advice?

I know have have a long life ahead of me to meet a potential love interest. But im aiming towards falling in love soon.

I am so happy when im in love, its amazing. I would really like to have someone in my life again.

Something akward will be seeing my ex everyday at school... she left me for one of my friends, ive stopped talking to both the friend and my ex. I really liked her alot and was crushed when she told me she would rather have my friend than me.

I dont know what kind of things will be said about me, and if anyone will even want me. They'll know that i loved her. and im wont be that untouched guy anymore, is this bad?

We use to make out in the hallway alot, im hoping this wont affect how other girls look at me, because personally a quick kiss goodbye would be just as good.

Will another girl be able to see me as a potential love?

What kind of things should i do to let girls know im ';available';?

Thanks people ^_^

My love life is allfxed up. I need help going into my junior year. Any Advice?

Well junior year is a year of

school, school, school,(i'm a junior too)

but everyone needs love.

Well about making out in the hallway

with your ex, it shouldn't matter cause she's

your EX.

But if anything i say you play it

chill and don't force it let love come to

you, don't go looking for it.

Hey but i'm not saying if you see a cute girl you're

interested in you shouldn't go for it.

By all means do what you have to do.

Well those are my ';words of wisdom';.

Good Luck.My love life is allfxed up. I need help going into my junior year. Any Advice?
hey look. be yourself. be cool. don't jump at people, don't flirt. real girls like to be talked to like normal people, not cats. like i said, don't be phony. chill out and pass our classes. i'm a junior too acctually, and i've found that people are attracted to you when you aren't the one persuing others. look confident in yourself and people will be drawn to youre positive energy.

good luck :)
just get out their and be nice to evey girl, even the one you don't like cuz girls pick up on that. also hang out with many girls as you can it make girls notice that and will wounder why is she with him trust me on that.

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