Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life Problems. Please Give Advice.?

I have a problem. My mom and dad are getting divorced, because my dad cheated. Anyways, My dad cheated on my mom over like 13 times. Oh, I forgot to tell you my mom and dad has been together for about 19 years. My mom had sex at 16 and couldn't finish high school or college. So, Finally my mom is going to college to get a few degrees in medicine. She's picking up on her life, and I'm proud of her. We moved in my grandma's house, so my mom can save up money for a new house and a new car. She's going out with a 42 year old man. In the navy, slim, and very funny. So, He is making her extremely happy. And I don't have to worry about my mom getting pregent, because she got her tubes tied.

Now on my dad. He's sweet, but a man who makes wrong dissions. Currently he has one girlfriend. [Who I haven't met yet] I was going through his phone. [To find his games on his phone] And I saw text messages to a girl to the name of Jenny Malitia. My dad smokes and drinks beer. And he has been smoking ever since he was 15. And he is 35, so he has a short life ahead of him. He never spends time with me. I only see him about 2 times in a month, but I don't worry about it, because he is a bad person and he can't hurt my feelings. I'm stronger than him even though he's older. He was never a father to me. My mom is getting a lawyer to divorce my father. Every soon she will divorce him, marry her boyfriend, get a swell good, and get about 3 degrees in medicine.

I need advice. I know that the reason they broke up wasn't me. It was their poor relationship. And the unability to express their feelings and stop being attracted to other people. I just need someone wise to guide me through it. And keep me safe. I'm not going to commit suicide and I'm not going to cut myself. I have self control. I need a friend. A soulmate. A person. A ..... Fa...mi....ly..... That I will never have. A complete unbreakable, lovely, unstoppable, unbelievable, wonder family. This is my story, My life.

Send me advice.Life Problems. Please Give Advice.?
My parents wetre married for 25 yrs when my dad met someone else and decided he wanted to marry her instead. He did, 1 month after the divorce was final. I have yet to meet her. My mom was broken after this and has slowly come out of her black abyss and has her first job since i was 4 (i am now 28). She has her own place with my younger sister for the first time in her life. She married at 16. My father and i have a very strained relationship and my sister won't even talk to him. Now that you know where i come from, i'll tell ya how i got through it. You need to confront your parents about how you are feeling. You need to realize that you do have a family, even if they are not always what you need them to be. Adults can be very blind when it comes to how their dramatic life affects their kids. i am sure both your parents love you and want what is best for you. You didn't mention how YOU got along with your moms bf. If your mom is serious about him, he should be building a relationship with you too. He won't replace your dad or anything, but he could be a family just as much. My new father-in-law has made me feel like i have a dad there for me when my own father is 8 states away and barely talks to me. I have had friends parents be there for me in ways my own couldn't have been. You need to look outside the box when defining family. Anyone who listens, and loves you and values you is family. Anyone who makes you feel good about yourself is family. You will be ok.It takes time and i am sure you will find your way. If you need someone to talk to about it, feel free to e-mail me or message me. Good luck hun.Life Problems. Please Give Advice.?
you don't say how old you are but if ur father was never a father to you then don't worry about him and focus on your mom. if she took you with her it only means she loves you. And you know what? She IS your FAMILY. Talk about your feelings with your mom let her know that need a safe haven and that you are proud of her and her new relationship. Moms need our kids support too. As long as you have each other it will be all right. Good Luck!
there is a place for you,

God has a free gift of salvation, that will put you into


eternal, Born again Christian family.

God being who he is, wishes you to never be on your own,

and with the Salvation,

and guidance,

will place you into a

Bible honouring Christian group.


but wait there is more,

you want a completely unbreakable family...

A complete unbreakable, lovely, unstoppable, unbelievable, wonder family......

Then this is the person that you need to become,

God will help you,

and perhaps lead you in a direction, that you overlook frequently.

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