Friday, April 30, 2010

Love life,health,job disturbed,advice wn 2 be better as per astro, wt r overcomes, hw much 2 wait?

i born 10/1/82 at 01:05 am in batala punjab.Love life,health,job disturbed,advice wn 2 be better as per astro, wt r overcomes, hw much 2 wait?
What?Love life,health,job disturbed,advice wn 2 be better as per astro, wt r overcomes, hw much 2 wait?
If i were a professional fortune teller, i would not be here writing this to you for free??
How much to wait? Don't wait; do something. Things don't happen - you've to make them happen.
Go Ahead !

You have to do some thing yourself. You don't have to wait for a long time. You take your action and keep your finger crossed, for the result as long as the gestation period is over. You are one few lucky persons, who have recently enjoyed 25th Birthday, just about 60 days back.

Happy belated Birthday !! :)

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