Friday, April 30, 2010

19 yr old Life Insurance Agent...Tips & Advice!!!?

To make a long story short......I was an apt setter/telemarketer for a couple of months(great @ it), but realized that for my hard work, I was only getting less than 5% of the cut.....%26amp; it wasn't an easy job(State Farm)

When I finally figured it out %26amp; started asking questions, I got let go, but not before it hit me that the only thing keeping me from the BIG CUT, was a license.....*duh*, lol

Anyways, I got with Aflac %26amp; they're great, they paid for everything(for me) !!!! I have the best trainer, studied for about 2 wks, got an 80% on my test %26amp; waiting for my writing #.........I'm Soooo Ready!!!!

I know it's not going to be easy, but I'm no stranger to hardwork......

I don't care about going door to door, or making hundreds of calls a day, because it'll be well worth it.

Any tips from seasoned agents?? I want to know everything!!!

Thanx =)19 yr old Life Insurance Agent...Tips %26amp; Advice!!!?
Good for you!!!!! I am licensed in property, casualty and life too. It sounds like you are a very motivated person. That's great. Since you've worked as a telemarketer rejection probably does not bother you. Which is great because you'll get a lot of it. But after 10 rejections you'll get a sale and it will all be worth it.

One thing that is very important is good customer service AFTER to make the sale. That will lead to referals and MORE sales.

Good luck!19 yr old Life Insurance Agent...Tips %26amp; Advice!!!?
I also started at this age. First of all things have changed, especially with the telemarketing, be careful not to call people who are on the do not call list

Secondly, I would make a system for follow up. Peoples policies have expiration dates and shop and change insurance often. Even if you don't make a sale now, at renewal you can always revisit the lead and see if they would like a quote. Persistence pays off!

Also I would endeavor to get your college degree and your property casualty license. You can't be hired by a major multi line company like State Farm or Nationwide without it. Also the renewal commissions are way better on P%26amp;C than on life and health. Keep in mind you will be responsible for withholding your own taxes and social security, will have to buy E%26amp;O coverage and health insurance/ retirement. Some companies like Allstate hire agents as employees who sacrifice independence for the latter issues being covered.

It's a good business, a little scary but flexible. If you are a woman, especially a woman of color, you have a lot of potential! Go for it.
I would have filed a complaint with the Insurance Commissioner for the agent at State Farm that hired you because you did not know that you might have needed a license to do what you were doing.

As it was you were screwed by not even getting minimum wage. Well could have been your fault too but I feel bad that you had that experience.

But I applaud you for getting smart and getting your license. And, all you have to do is work hard and you will make unlimited money. What many people do not realize is that not everyone ';fits'; into one box like the school system teaches. That is why it is failing.

And, its too bad that schools do not teach about getting your own business and making unlimited income and hard work. For people that have come from ';nothing'; and I am not saying that is you, but this career is a way out of proverty and so is any job that you can earn commission if you work hard and have a good product.

Congratulations on where you are and where you are going. You are so, so, so, so, lucky to start so young with so much energy. I would wish you luck but you do not need any. You are on your way to success. Just remember that.

You apparently already have the most important thing down and thats aggressively going after what you want. I think you should keep building on your knowledge and get licensed in other areas. Folks need financial planners who can help them with all sorts of financial problems. You will be a zillionaire before you know it.
Looks like you have the right attitude. I can say the most important thing is to make sure your writing with the right companies, and ur getting the right commission levels. I work for an imo as a brokerage manager- we help agents once they identify a client by running quotes with about 25 carriers- this makes sure they have the best rate-we then get you the right forms/paperwork so ur set to go. We also order exams/process the case so you can focus on selling. Our contracts are around 80-90% of annual premium- we even give a free website to you to generate leads- id like to discuss how you we can help you launch ur career the right way and get you top payouts with back office support- please let me know if you want to know more-

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