Friday, April 30, 2010

What would be some advice you would give your kids so they could live the best life possible?

I'd tell them there are consequences for every choice we make. I'd encourage them to be themselves and to question things they don't understand. I'd tell them to never settle. I'd teach them to help others and above all, love themselves.What would be some advice you would give your kids so they could live the best life possible?
Live life to its fullest

Love -forgive - don't lie -cheat -or steal

treat everyone as you want to be treated

but most important listen to your elders they had been there and may have the answers you seek

know you are loved are important and can make a deferenceWhat would be some advice you would give your kids so they could live the best life possible?
You can and will be punish at times for doing the right thing, but don't ever let that stop you. also when we decide to set sail with a ship of fools; we become just another fool left to the mercy of a uncareing wind. Always set sail with sailors or stay put.
Im always here for you.

I love you.

Let them know you went through hard times and you wern't always a perfect angel. That way they won't feel ashamed to come to you for help.

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