Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What one piece of advice would you give to a child to make there life better???

To never strive to be better than anybody else. To appreciate themselves. That we are all unique in this world. And to treat others the way you want to be treated. That negative thoughts only create bad results. To try and look on the bright side of life and appreciate what you have good going for you.What one piece of advice would you give to a child to make there life better???
1. Have faith in the Lord and let him guide you.

2. Continue higher education.What one piece of advice would you give to a child to make there life better???
Read books (Held in the hand, not just on a computer screen); read widely, keep learning; lay down in summer fields of tall grass and study butterflies, and learn that life is more than physicality; balance technology with kindness, and be aware when using the cell phone that others are affected by the chatter; graduate from school; seek and find; make the connection between the basic pattern of your thought, and the events in your life, and that of your neighbor; learn the true Nature of Love.
Quit School!
be focused, believe in GOD and pray without ceasing
Question everything and critically examine the world. Just as an unexamined life isn't worth living, so the world unexamined isn't worth living in.

Firmly believe : If it's to be, It's up to ME !
Time is precious. Everyone has 24 hours/day equally. Make the best of it so as not to regret later on. Our body and mind is sacred therefore do not let unclean things enter our body or our mind. Our brain is a wonderful thing so be sure to make the best of it.

How's that?
Think for yourself.

Expand your mind.

Question authority.

Love someone more than yourself.

Forgive your parents [for they don't always know what they do].
Anyone could be wrong about anything.
Live as a Muslim.
Learn to accept and acknowledge your mistakes
be what you want to be
walk in the footsteps of Jesus, be a giver of love.

for for kids these days?

for this new generation?

goood luck! in finding the advice but who would listen :)
Live the Christian Way...
believe in God, live for God
Try to learn one new thing every day.

whether it's a skill or a piece of information, is irrelevant, just learn one new thing.
Work hard, so good luck with that! http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com http://loonygalhome.piczo.com
  • eye look
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