Friday, April 30, 2010

I suck at need of advice?

Over the past several years I'm becoming more socially awkward and don't realize it until I lose my friends. (ex. I can never say the right thing at the right time, I'm getting worse at starting or keeping conversation). I moved to where I live about 4 months ago and it seems like all of my friends are going away. Will you help me learn how to keep them? I think I just get weird because I have social anxiety and it's obvious. Even this one girl that I thought I was good friends with used to hang out with me a pretty good bit and she was supposed to call me this past weekend to have dinner or something, but never did. That was fine, but she came to my house last night to hang with one of my roommates friends and didn't even tell me she was coming or talk to me. She didn't even apologize and she is a very nice girl. I tried to get the other girls to accept me, but they never did, and I always feel uncomfortable around them. Please help me out! How can I get my friends back?I suck at need of advice?
hey hun all i can say's life!!! why be so stressed? just let loose and laugh at the stupid things you you are a fun and relaxed person!!! people want to be around more people like that :)

GOOD LUCK!I suck at need of advice?
Sounds like you are just making poor friend choices. Seek friends in different places and let go of the ones that increase your social anxiety feelings. What you call social anxiety may be your soul telling you to be around different people.
your just telling youself your socially akward most likely.

your probably even arent. if you really feel like your losing friends then its time to find someone new. find someone who shares intrests with you and you have a lot in common. trust me you'll loose many friends for good and bad through out the years. if they dont call you why wont you call them up. plan a group get together that way if some people dont show up there will still be others there. hope this helps (:
yes u do
You don't suck at life. You just approached your life the wrong way. Just because your friend does one thing doesn't necesarily mean that this is te best thing for you. Try and talk to the girls about your anxiety, explin it and talk to them. Also, be yourself!!! People will accept you if they see your true colors.
Hey... don't be so down. If there leaving you, well, its there loss. I just have one thing to say, be yourself. People Love it when you are yourself. If you want to get your friends back, well my advise is get better friends, they'll come back. Thats what i did. I think it has to do with the whole Highschool Click thing.

Well I hope that helps.


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