Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My life sucks right now. advice??

so...yeah, things arent going too great right now. i had a lot of friends and they are all starting to get hooked up it seems like and for some reason im not. i really like this one girl but its long distance and now she hasnt evne been talking to me. its so hard cuz like i never have anyone to hang with anymore and i feel like a loser. all my friends are going on this date thing tongith and i wasnt really invited at all so im trying to think of something to do...by myself i guess. i could go ask some chick out so i could go with them but i like that other girl so much that i dont want to ruin anything if there is anything. so what can i do??? i feel so freaking depressed right nowMy life sucks right now. advice??
Find out how the girl you like feels---ask her.

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