Friday, April 30, 2010

Does anyone here actually believe this is where to come for advice on how to live your life?

You can ask for advice, that doesn't mean you have to take it. It's noce being able to get a response from someone who doesn't know you and who have nothing to gain by the way you solve your problem. Asking friends and family, that's a different story.Does anyone here actually believe this is where to come for advice on how to live your life?
no. but its good to come on here and ask a question if you're curious about something, to get other people's opinions.Does anyone here actually believe this is where to come for advice on how to live your life?
No. However if you have already bored all the real people in your real life with your whining about your problems it is nice to be able to ask the same questions of a bottomless pool of strangers who haven't heard them before.
You may never know who is sitting on the other side giving some of the answers.
Yes! There are some sensible people with sensible answers and then there's the assholes that don't know what to say and just say ****...
No but it is fun to ask and answer questions on here.
Absolutely... I followed the advice of one responder and I saved $500.00 on my car insurance!

That was a line from a commercial, by the way.
Well it only depends why you're here...Mostly people do it as a pastime..Some questions are taken more seriously than others but for the most part its nice knowing that you're not the only person out there who has problems..
I'm sure there is some uneducated, trailer trash living, no toothed homer in the back woods of Mississippi that believes it!
NO! but it sure entertaining to see what other people think..
no but it gives you options don't you think
This is not a place with rules or suggestions set in stone. Readers offer advice because of life experience, and should be used only as a tool or a way to measure different viewpoints and opinions.
This is where people come in hopes someone will agree with a decison they have already made.
Sadly, yes some do.

We have to only hope that these people do not vote.
Who knows, but it's always good to hear what other people think. And you never know, it just may work!
No, but it is fun reading about other people's problems. Some may or may not be legitimate. So here I am, reading and responding. Too much time on my hands I suppose. Good luck with that.
I don't know about that sometimes. I do see some good advice for the most part but then there are those that forever think they need to be the class clown. I mostly come here for the laughs. And I do get quite a bit of
Believe it or not, although there are some a** h**** here giving stupid answers, there are some excellent advice from some really good people too. Try looking at some of the resolved questions and see the various answers..
I enter this site because I enjoy reading the questions; some of them are very funny.

However, when I come across a question that seems to be genuine and sincere, and if I have any experience with the problem, I try to answer as best as I can.

No, I don't think any of us believe this will give us the complete answers to our problems but if we can help just a little bit then what's the harm?

i think some people take this a little to far- and way to serious sometimes.I come here for answers to small problems that I can't seem to cure on my own,but nothing heavy or life altering.I think that some people are just desperately reaching out fo help from anyone,and hoping for people who've been through what they are going through.A type of camaraderie,if you will.In a way it's sad that all some people have to turn to is a computer instead of friends or family. Also -some are just looking for tips,hints ,suggestions and ideas for problems maybe they had never thought of before.A fresh and differant perspective..
Nope i just like to see every ones opinion
I think people see it more as a place to come that willl give you some new perspectives on how to live your life. I think it can help to have some objective responses from people who don't know you, instead of your friends and family who may have their own agendas in giving you advice. Most of the answers people give here are garbage, but some are really pretty thoughtful, as well as practical.

I got some good information about credit ratings by asking a question, and it helped me with some financial issues I was thinking about. The person who responded was a banker, so he knew his stuff.

Heck NO!

I come here for entertainment while I work my day job (Executive's Assistant)................

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