Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My life is boring...any advice/suggestions what to do?

My life does not suck at all...I don't take anything for granted..I have a roof over my head, have a car to drive, decently educated, dress adequately, and have good social skills but I am bored with my life!

I just recently been discharged by the military since I am done with my enlistment. I am back at my small town where there is really nothing to do except go over somebodys house and just have upright conversations. I am sick and tired of hanging out with people from my high school back in the day. Is there anyway to meet new people? Or Social groups? or anything lyke dat...please help..

I even tried to join the peace corps...but I found out you need a bachelors degree or a certain experienced skill..so im basically just workin towards my degree.

I am even thinking about just volunteering somewhere...don't know =-/ please help

Remember..my town is known as the ';boring town'; throughout california, so yeh any advice/suggestions will be gratefulMy life is boring...any advice/suggestions what to do?
what you should do is try to find a sport such as basketball, football, or badminton to play. it will really help put a meaning in life. Also play video games for about 1-9 hours a day. that should work perfectly; glad to help.My life is boring...any advice/suggestions what to do?
Well..there are a lot of people who get this problem..

Life can be boring but being boring is your own choice..

Hey..try to smile things around you and be grateful as you have them..

Coz everything you do and you will have may be not satisfying..

Do something that will make you become worthy enough to face life..seek for people who need you..coz when you help them, you may realize that something had just been made right..

Hope this becomes a little help..
You could volunteer at a hospital or to be a big brother.

Maybe join a club or organization?
Go to college or just move, try to get a change of scene. If your town is known as ';boring town'; it's not surprising you need a change of scenery. Try going somewhere you've always wanted to go, just mix it up a bit.
Sounds to me like you have something to give. Volunteering and/or traveling can be a rewarding experience.
Read Ray Kurzweil's book ';The Singularity is Near.';

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