Friday, April 30, 2010

Life of female marines? 10 points for the best advice.?

There are at least 2 female marines were killed by other male marines. Any thoughts about this?

Thank youLife of female marines? 10 points for the best advice.?
To the best of my knowledge there was 1 female Marine killed and one soldier (army) killed. The men that supposedly (remember this is America and they are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law) murdered these women are a blemish to the United States Marine Corps. If these women and their accused killers were not in the military the coverage of their stories would not be making headlines nationally. I think that for people to come down on the military for these murders is absolutely senseless. Military members come from all walks of life and are just a small representation of the United States on a whole. People are wrong for condemning and blaming the military in these matters. Civilians kill each other every day, there are crimes committed against women and children every day. If everyone would just mind their own business, keep their hands off of others husbands/boyfriends/wives/girlfriends, and keep the drama to a minimum things like these shouldn't happen (these things almost always involve relationship drama unfortunately). The men and women in the US military are supposed to be ';shining'; examples of what every American SHOULD be. And while most are respectable there are a few bad apples that ruin the whole bunch. So I'm not sure what kind of advice you are looking for but here's what I'm going to tell you.... In 4+ years in the Marine Corps I was never threatened or felt threatened, most of the male Marines I know are good respectable people that I would trust with my life if need be. And please don't judge the Marine Corps for the actions of a few miserable excuses for human beings.Life of female marines? 10 points for the best advice.?
The life of a female marine is identical to the life of a male marine. There is no gender bias in the Corps.

The fact that two female marines were murdered by fellow marines should not be held against the whole Corps. Unfortunate and regrettable, but acts committed by individuals against other individuals. Those who committed these acts will be punished within the full extent of military (and possibly, civilian) law.
Pleast just remember they are exceptions - not the norm. I know many female Marines who love their job, love the Corp, and do just fine with their male counterparts. My boyfriend has several friends who are female Marines and all have never been treated disrepectfully by anyone in the Corp.
The military as a whole has demonstrated a total failure to protect the women serving within their ranks, however violence against women is an epidemic that riddles our American society and won't be cured simply or swiftly. You can't label all the offenders as being 'PTSD' as that will only serve to provide an excuse for extremely bad behavior. The Military Authorities need to be more pro-active about protecting the victims of domestic violence as well as providing more effective services.

In the past seven months it has been one female Marine and her unborn child, one female enlisted soldier who's murder is still under investigation and this recent soldier who was a commissioned nurse. I'm quite unaware of this second female Marine you are referring to in your question. Perhaps you should check your facts?
Men kill women each and every day and the fact that it was a Marine committing these crimes should not be a concern to you..

Where do you think Marines come from? That's right..they come from places like where you and I live..

There are murderers, rapist, jokers, jocks, geeks, gay, and every other type of person currently serving in the USMC..I dont see why you have to focus on the fact that a Marine committed a crime as if Marines are super human and can do no wrong..

So to answer your question..I'm not surprised one bit..and guess what..It will happen again in the future.
Thats a shame.....Those two male Marines are not real men, they are low life cowards who deserves to spend the rest of their life in jail.
was it other marines? even if they were female they should have been able to protect themselves. both of their training is tough.

Careers Advice - need a website to help me find out what to do with my life?

any suggestions or website i can visit that will help me choose what i want to do as a new career directionCareers Advice - need a website to help me find out what to do with my life?

This is the site for Dick Bolles, who wrote the well-know (and respected) ';What Color is your Parachute'; books.
  • beauty
  • I hate my life, and I need advice. make it as cruel as possible.?

    I'm in high school and I don't have any real friends. I have acquaintances(fair weather friends) but they have other friends who they prefer. They don't keep promises and they don't care about me or my feelings. They know I do nothing on weekends but they still don't invite me anywhere. On weekends I am all alone then on Monday I have to here my friends talk about how great their weekend was and about what funny things they did with their friends. I am the most virgin in the whole school. I've never even kissed a girl, or had a girlfriend. Girls don't like me and think I'm ugly and I know because I've over heard them talk about me. Today at lunch the people who I hang out with were talking about how far they went with a girl, and I felt like crap the whole time. I have no talents so I'm worthless to myself and everyone else. I really don't know what to do, I'm a complete loser and I need a life and happiness, don't I deserve it too?

    I'm very proud, and its hard to tell people this.I hate my life, and I need advice. make it as cruel as possible.?
    Your story sounds like what my life was like up untill the last year or two. The best advice I can give you is not to beat yourself up about every little thing. I'm now 18 and am in college. Man, I have to tell you, just the atmosphere in most colleges is way different than any highschool. People seem to muture a little once they notice ';I'm actualy an adult now, and will soon be living on my own.'; These things that you have talked about just prove that you are already more mature than most guys your age. One thing I've learned is when it comes down to the truth, most of the guys bragging about how far they've went were just as much of a virgin as I am. The difference is that those guys continue to be immature, and they not only are lieing to others, but to themselves as well. These guys are the ones that, once in college end up having reality slap them hard in the face for a wake up call.

    As far as your weekends go and you thinking you have no talents....Start trying new things on the weekends that you enjoy doing or that benifit you. Forget about the so called parties that you think are going on with out you, most of them are the type of parties that can lead to you getting in big trouble anyways. Try doing stuff like finding a church with a decent size youth group, with people your age that go. I know, from personal experience, that going to church can dramaticly help a situation like yours. When I was feeling left out and depressed some of the few people (besides my actual family) that I felt, and feel, like I could turn to was God and the church.

    I know it's hard to tell people your situatuion but PLEASE PLEASE if it start to get any worse talk to your parents or a trusted adult (preacher, teacher, counselor, ect.) about it. Hope my advice helps you some! Good luck, and God Bless!!!I hate my life, and I need advice. make it as cruel as possible.?
    i know how you feel. You know the best revenge is living well. They dont like you or wanna be around you...Fine... You study hard and suceed in life... wen they are married with their 2.5 kids and drivin a station wagon youll be fabulously wealthy. and let ppl tell you what they want but money does matter. Youll ultimately have the last laugh.

    plz tell me wat you guys think of this site
    dude dont listen 2 wat other people think of u

    they r stupid for talkin about other people neways i

    got out of that stage thank goodness lol im in high school too but trust me one day u will find a gurl that will %26lt;3 everything about u and invite ur friends to do something with u. dont just wait around on them to invite u! u get out there and invite them lol
    those are the terms i wud use to describe myself..i understand how u must be feeling right now...the only difference is that u WANT to have friends or u feel negative.. i dont care and deal with it..u sound like a guy with a really awesome personality..i wonder why no one has discovered that yet. looks really shudnt matter. maybe u need to talk to sumone 'bout ur problems? ur a great person..and they only reason why they dont get along with u is because they haven't discovered that yet....
    To have friends, you have to make friends, and be a friend. Talk to random people. Compliment someone on something of theirs that you like, even if it is a pencil! Join a club at school - any interest will do. I have a friend who met her husband at the religion club at her school! Have a party, but only invite a few. If they don't show up, party anyway! It sounds like you need fun. (And I mean real fun, not Al Cohol, he is not your friend)
    c'mon man.. this is not the end of the world

    im sure there are plenty of girls out there who'd love you for who you are and not who you thing you should be..

    maybe find some new mates, these one are obviously no good for your self esteem..

    do the smart thing and befriend girls and what the smart straight boys do, because then they learn what to and what not to do

    good luck x
    don't let other people's lives and experiences ruin how you feel about yourself.

    just stay strong and keep your head up.

    look for better friends. look for people who understand you.

    you sound like a good guy! and who cares if you're a virgin, honestly it just means that the right girl hasn't come along yet.

    take care hunnie
    Believe me, high school isn't always easy when it comes to social life. I HATED HIGH SCHOOL AND EVERYONE IN IT. I hated the way people were so stuck up and superficial. You'll realize that once you get the hell outta there, there's a whole world of different people with different ideas not just close minded young-adults you find in high school. Whatever it is that you're self concious about, do something about it. If you're overweight, eat better and exercise, you'll also work up your self esteem and feel better at the same time. If you have crooked teeth, get braces now while it's probably still covered by your parent's insurance. You'll be amazed how people will see you differently if your self confident. Don't worry, things will change. God made someone for everyone, and it doesn't mean she's in your high school. She could even be in another city or state! Oh, and those people at the lunch table talking about how far they've gone with a chick are the same guys that will end up catching an STD. It's sad but probably very true. Just wait, you'll meet some people you can relate to. Try joining an afterschool activity like whatever you like to do, karate, basketball, etc., and you'll find friends that will that see you differently than the way those jerks do.
    Ugh, high school. Most people find high school to be a miserable place. So you are not alone, but I'm sorry to hear you are having such a terrible time.

    I know it's probably really hard to understand while you are in high school, but real life is NOT like high school. At all. When it's all over you will go off to college and it will be a totally different world, you will find people just like you and fit right in, and have a great time. You are not a loser. A lot of very successful people look back on high school and remember it as a bad experience where they didn't fit in.

    My advice to you is to concentrate on school, your grades, anything that will help you in your future. Forget everyone else, they are caught up in their own drama and are not worth your time. I know that's hard to do because you have to be around them daily but try your best.

    No one wanted to date me in high school either, I thought I was ugly, too tall, too skinny. I ended up modeling while in college. What was unacceptable in high school was beautiful to others.

    Hope that makes you feel better.
    Believe me or not but I know exactly how you feel. Although I am gay I had just recently come out so all throughout high school I was acting like I was straight. No girls liked me, I had no real friends, I did nothing on the weekends and listen to others talk about their weekends. It is hard I know but I found that you should hang out with your acuqantances and when you get home to do something that you love to make your day better. For example for me, I would go home and listen to music and I would feel better. High school goes by quick, trust me. If you do things that you like after school or even during school to make you feel better, you will eventually make it through high school. As for the girlfriend thing, I haven't had a boyfriend. I try to look, but I don't really pay much attention to it, because I pay attention to my work. I know that at the end you will still be lonely, but if you have your family to help you, you will be alright. I hope I made some sense to you and hope that you take my advice. I've been through the same thing you are going to and I am living proof that you can overcome the problems you are facing right now.
    don't depend on others for happiness. you have to truly like who you are first and then others will like you too. and plus, why don't YOU call other people first? why do they have to do all the work to get through to you?
    Back up for one second please, dont you think everybody feels the way you do? Its human emotion to feel insecure, unhappy, depressed, sad, narcissistic, and scared....... Along with a million other emotions. Okay well all this negative self talk your doing isn't helping you any better, in fact its only making you worse. Yes there are two kinds of self talk negative, and positive. What your saying and telling yourself is definitely negative, and because you keep on saying these things over and over your beginning to believe it yourself. First off you need to stop, and instead try and I mean really try to find the positive aspects in your life. Now about these so called aquantances thats exactly what they are not FRIENDS, friends are the people that are going to want to hang out with you on the weekends not these people your talking about. Its hard to make friends especially if your a male but your going to have to try. Put yourself out there find out where you belong and who YOU would want as a friend. This isn't gonna be easy but nobody said it was, I hated highschool too but I made it through and so can you. Dont assume someone is going to come up to you and do the work for you, this is your life so its time to take some control. About the whole sex thing big deal, sex is overrated anyways!!jk! Well to be honest half the guys that are telling you this are lying to impress the other dudes around you dont just assume and take their word that they actually did something.

    Okay its time I let you in on a little secret Girls Love I mean LOVE AND WANT a man with self confidence. This is something you dont exactly have right now, if your gonna walk around sad all the time with your head down take it from me no girl is gonna want to go out with you. I knew some of the ugliest guys ever in highschool but they always had girlfriends, WHY??? they were funny, loud, arrogant, and the class clown. They had so much confidence and ego it wasnt even funny. If you want a girl to take notice your going to have to once again take charge (just like with making friends).

    If you feel like crap and you look like crap chances are you are crap. However you need to change your perspective about yourself. Who gives a **** how others view you, first think about yourself before letting others think for you. You say you deserve to find happiness and a life yet are you doing something about it. For example its sorta like me saying Im so fat and I wanna lose weight but I dont diet and Im not exercising. How do you expect me to lose the weight? Magic? No its gonna take hard work and will power to pass on that snickers and cookies and cream. (by the way Im not Fat). You say you deserve it, well sweety why? Better yet show me why you deserve it, cuz nothing in life is gonna come easy to you, your gonna have to work and sometimes fight for it. You want things to change, then change them, because YOU are the only person who can change them. You say your proud yet the way you speak and feel does not reflect this image to me.

    First off your not alone know that, second off remember that if you've hit nothing but rock bottom the only place to go is up =)

    Its ruining my life and I need advice?

    Im 18 years old..not overweight at all. I eat okay and i exercise daily. I was diagnosed with High blood pressure and rapid heart rate. The doctors think that the hbp comes from my rapid heart rate tho. I have had numerous EK G's and they all have came back wrong so I wore a 24 hour halter Monitor and also had an ultra sound of my heart as well. It showed that I had mitral valve prolapse and I had to end up wearing a 21 day halter monitor. The doc said that my medicine mainly kept my heart rate down but it doesn't all the time. I am currently taking Metoprolol tart 50 mg. Even thought I am on this i am still experiencing the rapid heart rate badly. It stays over 100 beats a minute and resting sometimes goes to 150-160 a minute. When my heart beats fast I get nauseous, really hot, dizzy and i have even passed out. My meds r not seeming to work all the time but then again I do not want to be on these meds my whole life. For one not workin all the time then it makes me very tired and have no energy at all. Its like I have to drap my body around to do stuff but what other options do i have?? And im sure its not good to be on this medication for such a long timeIts ruining my life and I need advice?
    ok. #1 it is a misconception that people have that makes them think that you have to be overweight to have heart problems. That totally sucks that your 18 and having all these problems. When i was 16 I was diagnosed with a spinal disease. At the time, I was just happy someone finally found what was causing all of my pain. Now, I am 22 and wish someone would actually fix the problem. I went to so many doctors, it was crazy. People always trust doctors, but they are just human like the rest of us. They make mistakes! If you don't feel happy with your diagnosis, see another doctor. See as many as you need until it makes sense to YOU. You know your body better than anyone. Nomatter how many degrees that doctor has, those degrees are not from studying you. It is so hard to just live a normal life when you have a health problem. I am on so many meds that I cant even go out and party like a normal college student, because they give me drug tests. I have to watch my alcohol intake, because it makes the meds worse. My point is, that you have a long bumpy road ahead of you. Noone is going to take it easy on you because of your heart. They just expect me to do just as much as the next girl. I though someone would see that It is s struggle just to get dressed in the morning, and they would say its ok if shes 5 minutes late. But NO! The world is awful. Anyways. Its your life, you have to fight for it. If you dont think your meds are working the way they should say something to your doctor. If he doesnt want to help, find someone who will. There are tons of medicines out there. Try them all if you have to. You deserve to be as happy as possible. Ask about surgeries, is there anything that they can do to fix it? Tell them that you dont want to stay this way forever. Your best bet may be a teaching hospital. We have one here, it is Vanderbuilt in Nashville TN. They do experiements, and new diffrent things. That way if nothing works that everyone else is trying, then those hospitals will give you experimental drugs. I am not trying to freak you out. Its just I know what your going through. I have wasted years just taking meds to cover up the pain. Im tired. I want to be fixed.I dont want you to make the same mistakes I did. Dont settle for this life you have now. Find a doctor that is intrested in quality of life.Its ruining my life and I need advice?
    Your best bet is to talk to doctors because they will be the most informed.

    No, it is not good to stay on medication because you will begin to rely on them even if they are not working.

    It may be something in your diet (don't base your problems on my answers (Im not a doctor)).

    I really hope you get your problems fixed and can live a normal life.
    if your meds are not working talk to your doctor. there is most likely another med that will help u with your heart problem. it may not have the same side affects as the one your taking now but there wil be side affects with any med u take. hope i could help!

    maybe get a second opinion and if it is a valve get it repaired thru surgery
    try a second opinion from another doctor
    Listen to jim. I watched a show were the girl was going to the same doctor over and over again for major headaches everyday till the point were she had to lay on the couch all day for 2yrs. Then she when to another doctor and they said that She has a dieases and she needs to take on pill everyday so Ya. haha Go to another doctor or go to a cardiovascular specialist.

    Hope this helps (it really doesn't though)

    The drug you are on is called a beta blocker which is why you are feeling so worn out. As for the b/p, rythm problem, I would like to know if you by chance have been on any ADHD meds during your life. MVP is no big deal, I have it myself along with millions of people have it and don't even know it. The big deal comes when you have it and an arrythmia problem, this increases your risk to form clots and throw them off causing possible stroke,heart attack, P.E. or just and tissue death related to blood thrombosis. You must have V-tac with intermit V- fib, thats just an educated guess with the information you have provided. The only other option would be to treat you with a calcium chanel blocker, but would really have to know what your EKG looks like to try to guess why these are not being used on your. Beta blockers are great because the help keep b/p down and heart rate. Sorry to tell you, you probably will have to take heart medication for the rest of your life you don't just get fixed by a month or two of treatment. YOU SHOULD DISCUSE THESE ISSUES WITH YOUR DOCTOR, SO THAT HE CAN PROPERLY GUIDE YOUR PLAN OF CARE, WHETHER THAT BE CHANGE OF MEDICATIONS OR WHAT. On the note sure being on a med for such a long time is not good. WHAT IS BAD IS TO SELF CHANGE CARDIAC MEDICATIONS, IF YOU GO OFF THE BETA BLOCKER WITHOUT WEIN WITH HELP YOU COULD GO INTO VFIB AND DIE. SO IF YOU FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE WITH YOU BEING THE BRAINS OF YOUR CARDIAC CARE OVER THAT OF A DOCTOR THAT WENT TO COLLEGE AND MED SCHOOL, PASSED BOARDS AND HAS YEARS OF PRACTICE. THEN BY ALL MEANS GO A HEAD AFTER ALL IT ';WAS'; YOUR LIFE.


    What would be some advice you would give your kids so they could live the best life possible?

    I'd tell them there are consequences for every choice we make. I'd encourage them to be themselves and to question things they don't understand. I'd tell them to never settle. I'd teach them to help others and above all, love themselves.What would be some advice you would give your kids so they could live the best life possible?
    Live life to its fullest

    Love -forgive - don't lie -cheat -or steal

    treat everyone as you want to be treated

    but most important listen to your elders they had been there and may have the answers you seek

    know you are loved are important and can make a deferenceWhat would be some advice you would give your kids so they could live the best life possible?
    You can and will be punish at times for doing the right thing, but don't ever let that stop you. also when we decide to set sail with a ship of fools; we become just another fool left to the mercy of a uncareing wind. Always set sail with sailors or stay put.
    Im always here for you.

    I love you.

    Let them know you went through hard times and you wern't always a perfect angel. That way they won't feel ashamed to come to you for help.


    I have a very successful life at age 20. Caring parents and a college internship that I hope to get a job at someday. But I haven't had a vacation in about a year, I can't drive a car yet, I'm going to driving lessons this fall. My parents are hard working people who are always tired at the end of the day. The only transportation that I have is when my mother visits me and she's willing to take me about anywhere.

    I guess my point is, I want to escape from my parents, let my mother drive me somewhere and drop me off or I can take a bus somewhere...............................鈥?I WANNA PARTY and LIVE LIFE!

    I'm 20 so I can't drink, but I want to do the following.........

    Dance to classic 80s rock music

    Laugh at act silly

    Date and kiss a straight butch punk Tomboy

    I need exitement! I'm near CT and RI. I missed out as a teen onward. I go to community college so I can't have dorm parties. I like the college that I'm in.

    Don't let your parents drop you off. Catch a bus and live it up for a weekend, you are 20 dude. Don't have a care in the world for just a weekend and you will feel good!I WANNA LIVE LIFE, PARTY AND LAUGH! Advice?
    Take a eurotrip, just like eurotrip. Dude, did you kiss your sister?
    hehehe you are about to burst....i know the feeling....good for you

    I suck at need of advice?

    Over the past several years I'm becoming more socially awkward and don't realize it until I lose my friends. (ex. I can never say the right thing at the right time, I'm getting worse at starting or keeping conversation). I moved to where I live about 4 months ago and it seems like all of my friends are going away. Will you help me learn how to keep them? I think I just get weird because I have social anxiety and it's obvious. Even this one girl that I thought I was good friends with used to hang out with me a pretty good bit and she was supposed to call me this past weekend to have dinner or something, but never did. That was fine, but she came to my house last night to hang with one of my roommates friends and didn't even tell me she was coming or talk to me. She didn't even apologize and she is a very nice girl. I tried to get the other girls to accept me, but they never did, and I always feel uncomfortable around them. Please help me out! How can I get my friends back?I suck at need of advice?
    sounds like they weren't real friends in the first place.

    be more outgoing. it doesn't matter what people think about you, be yourself. that is what i have came to realize this year.I suck at need of advice?
    just try to talk to people and branch out and meet more people.
    talk to them make sure u know why the ditched u i mean everyone makes mistakes

    I suck at need of advice?

    Over the past several years I'm becoming more socially awkward and don't realize it until I lose my friends. (ex. I can never say the right thing at the right time, I'm getting worse at starting or keeping conversation). I moved to where I live about 4 months ago and it seems like all of my friends are going away. Will you help me learn how to keep them? I think I just get weird because I have social anxiety and it's obvious. Even this one girl that I thought I was good friends with used to hang out with me a pretty good bit and she was supposed to call me this past weekend to have dinner or something, but never did. That was fine, but she came to my house last night to hang with one of my roommates friends and didn't even tell me she was coming or talk to me. She didn't even apologize and she is a very nice girl. I tried to get the other girls to accept me, but they never did, and I always feel uncomfortable around them. Please help me out! How can I get my friends back?I suck at need of advice?
    sounds like they weren't real friends in the first place.

    be more outgoing. it doesn't matter what people think about you, be yourself. that is what i have came to realize this year.I suck at need of advice?
    just try to talk to people and branch out and meet more people.
    talk to them make sure u know why the ditched u i mean everyone makes mistakes
  • eye look

    I have a very successful life at age 20. Caring parents and a college internship that I hope to get a job at someday. But I haven't had a vacation in about a year, I can't drive a car yet, I'm going to driving lessons this fall. My parents are hard working people who are always tired at the end of the day. The only transportation that I have is when my mother visits me and she's willing to take me about anywhere.

    I guess my point is, I want to escape from my parents, let my mother drive me somewhere and drop me off or I can take a bus somewhere...............................鈥?I WANNA PARTY and LIVE LIFE!

    I'm 20 so I can't drink, but I want to do the following.........

    Dance to classic 80s rock music

    Laugh at act silly

    Date and kiss a straight butch punk Tomboy

    I need exitement! I'm near CT and RI. I missed out as a teen onward. I go to community college so I can't have dorm parties. I like the college that I'm in.

    hmmm dude try making friends at college and hopefully there party people so they can take you to all the clubs and party's and not have to rely on the bus or your mom. I am sorta in the same predicament because I have no car at the moment due to a car accident and well missing the nightlife. Or you can try getting a job somewhere and try going out with your coworkers. Those are the only two ways i know of dude make friends in college and get a job where people go out to party. And i was the same way basically locked up when i was a teen and when i turned 19 my parent couldn't control me any longer so I went out and enjoyed myself clubs and party just play it smart and dont do anything stupid and your set.


    I have a very successful life at age 20. Caring parents and a college internship that I hope to get a job at someday. But I haven't had a vacation in about a year, I can't drive a car yet, I'm going to driving lessons this fall. My parents are hard working people who are always tired at the end of the day. The only transportation that I have is when my mother visits me and she's willing to take me about anywhere.

    I guess my point is, I want to escape from my parents, let my mother drive me somewhere and drop me off or I can take a bus somewhere...............................鈥?I WANNA PARTY and LIVE LIFE!

    I'm 20 so I can't drink, but I want to do the following.........

    Dance to classic 80s rock music

    Laugh at act silly

    Date and kiss a straight butch punk Tomboy

    I need exitement! I'm near CT and RI. I missed out as a teen onward. I go to community college so I can't have dorm parties. I like the college that I'm in.

    well, if you cant get out of town get all your buddies together and go out on the town. DONT go to the same place you always go to and DONT stay at one place all night. if you meet any girls bring them with you, dont miss out on fun just because you wanna hook up!I WANNA LIVE LIFE, PARTY AND LAUGH! Advice?
    First of all, for the first person that answered this question F*** you OK ,..because u need to relax and hop off BLACK people's swaggas DAMN.


    Right now life will seem dull,.. but in a little while you will be able to drive and get your own little car,... and be able to,.....PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR!!!!!!!
    Why is this in the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered section?
    Go to your local Gay club.

    They are always the most fun i think!
    mhmmmhmmhmm.. hmmm....uhhhah....oooaaahh
    Let's move to Florida, dude!

    The Chris Farley Method. Look it up.
    go for it. make ur own parties get a girl. go crazy

    I suck at need of advice?

    Over the past several years I'm becoming more socially awkward and don't realize it until I lose my friends. (ex. I can never say the right thing at the right time, I'm getting worse at starting or keeping conversation). I moved to where I live about 4 months ago and it seems like all of my friends are going away. Will you help me learn how to keep them? I think I just get weird because I have social anxiety and it's obvious. Even this one girl that I thought I was good friends with used to hang out with me a pretty good bit and she was supposed to call me this past weekend to have dinner or something, but never did. That was fine, but she came to my house last night to hang with one of my roommates friends and didn't even tell me she was coming or talk to me. She didn't even apologize and she is a very nice girl. I tried to get the other girls to accept me, but they never did, and I always feel uncomfortable around them. Please help me out! How can I get my friends back?I suck at need of advice?
    hey hun all i can say's life!!! why be so stressed? just let loose and laugh at the stupid things you you are a fun and relaxed person!!! people want to be around more people like that :)

    GOOD LUCK!I suck at need of advice?
    Sounds like you are just making poor friend choices. Seek friends in different places and let go of the ones that increase your social anxiety feelings. What you call social anxiety may be your soul telling you to be around different people.
    your just telling youself your socially akward most likely.

    your probably even arent. if you really feel like your losing friends then its time to find someone new. find someone who shares intrests with you and you have a lot in common. trust me you'll loose many friends for good and bad through out the years. if they dont call you why wont you call them up. plan a group get together that way if some people dont show up there will still be others there. hope this helps (:
    yes u do
    You don't suck at life. You just approached your life the wrong way. Just because your friend does one thing doesn't necesarily mean that this is te best thing for you. Try and talk to the girls about your anxiety, explin it and talk to them. Also, be yourself!!! People will accept you if they see your true colors.
    Hey... don't be so down. If there leaving you, well, its there loss. I just have one thing to say, be yourself. People Love it when you are yourself. If you want to get your friends back, well my advise is get better friends, they'll come back. Thats what i did. I think it has to do with the whole Highschool Click thing.

    Well I hope that helps.


    Love of my life - College - PLEASE NEED ADVICE?

    I have found with no doubt in my mind the love of my life. We live in different states and now i am going to be going down to be with her. At 18 years old I will be needing to go to undergraduate freshman in college. I applied and was accepted into a $18,000 per year college and FAFSA awarded me with $3,500 in loans total. I did make $20 grand last year due to working but now heres my situtation. What sould i do? Marry my love and declare myself as an independent to get more finacial aid? Would i get more? How much more? What i could also do is...not go to school for a year and work to get my self settled in more with a car and apartment....... and maybe build my credit history since i don't have any. Im considered a good student and need advice about what to do with my life .

    HELPLove of my life - College - PLEASE NEED ADVICE?
    COLLEGE!!Love of my life - College - PLEASE NEED ADVICE?
    you're just 18 yrs. old and as you said ,you're considered as a good student. there's no need to hurry about getting married. why don't you finish first your schooling and be stable( of course while waiting for this , you will remain as gf/bf) if your gf really loves you. she will wait for you when you're already prepared for marrying her.
    College!!! However, hold off on getting married. Good luck!
    Definitely stick to the college plan, because it is SO hard to go back to school after you've done other things like get a job and get bills, etc. I know, because that's what I did. I did a year at university then got a job and took classes part-time, then I stopped going all together. It took me til I was 40 to finally get a degree - I feel like I wasted about 20 years that I could have been earning much more money.

    Get your degree, THEN get a better job so you can support yourself and the love of your life. If she's the right girl for you, then she should be proud of your intelligence and willpower and she'll understand that you're doing this for both of you.

    Stress in my life and managing it...advice please?

    I seem to be very bad at managing stress in my life both in the workplace and with people and situations that get on my nerves. I have a heavy profession and have sometimes left jobs due to burn-out or at times take things too sensitively. Now I'm finally (in my mid 40s ) doing something about it by starting stress management classes. These are one to one and will hopefully turn my bad habit around. Sometimes, some friends get on my nerves, one in particular when she criticises things I do in my life. I don't want to fall out with her but I really thing that she does not have the right to criticise my lifestyle. I live a good decent life, am not a criminal, earn my own living and have no addictions. She gets specifically annoyed that I travel a lot (I like it and work hard to afford it) and I often date guys who are lots younger (I look 10-15 yrs younger). How do I deal with this criticism from some people and in the workplace?Stress in my life and managing it...advice please?
    Remember where to put the ownership of the criticism. If THEY have a problem with you or something you do and YOU don't, then they own the problem. Do nothing.

    If you hold ownership of the problem, then try to figure out a way not to continue the thing that is bothering them and thank them for the advice.Stress in my life and managing it...advice please?
    You are starting in the right direction by taking classes. Starting a regular workout routine will help alleviate a great deal of stress. Sometimes when you are trying to better yourself, you kindof have to start over with friends, in particular if you think they are bringing you down. Some peope just get intimidated by success and that may be what is happening with your friend. Tell her how she makes you feel when she criticizes you and if she can't change that then it is time to move on to more encouraging friends. Best of luck and above all, do what you know in your heart is best for you and your sanity!
    Dora,good morning. First let's take a deep cleansing breathe.Now that you already start ting to feel better,let us move on. It sounds like you are a woman on the go. Hey it is your life. Live it like you want. If you are happy with it, then that is all that matters. Yes one thing is get a thicker skin.Don't let anyone tell you any different. Remember everyone has an opinion Yes they can say what they want. But being the smart woman that you are, you can just let them say their spill and move on. Just look at them and throw them off and tell them thanks. Don't let them get your goat. (Upset)
    Stress management in the workplace is a reality that most of us have to face for one reason or another and coping with it is key to long-term career success

    Here are some suggestions for successful stress management in the workplace:

    1. Try to address issues that might be affecting your stress level that you might not readily think of, especially the ones you can change.

    2. Look for ways to improve your time management. Often, stress is a result of simply not having enough time to complete everything you need to do.

    3. Find some sort of athletic endeavor to take part in. I like working out at the gym but you might find jogging, playing squash or taking yoga classes will help.

    4. Don鈥檛 neglect your personal life. Remember to try to find the proper balance between your work life and your work outside of work.

    5. Carefully consider whether or not you are in the right job. If successful stress management at work is just not possible and if you yearn for your time with a previous employer when things were better, maybe you鈥檙e in the wrong job.鈥?/a>
    Nod and smile. Ignorant people like your ';friend'; should be tolerated but not listened to too carefully. She is OBVIOUSLY jealous as heck of your fast-track life and is trying to make herself feel better by putting you down. Take up ';mindfullness'; meditation for 10 minutes a day. It will help with the stress management and also help you make the most of every minute of your travelling!

    Don't let this negative person put pressure on you - find another confidente!
    Just go do something you like to do. Play basketball, walk in the park or something.
    If your enjoying the life you have, and people criticise it, dont listen to them unless you feel its relevant. I just swtich off when I dpnt wanna hear something thats not useful. Sometimes people may think your wasting your money going on holidays etc. But dont worry as long as you feel you have a healthly lifestyle there is nothing to worry about. Good luck with your stress classes.

    I just had a death in my life, and I don't know how to handle it I need some advice please.

    Its hard for me to show any emotions. And I hate talking about it with people who I know cares about me and worried about me. I just usually isolate myself from the world, and when I don't I usually let my anger take over me, and throw it on the people who I mostly care about and they care about me. I need a better way to handle the pain inside my heart. I'm just afraid of loosing the other people who loves me, because of the way Im handling my pain.I just had a death in my life, and I don't know how to handle it I need some advice please.
    I鈥檝e been where you are now. Yes, the trauma has an earthquake impact on you but you just don鈥檛 want to show it. The face you present to the world appears strong, while you鈥檙e actually devastated within. People close to you want to help but they don鈥檛 know how to reach you. They may end up saying the usual platitudes that seem empty and irritating to you.

    Understand that all that you mention are effects 鈥?physical, mental and especially, emotional - of the trauma. Your rage is not at them but at life/fate for having robbed you, and your own helplessness in the matter. Your anger at others is only in proxy. Remember you (and others too) are struggling with the fallout and trying to put your lives together again. Isolating yourself is only going to bottle it up within, with the occasional outbursts that you later regret. The unresolved stress may also become an illness, of body or mind.

    You need to channelize the pain and negative energy. Like learning to walk again, one step at a time. Sometimes just engaging in routine tasks helps start the process. If there is something you love doing, getting back to it can be therapeutic. If it鈥檚 difficult to talk to family members, you might open up to strangers (as you鈥檙e doing now) and find that there are many in the same boat. Sometimes you can find meaning in just helping others.

    Time will help you accept the loss, although you may never forget it. There鈥檚 a saying 鈥?pain hollows your heart, so you may receive love.

    I just had a death in my life, and I don't know how to handle it I need some advice please.
    bE PEACEFUL, WITH YOURSELF AND WITH OTHERS, be patient, be one with God, do some meditation , and learn to accept this fact in your life. In fact talking about it a little will help, so that the grief goes out of your system , do normal things , and dont isolate yourself.Dont be angry at others or with yourself, no one gave you the right to be angry at others. you are not going to lose any1 , these things are normal.
    It takes time to overcome grief and everyone handles it differently. I know it sounds difficult, but you need to focus on the positive things this person brought into your life. We're all here for a short time, unfortunately. And we need to believe that each of us has a purpose for being in this world. When that purpose is fulfilled, we go to a much better, kinder place - a place where we will once again reunite with the ones we love. If it helps to talk to someone who has been touched as deeply as you are by this death, then do so. They might truly help you release your pent-up emotions and remember what a gift your friend or family member was in your life. It will get better. I promise.
    Please accept my condolences on your loss.

    No matter how many times we hear it we refuse to accept that death is a part of life. Its tough when we lose someone, even if we didnt know them all that well, we still knew them.

    The absolute worst thing that you can do, is die yourself and isolate. While you do need some time alone to heal and to process what has happened, you still do need the company of friends and loved ones. Get with someone and talk about it.
    I look at death as a good thing.Because I know where that person is now.They have no worries or no more pain.

    And one thing that I can tell you and remember this,GOD don't make mistakes.He is a perfect God.Just keep telling yourself this and you will learn to appreciate death when it comes again,cause it will.

    Isolating yourself is not good,I can tell you that.You have to talk about it to someone and if you don't want to talk to somebody you know,then sometimes its better to reach to someone you don't know.Here is my email or find me on myspace.My display name is Deacon Tony.God Bless
    talk to a counselor about these emotions.

    when i bottle things up I go for a long run or a heavy weight lifting session. You think i would be in great shape, my brother died of cancer, my mother suicide, my dad re-married someone i am not crazy over and now he has cancer and i am going to iraq in january

    More working out on the horizon
    I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Please look into grief counseling. If you have never experienced this kind of loss, you may need help learning about your feelings and actions during this time. Feeling out of control is totally normal. Your funeral director should be a resource to get you to the people who are really good grief counselors in your area.

    Take care!
    Oh i'm so sorry! The best thing you can do is cry out to Jesus for help! Do talk to your friends n family, they do care! you need them now! i tend to isolate too so write lots of poetry n do journal writing to get it out!

    You will NOT loose those you love bcos if they love you they will understand you are hurting!!! sorry for ur loss! :(
    im so sorry for your loss.

    when i lost my grandfather, i just cried.

    eventually..i realized that he's still with me..maybe not physically. but in other ways.
    well idk if this will help you but it helped me so here it goes... i had a very close friend who got very sick, she was in a coma for about 2 weeks,then one day she woke up. so i ran to the hospital and there she was sitting up in bed eating peices of ice, i said you scared the daylights out of us, she then told me that she was with other people we knew who had died, her parents her sister,all killed in a planecrash anyway she said she would never be afaid of dying because of the time she had the past 2 weeks,then she told me she really didnt want to come she was getting tired and i told her i will see you in the morning and she just smiled at me and closed her eyes. 4 hours later she was gone, and it was almost like she wanted to say good by, but i will never forget what she said, so i hope this helps you in your grief. take care and good luck.
  • eye look

    I have a very successful life at age 20. Caring parents and a college internship that I hope to get a job at someday. But I haven't had a vacation in about a year, I can't drive a car yet, I'm going to driving lessons this fall. My parents are hard working people who are always tired at the end of the day. The only transportation that I have is when my mother visits me and she's willing to take me about anywhere.

    I guess my point is, I want to escape from my parents, let my mother drive me somewhere and drop me off or I can take a bus somewhere...............................鈥?I WANNA PARTY and LIVE LIFE!

    I'm 20 so I can't drink, but I want to do the following.........

    Dance to classic 80s rock music

    Laugh at act silly

    Date and kiss a straight butch punk Tomboy

    I need exitement! I'm near CT and RI. I missed out as a teen onward. I go to community college so I can't have dorm parties. I like the college that I'm in.

    Dance to classic 80s rock music ( DO IT NOW)

    Laugh at act silly (DO IT NOW also)

    Date and kiss a straight butch punk Tomboy(FIND ONE ON CAMPUS, im sure theres some single ones)

    -you answered your own question.

    19 yr old Life Insurance Agent...Tips & Advice!!!?

    To make a long story short......I was an apt setter/telemarketer for a couple of months(great @ it), but realized that for my hard work, I was only getting less than 5% of the cut.....%26amp; it wasn't an easy job(State Farm)

    When I finally figured it out %26amp; started asking questions, I got let go, but not before it hit me that the only thing keeping me from the BIG CUT, was a license.....*duh*, lol

    Anyways, I got with Aflac %26amp; they're great, they paid for everything(for me) !!!! I have the best trainer, studied for about 2 wks, got an 80% on my test %26amp; waiting for my writing #.........I'm Soooo Ready!!!!

    I know it's not going to be easy, but I'm no stranger to hardwork......

    I don't care about going door to door, or making hundreds of calls a day, because it'll be well worth it.

    Any tips from seasoned agents?? I want to know everything!!!

    Thanx =)19 yr old Life Insurance Agent...Tips %26amp; Advice!!!?
    Good for you!!!!! I am licensed in property, casualty and life too. It sounds like you are a very motivated person. That's great. Since you've worked as a telemarketer rejection probably does not bother you. Which is great because you'll get a lot of it. But after 10 rejections you'll get a sale and it will all be worth it.

    One thing that is very important is good customer service AFTER to make the sale. That will lead to referals and MORE sales.

    Good luck!19 yr old Life Insurance Agent...Tips %26amp; Advice!!!?
    I also started at this age. First of all things have changed, especially with the telemarketing, be careful not to call people who are on the do not call list

    Secondly, I would make a system for follow up. Peoples policies have expiration dates and shop and change insurance often. Even if you don't make a sale now, at renewal you can always revisit the lead and see if they would like a quote. Persistence pays off!

    Also I would endeavor to get your college degree and your property casualty license. You can't be hired by a major multi line company like State Farm or Nationwide without it. Also the renewal commissions are way better on P%26amp;C than on life and health. Keep in mind you will be responsible for withholding your own taxes and social security, will have to buy E%26amp;O coverage and health insurance/ retirement. Some companies like Allstate hire agents as employees who sacrifice independence for the latter issues being covered.

    It's a good business, a little scary but flexible. If you are a woman, especially a woman of color, you have a lot of potential! Go for it.
    I would have filed a complaint with the Insurance Commissioner for the agent at State Farm that hired you because you did not know that you might have needed a license to do what you were doing.

    As it was you were screwed by not even getting minimum wage. Well could have been your fault too but I feel bad that you had that experience.

    But I applaud you for getting smart and getting your license. And, all you have to do is work hard and you will make unlimited money. What many people do not realize is that not everyone ';fits'; into one box like the school system teaches. That is why it is failing.

    And, its too bad that schools do not teach about getting your own business and making unlimited income and hard work. For people that have come from ';nothing'; and I am not saying that is you, but this career is a way out of proverty and so is any job that you can earn commission if you work hard and have a good product.

    Congratulations on where you are and where you are going. You are so, so, so, so, lucky to start so young with so much energy. I would wish you luck but you do not need any. You are on your way to success. Just remember that.

    You apparently already have the most important thing down and thats aggressively going after what you want. I think you should keep building on your knowledge and get licensed in other areas. Folks need financial planners who can help them with all sorts of financial problems. You will be a zillionaire before you know it.
    Looks like you have the right attitude. I can say the most important thing is to make sure your writing with the right companies, and ur getting the right commission levels. I work for an imo as a brokerage manager- we help agents once they identify a client by running quotes with about 25 carriers- this makes sure they have the best rate-we then get you the right forms/paperwork so ur set to go. We also order exams/process the case so you can focus on selling. Our contracts are around 80-90% of annual premium- we even give a free website to you to generate leads- id like to discuss how you we can help you launch ur career the right way and get you top payouts with back office support- please let me know if you want to know more-

    I messed up my friend's life!!! someone give me advice??

    Im going to summarize the story...

    I am a in a new school and made some friends. My friend is mad at me because i said ';cute'; to her girlfriend....

    Ok i talk to his girlfriend at facebook... and i said ';cute'; to her.... Her boyfriend got mad he was pissed! he called me a son of a and he said fix my life... i didnt know what to say to him i wanted to talk to him but he ignores me... some of my friends ignores me now... what should i do!? im a new student and i dont know anyone at school except for these guys... i want to hang out with them but they get jelous so easily....

    Plz someone help me?? I really want to be friends with them.....I messed up my friend's life!!! someone give me advice??
    Do you really want friends who you have to tip toe around all the time and worry about offending? These people sound almost psycho.

    Try zeroing in on some other people to be friends with. The best friends are ones you can be yourself with without all this stupid drama. Just watch people for awhile and see what they are like and if someone looks interesting start a conversation.I messed up my friend's life!!! someone give me advice??
    well he sounds like a moron

    you dont want that kinda friend

    theres so many other people at school

    yah youll be a loner for a week or so

    buht atleast you wont have any drama

    drop theeemmmmm
    i don't know what to say... you have to realize where your priorities are, and see if you really like this other person or do you really like your boyfriend. if your serious about your boyfriend you need to leave the other person alone, and if you like the other person then you need yo have a talk with your boyfriend and tell him how you fell and that you might want to pursue other things. i hope that whatever you choose that you feel right with your decision and you go with your heart don't react on your emotions.
    If he got mad just because you said she was cute, then you don't need to be friends with these people. I'm pretty sure that there are other people that will be willing to be friends with you. Don't worry about you being new to the sdhool, just like you made friends with them, you'll make friends with others.
    let things cool off a bit.
    This guy sounds retarded...

    Just let things chill out and then sit them down and explain that it is all bull$#!t.

    Things should blow over eventually...

    Good luck.
    Hey buddy, you're way too young to be hung up on small stuff like that, but tell your friend how it makes you feel to have him upset and ask for him to forgive you as you miss the friendship, if that don't work then he never was a friend, cause friends believe and want the best for their friends too

    If you were to give advice to some one about life in general what would you say?

    I would say, Follow your heart, it will take you to beautiful places, Do what you feel is right and dont let anyone put you down.

    What would you say?If you were to give advice to some one about life in general what would you say?
    Work hard, be honest, and give your best!If you were to give advice to some one about life in general what would you say?
    for sure to follow your heat. not to get caught up in petty things with other people. to make your family a priority. and to not get stuck in a rut. live life!
    always keep learning new things. they say that the average person stops learning at 25. that's plain dumb. learn about everything and always ask questions.
    Live life the way you want , be happy and enjoy it you only live once so live it to the fullest.
    life is beautiful!!!
    Be true to yourself and everyone else. Always remember that children are the masters of tomorrow. We must listen to them and help them learn and grow to be more and better than what we are. Treat others the way you feel you want to be treated. Never go to bed angry, always say I love you! The world is wonderful place, let's take care of it! =)
    I really like what you said. I would also add don't give up on your dreams; see people with your heart instead of your eyes, and, to use a book title, don't sweat the small stuff.
    I would say live life effectively and know your motives behind what you are doing. Always say I love you, doesnt matter the circumstance, it could be your last chance.
    BE true to yourself and love yourself first before marrying,having kids... Do not marry until you are accomplished in your life-- Good job,savings,homeowner, and settled.

    I need advice! Where is my life taking me?

    My fiance and i just moved to my home town for employment. He actually took a plumbing position for my father. Of course with our luck, things are not working out after only three months so we decided to move back to his home town where we have lived for the past three years. I thought moving to my hometown was the path we were supposed to go down. Now I feel lost and I don't really know what to do. We got out of our one year lease in my hometown, but have not found another apartment to rent in his hometown. I feel like we have reached a dead end. This was supposed to be the beginning of a new life for us. I don't see any real potential in moving back to his hometown because there are not any really good jobs available there. (I have an associates degree in Accounting and am working towards being a CPA and he has no formal education except for high school. I have told him repeatedly to go back to school, but he doesn't know what he wants to do. He thought plumbing was it for him.) Are we meant to be together? Are things really supposed to be this hard? Am I always going to feel so lost? Any input would really be appreciated!I need advice! Where is my life taking me?
    Yes. Just come to a mutual agreement. Things will work out fine.I need advice! Where is my life taking me?
    Well, things are hard for most of us. But sometimes we tend to make them harder by making bad choices. Obviously you have just recently made at least 1 bad choice. Either moving to your hometown to begin with or moving back to his--at least one of those decisions were wrong. Probably both.

    It may not be so much that life is not working out for you, than you are sabotaging an already stressed situation.

    Neither of you have a marketable skill- so that makes job good opportunities fewer. If you can find a job--hold on to it until something better comes along. But you need to figure out how to ';know'; its better before you jump to it. Higher pay does not always mean better.

    Probably both of you going back to school is a good thing. But even then..if you major in something that is not in demand then you will be educated and still in a hard spot. One overlooked place for men especially is the trades/crafts type- like plumbing, or a/c maintenance, or heavy equipment operations. There are schools all over this country-- and they have student loans available.

    In the situation you are- you can not affords to make more mistakes. Figure it out- AGREE on it- and do it.
    Hmmm...interesting.I'm in a similar situation.

    we lived in Sherman, TX for three years. We moved up this way because my husband was laid off from a very good position.

    We are now living in his home town. There are no jobs here. We have four kids. There is no college in this immediate area.

    We feel lost too.

    We are having to stay at his parents' house. We were only supposed to be here for two weeks. It has now been five months.

    We have one car. It gets about ten miles to the gallon. No money. My husband is waiting on the manager of Wal-Mart to call him back for a job.

    He was a Director if Information Technology at a rate of $70/hr. We had brand-new vehicles, clothes, goof-off toys for the kids, a four bedroom 3200 sf home, a theater room, money to burn.

    Now we are on food stamps.

    I decided to say, ';Forget this!';

    I enrolled in back in school at 28. My classes start on Thursday. My husband is taking the same classes so we don't have to buy but one set of textbooks.

    I'll miss the first few classes. He is going to ride his motorcycle all the way to the college and take notes for me. Besides, not only can we not afford the fuel, it costs $20/day for my daughter to go to the daycare beside the college.

    I have like $.30 to my name.

    I have thought the same things that you have?

    Why in the hell is this so hard?

    Why does it look so easy to other people?

    Are we really that irresponsible to have ended up in this position?

    Are we ever going to get anywhere in this life?

    I look at other people. People that had dreams,too. I see them everywhere. People in their fifties and sixties that have never had anything. They drive their old dusty cars, their kids are in prison, they've never owned a house...

    And I wonder if they had the same dreams. If so, what makes us any different from them?

    Where are we failing?

    Will we end up that way, too?

    I just know that life changes so fast. we have to set goals and STICK to them.

    We can't get sidetracked.

    I'm GOING to finish this degree. I'm going to check it off my list.

    Just do like me, and do what you can. We aren't alone!

    *Listen to Tortuga Tom. He is actually right.

    Move somewhere. Anywhere. I'm 800 miles from my hometown.

    I plan to retire in Wimberley, TX.
    Pfft. What are you guys, like 20? The question should be not where your life is taking you, but where YOU are taking your life. After only three months, and giving up? Was it really that bad? And will you be going from bad (if it is) to worse by moving back? You can't play ping pong like this. It gets expensive...I know. Been there done that went broke a few times doing it. If there's nothing in your hometown, and you feel like there's nothing in his hometown, what do you do?

    Find another bloody hometown where there IS something. Your feet ain't super glued down. Don't wait for breaks, make 'em.
    Life usually has it's ways of working things out, it's probably just a phase your going through. I'm sure you'll find the right path soon, stay positive and good luck!

  • eye look
  • **HELP! i just need some advice about my love-life!**

    advices needed

    i broke up with my ex-bf a few months ago

    he was really strict with me

    i am not allowed to took to any guys

    or else he will get angry

    i cant give anyone my fone no. unless he says yes

    i quarrel with him alot, and it is quarrel

    i gave in to him

    he also dotes mi but

    he choose his passion over mi

    now he wans to patch but i dunwan

    i love my life now

    i dunwan a boyfriend and i tink i like another guy

    i wan to just be close friend with the guy i like now

    i duno how to tell my ex-bf no i dunwan to patch

    my ex-bf owes mi $1k and i really dunwan to patch with him!

    any advices?):**HELP! i just need some advice about my love-life!**
    dont patch it up with him that would just be stupid

    **HELP! i just need some advice about my love-life!**
    break up with him, strict people aren't good for relationships! they hurt their partner all the time, if you love another guy then don't wait.
    Wait until he pays you the money, and then you can try and go somewhere with the new guy.

    It all depends on your looks, but I don't think it's always .. 'easy' for a guy to become 'just friends' with a girl. He will start to like you eventually, and if all you want is a friend that's what girls are for.

    Well girls to girls I mean, not many guys have friends that are girls, but have never liked them in their life.

    Also, use proper punctionation and spelling, it would help us understand.
    Just tell him that you think it is best tht you stay apart, but you would appreciate it if he paid you back the money he owes you. If he does not, file a suit against him in court, if the money means that much to you. For me, I would just cut my losses, and leave him alone. He is probably going to try to use that to get you back. that is what controlling men do. You are away from him right now, just be glad.
    forget him, forget the money and go your way. he doesn't deserve you.
    you out of pocket 1k have fun
    just tell your ex boyfriend that he had his chance with you, and he blew it by being a jerk. Tell him that you don't want to get back with him because he treated you so badly, and you know that you deserve better than him. And besides, you like someone else now so tell him to move on. And don't believe him if he says it will be different, or that he will change. He might change for a while, but then he will be even worse than before. You don't have to go out with someone who treats you like that, and believe me guys like that don't change. Good luck honey, you might have to just be very strict with him and tell him to stop calling you.
    So, just tell him that you're not interested with him. Forget him and face the tomorrow without him at your side....
    Just tell him that you are not interested in him that way any more.
    yeah go to an english class, and learn how to type
    money comes and goes
    Well you answered it yourself hunny.

    Look at the way he treated you. He was controlling and by the sounds of it manipulative. Why would anyone want to be with a guy where you had to ask HIS permission to give out your number? You're not 5 years old.

    I wouldn't worry about the $1000. What's in the past stays in the past. Otherwise that will be the excuse to keep him in your life. Move on and have fun!
    why the hell were u with him in the first place!! he is a dick to you, and u can do way better!

    just ask him for your money back, you have the right to get it back and guess what he cant do anything about you liking someone else, he will soon realise what he has lost!

    he is stupid and u are better without him

    chalk that money up for gone

    dont try to get it back

    dont lend money to friends ever

    stay on you own for a few month

    your ex sounds like a loser

    write the $1K off as money well invested to get rid of him (and don't give money to your dates anymore. if you're engaged maybe, but not to casual dates or even bf's).

    Tell him no and to go away and stop taking his calls, emails and however else he's trying to contract you. Do not respond to or otherwise engage him once you've told him you don't want anything to do with him. This isn't the kind of guy with whom you can remain friends with. He's too dangerous/volatile to mess with.
    then kiss goodbye to the money, and find someone WAY better...
    forget him and look for someone new who is deserving of you. and it's adios 1000 dollars.

    My sex life sucks! Need some advice to make it better !!?

    I've been with my fiance for 3 years. At first we had lots of ';just okay'; sex, but lots of it so I didn't complain. Then after we got more comfortable with each other the amount of foreplay before sex started to decrease dramatically to the point where it was non existent. We talked about it and it improved for maybe a week. I've never given him a ******** (he;s never even mentioned it) and he's never gone down on me either, which sucks!! Now it's to the point where we have not good sex once a week! And we have a baby on the way ! I;m almost positive I can't live like this for the rest of my life. I've even started watching porn to make up for the lack of sex in my life. Any suggestions?My sex life sucks! Need some advice to make it better !!?

    I think that you and your husband should talk. This is key.

    Beside communication, you may want to spice things up ... My husband and I tried this website (recommended by my best friend) ... Hundred sex games ... It is highly Erotic. When my husband and I tried some ';games';, it was like having a new partner. Like falling in Love all over again. We had still been in love but our relationship has since reached a new level. More completeness. You may want to give this a try.

    All the best!My sex life sucks! Need some advice to make it better !!?
    I understand how you feel -- but I guess you have to seriously talk to him about your feelings.

    Sex is a very important thing in a relationship/marriage. If it goes down the hill, things will eventually fall apart.

    If you want this relationship to work, you have to talk to him and both of you have to make an effort to work on it. =
    This could be God's punishment for sleeping with a man who is not your husband. Well, I sure hope the baby is his and not some other man's. Since you sleep with the guy, shouldn't he be your husband? Why do you call him fiancee anyways since you two have already become one through sexual union. Is your father against you two being together? Get right with God first.
    Yeah screw that guy! ******* religious assholes! That sucks pretty bad. Are you sure he's not getting it anywhere else? Maybe he's afraid of hurting you or the baby right now? Maybe he's not attracted to you pregnant. Hope this isn't to brutal. I'm only trying to understand.
    oh oh ,you got one of those kind of men, most men love the foreplay,and doing it with the tongue. you just got a defective model,and they are non repairable on a permanent basis i mean.
    first option, is for both of you to sit down and talk about your needs. if there is no compromising. there is always a second option, sex toys!
    Take him shopping to the local sex shop.
    You both have to talk about this.

    Viagra or a book on Sex For Dummies!

    Good Luck!
    Call me old-fashioned.

    But why are you thinking of having sex instead of a marriage?

    And a baby is on the way!
    talk to him about this !!!
    Yes you should of been communicating how you felt from the start of the relationship. You need to tell him what you like and how you like it even if you have to draw a map to show him lol. Whatever you do, do NOT tell him he is a bad lover that will just make matters worse. Next time you both are in the mood tell him you are not going to get any of this using your hands and flirting until you do this first. Make a game out of it. You can also make your own dice which have little messages on it and play a game which you roll or he rolls and you both have to do what it tells you to do. Sex should be fun. After awhile it does get to be the samo samo however you have to spice it up. Watch a porn and play monkey see monkey do lol. There are countless of things you can do you both just need to use your imagination. If he doesn't want to do anything different then I suggest marriage counseling.

    P.S Truthseeker you shouldn't cast stones on others and who are you to judge. You should only judge yourself. I am pretty sure you have skeletons in your closet as well.
    I dated Chris for 4 years we met at 14 and married at 18. We didn't have any sex till we got married on our honey moon. We've been married for 31 years this year and Chris keeps the fire burning in our bedroom. Foreplay and making love is not a problem we've done it every night since we've been married. With the exception of when I had my period. And no porn movies or toys are used.

    You need to spice it up some come up with new things to try, new ways to do it. Something to add life to your love life, role play anything. Ask him if there's something different that he has thought of that he might want to try.
    Is he supposed to read you mind? LADIES,'s a newsflash...Men do not know how to read your minds! You can pout and play games all you want, but if you want to get something from your man, you have to sit him down and tell him...heck show him! Shame on you for not communicating with him for these many years, or worshiping his body as you would like him to worship your body. Hey, your pregnant...did it occur to you that maybe he's trying to be delicate with you because of your condition? He's never mentioned **** jobs, so you assumed he wouldn't want it...IN THREE YEARS!!!! Yet, you sit there complaining about the lack of reciprocation? Come on now, be fair to the man! Sit down and talk to him. Show him what you want to do to him and what you want done to you. Be specific, be sensual, and be reciprocal. Best of luck and sort this out now or you'll never have a happy sensual life.

    It is better to learn about life through your own experience or through advice from friends and family.?

    A speechIt is better to learn about life through your own experience or through advice from friends and family.?
    own experience.It is better to learn about life through your own experience or through advice from friends and family.?
    Through your own experience every time. Most of us don`t listen to advice, or only pay lip-service to it.

    The full impact of an experience is not felt until we have experienced it - and it often opens our eyes.

    Experience is sometimes called `The University of Life`.
    It will save you a lot of pain if you learn from the experience of others ... but you won't . So get ready for the pain and don't worry about it .
    As you are discussing this here at Yahoo! Answers then u must know that, it is better to learn about life through advice. Let it be anyone, but trusty.
    its better when you learn it from your own experience

    My love life is allfxed up. I need help going into my junior year. Any Advice?

    I know have have a long life ahead of me to meet a potential love interest. But im aiming towards falling in love soon.

    I am so happy when im in love, its amazing. I would really like to have someone in my life again.

    Something akward will be seeing my ex everyday at school... she left me for one of my friends, ive stopped talking to both the friend and my ex. I really liked her alot and was crushed when she told me she would rather have my friend than me.

    I dont know what kind of things will be said about me, and if anyone will even want me. They'll know that i loved her. and im wont be that untouched guy anymore, is this bad?

    We use to make out in the hallway alot, im hoping this wont affect how other girls look at me, because personally a quick kiss goodbye would be just as good.

    Will another girl be able to see me as a potential love?

    What kind of things should i do to let girls know im ';available';?

    Thanks people ^_^

    My love life is allfxed up. I need help going into my junior year. Any Advice?

    Well junior year is a year of

    school, school, school,(i'm a junior too)

    but everyone needs love.

    Well about making out in the hallway

    with your ex, it shouldn't matter cause she's

    your EX.

    But if anything i say you play it

    chill and don't force it let love come to

    you, don't go looking for it.

    Hey but i'm not saying if you see a cute girl you're

    interested in you shouldn't go for it.

    By all means do what you have to do.

    Well those are my ';words of wisdom';.

    Good Luck.My love life is allfxed up. I need help going into my junior year. Any Advice?
    hey look. be yourself. be cool. don't jump at people, don't flirt. real girls like to be talked to like normal people, not cats. like i said, don't be phony. chill out and pass our classes. i'm a junior too acctually, and i've found that people are attracted to you when you aren't the one persuing others. look confident in yourself and people will be drawn to youre positive energy.

    good luck :)
    just get out their and be nice to evey girl, even the one you don't like cuz girls pick up on that. also hang out with many girls as you can it make girls notice that and will wounder why is she with him trust me on that.

    My past life troubling me...... please advice? thank you.?

    hmmmm... i dunno where to begin exctly.. i had this boyfriend long time ago... he was my first love.. and we dated for 5 years.. we were so much in love with eachother and planning to get married.. then one day suddenly he disappeared and after a week of searching, we found out that he had killed himself, since he had trouble at work and had some debt issues... i never knew about this until that point... before he died he had called me, he spoke casually like always.. and said ';i love you.. '; like always.. i wish i had known at that time that he was gonna kill himself... anyways... i was totally devastated and felt responsible for long time...

    then i kinda moved on.. and i met my husband 4 years later. we ve been married for 2 years now and we have a baby... i have to say i ve been very happy with my husband..

    now recently for about a month or so, we ve been arguing and fighting about stuff like house work... and i should say there have been times when i thought of leavig my husband...

    problem is... i ve been having these dreams where i see myself with my late boyfriend.. kissing and making love... and i am so happy and content in those dreams...

    i feel and confused.. i love my husband and i donno why im getting these dreams.. he does nt know abt my past. should i tell him ?

    i feel like this ll ruin our life.. please advice. thank you.My past life troubling me...... please advice? thank you.?
    It normal to dream about a happy time in your life and even being with an old boyfriend when there are troubles in your marriage. Don't worry to much about it, but also don't get too wrapped up in the dreams - they are only triggered by your frustration at your current relationship. Try sticking the marriage out and let go of the small things. Pick your battles and live in the now.My past life troubling me...... please advice? thank you.?

    Okay i'd do this

    Tell ur husband.He might be a comfort.It alaso might be a warning.My mother had a dream of her grandma saying come to me infront of her grave.Then,a day later she had a car crash.

    So mabey he is cheating on you.DONT SUSSPECT THIS UNTIL U HAVE PROOF.i dought he is though.

    I have 0 ideas
    I'm thinking it might be time to get some therapy from a professional....
    that must have been a terrible blow, and to be honest a bit selfish of your ex to kill himself wen he had people who loved him.

    i think u need to talk to your husband and explain what happened and whats troubling you, honesty is the only way to keep a marriage going, it's not like you've cheated on him, he will understand and you both need to talk through your problems and explain if your not happy, then you can work on it together.

    as for the dreams, some say dreams show us what we want (its crap), dreams are simply feelings in the unconsciuous that have been locked away, these seem to be have been locked away since your ex died, and in your sleep, your conscious mind isnt as strong and cannot stop thoughts escaping from the unconscious. that is all dreams are, wild, crazy and often weird unconscious thoughtsu didnt know where there. i studied psychology as a degree and found the section on dreams to be most helpful for explaining situations like these.

    good luck.
    You might want to tell him about the old boyfriend. Maybe he'll become a little more understanding.
    I am sorry for your terrible loss.

    But, honey, this isn't going to get any better until you finally let go of your feelings for your passed love one. Tell your husband what your going through, but be sure to tell him you love him, too. Just that you're thinking about this other guy and how emotionally crushing that was for you. Let him know that you're not leaving him for the memory of a dead person, and maybe think of counseling?

    When my sister is fighting with her husband, she always thinks about whether or not what they're fighting over is a deal breaker. Is the fight worth ending the marriage?

    Also, before you leave him, think of your baby. Is this divorce going to mess up your child? Honestly the best thing you can do is focus on your husband now and just do your best to not blame yourself for what has happened in the past.

    Live in the now. Focus on the good. Let go of the past. Tell your husband you love him. Hug your child.

    All things turn out for the best in the end.
    You dnt need to tell him...Because you guys are arguing right now it might not help the situation if you tell him. Its normal to dream about your first love, especially if he died and you guys never broke up; your feelings for him still exist and it is very normal. Good Luck!!!!
    I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but I see all of the wonderful things that you have gained. Maybe you feel guilty for being so blessed, which you should not feel guilty. You are not responsible for your boyfriend's decision to take his life. How could you help him if you don't know what's going on? You deserve to be happy and enjoy life. You should tell your husband about the past, he loves you. Let him help. Counseling may be a good idea too.

    We were created to heal and go on, be thankful that you did it. You are worth it. :-)
    I do not see how these dreams can change the way your life is for now. all your mind is doing is remembering the past when you were happy, this is just your way of getting away from you troubles and feel happy. even if it is just in a dream. some people do this if they have a lot of worry and need to relax. I do not know the situation between your husband, but I do know at times marriage can have its hard times. but this is the same for every one unless there is something wrong that you did not point out. but house work can be boring as well as aggravating at times, but it has to be done. that is just a part of being married. but you do not need to tell him your dreams. I know that when you are married you should share everything. but for dreams are what they are, just dreams as this may be seen as being something personal and does not have anything to do with a marriage. it is just a way for your body to take you away from your troubles and to relax as to rest, such as going on a short vacation at times. so i do not see any point in telling him about your dreams.

    Hi ppl i need some advice on my shattered life any one willing to help?

    tell us what you need help with and maybe we can try and help if we dont no whats wrong then how can we helpHi ppl i need some advice on my shattered life any one willing to help?
    Well you didn't say what happened so how can we give you helpHi ppl i need some advice on my shattered life any one willing to help?
    i can help u cause i hve recently come me if u wish
  • eye look
  • What is a good book to read when your sick of men, love and life and need some inspiration or advice?

    Eat Pray Live is an inspirational, big-picture life books.鈥?/a>

    I have the really usual problem in my love life and I need some advice...?

    I have a big crush on this kid who goes to my school... But he's my best friend... Seriously!! You won't believe how common that is but what should I do! We've been best friends for ever. And I really don't want to make our friend ship all uncomfortable and stuff but I really really like him!I have the really usual problem in my love life and I need some advice...?
    Tell him. If he is one of your close friends he deserves the truth. Think of all that he has done fo you! You have to tell him because your feeling will probably never go back to normal and you need to tell him y u r acting different toward him. He mite like you too and if he doesnt you can just work hard to keep the friendship together.

    I'm 16 years old, and I'm a dropout. I'm not sure how I will make it in life, give me some advice?

    So we can get this out of the way; I dropped out of school because of family issues, and I didn't do my work.

    Obviously signs of somebody who isn't going to be a dedicated worker right?

    Well the thing I enjoy physical things, and I can't just sit there and do desk work.

    I don't have enough credits to graduate no matter what I do at this point (credit recovery, or continuing high school normally).

    I'm going to take the GED test, after taking some GED prep classes.

    I'm wondering if theirs anyway that I can get a good job with a GED, or am I hopeless?

    At times I feel like I just want to end my life because of all the pressure built up and how much everyone expects of me, I feel like a huge let down to my family.

    Obviously suicide shouldn't even be a choice for me to contemplate, but I do...

    My intention was to graduate and take some chemical engineering classes, but I ruined it for myself.

    So once again, any hope for this lost teen?I'm 16 years old, and I'm a dropout. I'm not sure how I will make it in life, give me some advice?
    You did not ruin it for yourself. You may have presented yourself with more challenges, but keep going through them one at a time.

    I would start by getting your GED. While studying for that, it may help to study some sort of skill trade on your own. You mentioned you like physical labor more than sitting behind a desk, so you simply have to decide what exactly you want to do while you prepare yourself for college.

    My recommendation would be to find a small auto repair facility and talk to the owner about a job changing oil and doing other maintenance work. Many garages will pay their oil change technician decently if he ends up showing them what a good worker he is. You might not get paid much to start, especially only being 16.

    From there, your writing and communication skills may prove valuable and you might consider working as a service advisor. A service advisor for a garage can make some decent money. While this is going on, be sure to save money so you can afford to go back to college. Set a strict budget that allows for quite a bit of recreational activities, but also allows for you to put a certain percentage or amount into a separate savings account for your college.

    Decide from there whether it would be worth taking out college loans for your college or whether you want to work at it a little at a time. However, that goal is a few years down the road.

    I'm 31 and going back to school starting on Saturday. I was out of high school for about 7 years before I went back to college to finish. Do I look back and wish I did it differently? Yes. I am, however, proud of the fact that I went back, worked hard, and got somewhere.

    You have a lot to look forward to. Break your long-term goals down to smaller, short-term goals. (Get a GED, Find a job where you can save money a little at a time, move up at that job and save more money, start a class at a community college to get some of the core requirement classes out of the way....etc. etc.) Eventually, you will see these goals getting crossed off your list and see, very concretely, where you are headed and where you have gone.

    Keep it going. I wish the best for you.

    MattI'm 16 years old, and I'm a dropout. I'm not sure how I will make it in life, give me some advice?
    All is not lost, you can still fix it. Don't give up, you sound like you have a decent grasp of the situation that you are in, and you are starting to put together a plan to make things ok. So that's good. Follow through on your plan. Get that GED. First and foremost. You NEED at least a GED if you ever want to support yourself. You can get a good job with a GED. Why don't you just set some reachable goals for yourself, and work towards them. Write them down, and whenever you feel hopeless look at the list, and think about what you need to do to achieve the goals. Nothing worth anything is ever easy, so don't be afraid to work hard to achieve them. Get that GED. You can do it. You are only 16. You have your whole life ahead of you!
    Just the fact that you can actually use good grammar, spelling and punctuation is a good sign that you can make it in life. Look at all the other people here on this site about your age, they can't even spell simple words! lol. And there's always hope, no matter what (you learn that in psychology class in college).

    You could also try one of those mail-in high school diploma things. They cost about $300 though. It's how I got mine. Either way a GED is still as good as a diploma, as long as you pass it good you should be fine.
    i dropped out at 15 didnt go back to school til i was 17 at a continuation school and still graduated on time. its not impossible and i was a senior with freshmen credits and still did it. and a GED is exacly like a diploma but now adays depending where you're from you cant survive with just a GED or a diploma you need college to get a good job now. there's hope u just need the motivation!!! im 21 now and goin to start back up college in the fall hope this helps
    First of all nothing is hopeless or ruined!!! You are only 16, you have nothing but time ahead of you...I know from where you're sitting it seems like an insurmountable situation but it only seems that way...get your GED like you planned and look into classes at your local community long as you have a GED you should be able to get may have to take some prep classes before starting work on a may take longer but it's worth it...once you have an AA or AS you can apply to a University and pursue engineering or whatever you choose..ten years from now NOONE will care or ask if you have a diploma or GED as long as you recover and get on your right path now...remember while your in the middle of a situation like this it can seem bigger than your ability to handle it but I've always believed Life is a series of lessons and learning experiences...people learn at different paces so be more forgiving and patient with yourself..most things take some practice before you perfect them...Suicide is not an answer just a trip straight back to the beginning where you have to start all over again..sounds exhausting to me giving up all I've learned and having to go through all the ups and downs again...just hang in there because I promise you nothing lasts forever...I know it's a cliche but it is true that ';THIS TOO SHALL PASS';...I also think you should find someone you trust to talk too..if you can't talk to any family or close friends...try a psychologist or maybe clergyman..just let someone know how your feeling so you don't feel so isolated wtih this problem...if nothing else just know that we are all connected and you are not alone!!!
    Honestly I find school is just a waste of time I dropped out before I got anything from it and started a level 5 computer engineering diploma which Ive nearly finished and they didn't ask for anything from school. Your better off doing a course (The people there are allot better then at school.. F**KEN HATE school). Theres probably plenty of courses out there that involve chemical engineering of some sort so have a look around on the net or something!!

    I'm almost never happy. I'm a very cynical/sarcastic person. Life just isn't fun. Advice?

    Are you kidding? Sarcasm can be a blast! Maybe you're not sarcastic enough. Seriously though, it could be a simple chemical imbalance in the brain, a shortage of seratonin or dopamine, very easily treatable by your general practice physician.I'm almost never happy. I'm a very cynical/sarcastic person. Life just isn't fun. Advice?
    I have a very good friend, who is just like you. You take things too seriously. You need to look for the positive things in life. Obviously, you have been disappointed with people and disenchanted with the things you see happening around you.

    The way to get out of this rut is to start helping others. Become a servant. Go to those who are worse off than you and be a friend to them. Volunteer, give your time to help others. It will give you purpose, and make life so much more interesting. The scripture says, ';It is more blessed to give than to receive';, and when we are too wrapped up in ourselves, we tend to become cynical and inwardly focused. Start doing things for others, and quit talking negative, and you will see your life turn around.I'm almost never happy. I'm a very cynical/sarcastic person. Life just isn't fun. Advice?
    i feel you on this one, i think i could be a happier person. and my only advice is do you want to be an angry old bitter person one day, whom noone ever wants to be around cuz your no fun, or do you want to be a pleasant genuinely happy person?

    and u need to ask yourseld if u want to pass your life by? what is it the YOU WANT to do in life? what interest u? whats fun for u?

    Write in a journal or go talk to a teacher or the school counselor. you need to get an adult to vent out to. It's not good to hold it in. And if you tell someone then they can help you. You just feel better when you talk about it. Try not to think about it unless your at home and no one is around then you can think . But at school try to smile and have fun. It's hard to after a while it will become easier.

    Seriously. You might be recommended to a psychiatrist. Some chemistry levels might be low for you so you could end up with a prescription. Human beings weren't meant to live the way we do, so its probably not yours or your parents fault. But take the advice of some experts. We put chemicals in our mouths, in our armpits, on our faces, in our hair... we don't really know what they do. Try to live natural, but accept the advice of these experts.
    Find something that brings you joy.

    Riding horses always helps me deal with my anxiety and occasional ';blues.';

    Faith in God helps...knowing that I'm okay...that I don't have to be perfect or happy all the time.

    And sometimes professional counseling is needed. It helped me. What could it hurt to try it?
    give to others. when you give of yourself to others, it brings internal joy to your heart. spend time with little kids. little children are by nature joyful little things, and are truly happy just for the sake of happiness. Let them teach you how to enjoy life once again.
    On the contrary - I'm always happy even my life is hard.

    Appreciate God gifts in you. Look around you, there are many people who are unfortunate, poor, homeless, losing their loved ones. If possible share what you have with them.

    The joy of sharing is great.
    You have to change your mindset. Begin to notice when you are being cynical or sarcastic. Make a conscious effort to change the way you speak. It will eventually lead to a change in your attitude and the way you live.
    come to Australia...we have lovely hot sunny days...with cold cold beers, us ladies sun bake topless and we are an outdoor nation, and vitamin d from the sun makes you happy!!! that's why people from Chicago are a bit grumpy and have high levels of osteoporosis!!!

    Where are you in your walk with The Lord?? Seek out the joy of The Lord! That is my strength.

    Pleasure explained(Psalm 36:8). Evolution cannot explain pleasure - even the most complex chemicals do not experience bliss. However, the Bible states that God ';gives us richly all things to enjoy';(1 Timothy 6:17). Pleasure is a gift from God.

    So, as I said before, seek God,He loves you, and is waiting for you to come to Him. The advice you seek is in The Book.
    Remember that not all things in life are bad or mean to hurt you. In fact, most people are either apathetic or on your side. There's a new path, a new adventure awaiting you every day... never give up hope. =)
    No one in this world is always happy......

    But, to get the solutions for your problems %26amp; peace of mind read the 'Holy Quran' completely %26amp; carefully ....You will know the truth ..'InshaAllah'

    %26amp; i'll Pray for You !!
    people can either go through life seeing the glass half empty or half full.

    Our attitude determines if it is enjoyable or a drudgery
    Look for the worst in people, and when you find it you'll be happy. And point it out to them, of course.
    More alcohol, more sex.

    I'm not kidding, either. I wish somebody had told me when I was your age.
    Advice: Become uncynical and curb the sarcasm.

    Problem solved.
    See a psychologist, you may have a mood disorder.
    Stop being religious.
    Become an atheist.
    Go skydiving. Maybe you'll get a new outlook on life.
    People are going to say.......Let God into your life. Don't listen, k?
    DNA has a lot to do with it and you can't change that so you just have to live with it.