Friday, January 8, 2010

What is the best advice you have ever received from your Mother that has stuck with you throughout your life?

Don't marry her son....she is no good! 11yrs later...Mom was rightWhat is the best advice you have ever received from your Mother that has stuck with you throughout your life?
Treat others the way that you want to be treated..Oh and don't eat yellow snow..LOL..What is the best advice you have ever received from your Mother that has stuck with you throughout your life?
Always buy clothes that you can mix and match. Always write thank you notes, and ';Don't live in Iowa all your life, move wherever life takes you.';
Don't carry all your eggs in the same basket.

Never say anything that you don't want to hear back at you.

Never rock somebody elses chair without them in it.

If you insist on burning your bridges, make show you have a boat to come back on, in case you must pass that way again.
';Tell them who they are!';
Be able to look at them in the eye.
the best advise

mm i guess that was when she said

it is better not to follow her steps
I remember once she told me that you're only respected for what you are.
';Weed is NOT bad for you. If weed were'nt around, I would'nt be neither.';

Yeah, my mom's a hippie-pot head...
My mother always told me as long as I can read I can do anything and she was right. And she also told me to learn to do things on our own cause she will not always be there . And I Love her for it!!
If you have nothing nice to say, then say that.
same with me, Ands
don't get into Credit Card debt...

of course, I learned my lesson AFTER the fact....
Never give up!
Never love a man more than he loves you. Of course, I hardly ever listened to her but she is always right.
My mother never gave advice, but she did some pretty messed up stuff that I learned very important life lessons from.
Wish I had an answer for that ;-)
Never put anything in your mouth that you cant swallow.

I should have listened
The key to keeping your man happy

';Keep his belly full, and his pecker empty';

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