Friday, January 8, 2010

Please help me!! i need help and advice!!! its about life.?

im 18 and today i had an interview for a job so after a two hour interview.. i got the job.

only problem is i dont no if i want this job now.

first they can make me work until midnight, problem with that is i live 2 hours away from the job and have to catch two trains just to get to my job. so if i finish work at midnight i have to wait an hour on one train station for one train than 45mins on the other so ill be getting hme at 3:30am.

plus i dnt no the area well... and were my job is a rough area.

also my job is helping ppl fix the internet problem and will be working 8hours a day.

im so worried and scared.......

my mum and bf do not reckon i shld take the job cause of travelling.

plz can sum1 help mePlease help me!! i need help and advice!!! its about life.?
The way I see it, you have two options. Turn the job down and look for something closer and better. 2. Take the job and start looking for something else. When you find it, bolt. Remember, we are in a tough economy and you never know when you'll find another job. The commute may be a pain but at least you'll have money coming in and you'll have something to fall back on in case you don't find something else. And don't feel too bad about quitting early. Remember, companies won't hesitate to lay you off when it suits them so don't be afraid to do the same when it suits you.Please help me!! i need help and advice!!! its about life.?
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I agree with your mom. You can surely get a job closer to home and traveling at that hour on the train does not sound safe to me. Actually, nothing about this job sounds good. In your field you can do better for sure. Good luck!
I wouldn't take the job, 2 hours is way too far. But it's completely up to you.. =)
The 2-hour commute is ridiculous. Pass on this job.

Good luck!
If you really need it, take it or else just find another one
I recommend u shud nt take this job....besides travelling u have 8 days working...which could kinda stress u!

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