Friday, January 8, 2010

How do I win the love of my life back? Need serious advice.?

My boyfriend of 9 months just broke up with me a week ago. It took him a few days to tell me why he did so. His reasons were that a lot of pet peeves that he had with me, he just couldn't tolerate them anymore/ He thinks I'm bad with with money, even though I'm the one who works, and thinks that I'll be like that if we married/ He thinks I'll cheat on him in college or while he's at boot camp/ He feels that he can't be intimate with me because I am not a virgin, but he isn't either/ He thinks that I am dominant.. He says that he thinks that this is the ';right'; thing to do. What hurts me the most is that this was very unexpected and he never once sat down to discuss these cracks in our relationship. I truly love him, and want to prove that I can change if he'd give me the chance. Lately, I've tried not to talk to him except saying hi, have been dressing nicer, and dyed my hair black (A color he wanted me to try). I work for his mom and we go to school together... I need to win my love!How do I win the love of my life back? Need serious advice.?
u just gotta move on and let go. if he finds so many things wrong with you, then why would u wanna be with him? how could he love you if all he does is find ur mistakes and not ur good qualities? just let the @ss hole leave and let somebody that truly deserves u into ur life.How do I win the love of my life back? Need serious advice.?
please dont change to meet what you think are someone elses expectations --- if he does not love you as you are then he does not truly love you

he does not really care for you --- all those things are just excuses im very sorry ---- whatever his real reasons if he does not even want to discuss then there is nothing you can do

find a life without him and there will be someone else who will love you for who you are not what they think you should be

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