Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm a food addict. THIS has ruined my whole life! HELP! I need advice especially on motivation!?

hang clothes youd like to fit into on back of wardrobe

brush teeth or drink water instead of snacking

think about this...

your life is very short

do you want to waste it being unhappy with your weight?

or do you want to make the most of it being happy with yourself?

finally, look at this every time you feel like snacking...鈥?/a>I'm a food addict. THIS has ruined my whole life! HELP! I need advice especially on motivation!?
Do something else. Play sport. Get your mind off foods.I'm a food addict. THIS has ruined my whole life! HELP! I need advice especially on motivation!?
I am a sugar addict and bought the book the sugar addicts total recovery program. I lost 86 lbs and feel great. It has totally changed my life. I went from a size 20 to a size 8.
been there. I know exactly what you are talking about. A lot of it is the physical addictions and imbalances. TAKE bifidus or acidophilus, as your intestinal flora will certainly be shot, and that is where the 'empty space' feelings come from. Also start drinking water regularly, 2 litres a day (not all at once) as this helps to detox the system. And a good colonic therapist is invaluable for this condition, as fecal matter gathers in deposits on the colon walls increasingly with increased overeating and the associated emotions and sluggishness. This will also increase the level of nutrients you get from your food as the blocked and (currently) toxic colon walls impede the passage of minerals into the blood as well as hijacking the immune system. I don't know where you are; I know good uns in the UK.鈥?/a>

ALSO a number of Flower Essence makers address this condition. Australian Bush Calm and Clear combo has a number of essences in it that aid proper digestion, and the single essences Bottle Brush (clearing toxins and patterns, mother issues also), Wild Potato Bush (detox, feelings of heaviness), Dagger Hakea (detox,) and Billy Goat Plum (bad feelings about body and about addiction).

You can get these from a store or a website and make them up yourself; the proper dosage for these is 7 drops; but dilute the stock (single essences) first as directed on the bottle.

I've always used complementary medicine, these work. That's why I trained as a practitioner a few years ago. There are medical doctors at least in the UK and Germany who use them primarily, having discovered how effective they are.

A good homeopath (and they vary) will do a huge amount, as will an effective 5-element acupuncturist, to balance the energy and put your wheels back on the road.

Also look at Mark Lovendale's website for information about food allergies/addictions. he is very experienced and knowledgeable and has a clinic in LA.

I know how miserable and horrible it is; it is not your fault; it is your responsibility and I could wish I'd asked as you have, I couold have gained a few years; it took up most of my 20s.

I wish you well, and a happy and productive life!
you need to get the book ';The Glycemic Load Diet';. It has changed my life. I eat only organic dairy, non-starchy fruits and veggies, nuts and anything with a face (protein). My 40 years of acne has vanished, I have lost weight and I'm not hungry. Out of control eating is caused by your body's reaction to starch (potatoes, corn, grains). I was bulimic and out of control with my eating and my life (for almost 30 years) until I changed my diet AND it was easy to give up the foods that were making me crazy.


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