Friday, April 30, 2010

My sex life sucks! Need some advice to make it better !!?

I've been with my fiance for 3 years. At first we had lots of ';just okay'; sex, but lots of it so I didn't complain. Then after we got more comfortable with each other the amount of foreplay before sex started to decrease dramatically to the point where it was non existent. We talked about it and it improved for maybe a week. I've never given him a ******** (he;s never even mentioned it) and he's never gone down on me either, which sucks!! Now it's to the point where we have not good sex once a week! And we have a baby on the way ! I;m almost positive I can't live like this for the rest of my life. I've even started watching porn to make up for the lack of sex in my life. Any suggestions?My sex life sucks! Need some advice to make it better !!?

I think that you and your husband should talk. This is key.

Beside communication, you may want to spice things up ... My husband and I tried this website (recommended by my best friend) ... Hundred sex games ... It is highly Erotic. When my husband and I tried some ';games';, it was like having a new partner. Like falling in Love all over again. We had still been in love but our relationship has since reached a new level. More completeness. You may want to give this a try.

All the best!My sex life sucks! Need some advice to make it better !!?
I understand how you feel -- but I guess you have to seriously talk to him about your feelings.

Sex is a very important thing in a relationship/marriage. If it goes down the hill, things will eventually fall apart.

If you want this relationship to work, you have to talk to him and both of you have to make an effort to work on it. =
This could be God's punishment for sleeping with a man who is not your husband. Well, I sure hope the baby is his and not some other man's. Since you sleep with the guy, shouldn't he be your husband? Why do you call him fiancee anyways since you two have already become one through sexual union. Is your father against you two being together? Get right with God first.
Yeah screw that guy! ******* religious assholes! That sucks pretty bad. Are you sure he's not getting it anywhere else? Maybe he's afraid of hurting you or the baby right now? Maybe he's not attracted to you pregnant. Hope this isn't to brutal. I'm only trying to understand.
oh oh ,you got one of those kind of men, most men love the foreplay,and doing it with the tongue. you just got a defective model,and they are non repairable on a permanent basis i mean.
first option, is for both of you to sit down and talk about your needs. if there is no compromising. there is always a second option, sex toys!
Take him shopping to the local sex shop.
You both have to talk about this.

Viagra or a book on Sex For Dummies!

Good Luck!
Call me old-fashioned.

But why are you thinking of having sex instead of a marriage?

And a baby is on the way!
talk to him about this !!!
Yes you should of been communicating how you felt from the start of the relationship. You need to tell him what you like and how you like it even if you have to draw a map to show him lol. Whatever you do, do NOT tell him he is a bad lover that will just make matters worse. Next time you both are in the mood tell him you are not going to get any of this using your hands and flirting until you do this first. Make a game out of it. You can also make your own dice which have little messages on it and play a game which you roll or he rolls and you both have to do what it tells you to do. Sex should be fun. After awhile it does get to be the samo samo however you have to spice it up. Watch a porn and play monkey see monkey do lol. There are countless of things you can do you both just need to use your imagination. If he doesn't want to do anything different then I suggest marriage counseling.

P.S Truthseeker you shouldn't cast stones on others and who are you to judge. You should only judge yourself. I am pretty sure you have skeletons in your closet as well.
I dated Chris for 4 years we met at 14 and married at 18. We didn't have any sex till we got married on our honey moon. We've been married for 31 years this year and Chris keeps the fire burning in our bedroom. Foreplay and making love is not a problem we've done it every night since we've been married. With the exception of when I had my period. And no porn movies or toys are used.

You need to spice it up some come up with new things to try, new ways to do it. Something to add life to your love life, role play anything. Ask him if there's something different that he has thought of that he might want to try.
Is he supposed to read you mind? LADIES,'s a newsflash...Men do not know how to read your minds! You can pout and play games all you want, but if you want to get something from your man, you have to sit him down and tell him...heck show him! Shame on you for not communicating with him for these many years, or worshiping his body as you would like him to worship your body. Hey, your pregnant...did it occur to you that maybe he's trying to be delicate with you because of your condition? He's never mentioned **** jobs, so you assumed he wouldn't want it...IN THREE YEARS!!!! Yet, you sit there complaining about the lack of reciprocation? Come on now, be fair to the man! Sit down and talk to him. Show him what you want to do to him and what you want done to you. Be specific, be sensual, and be reciprocal. Best of luck and sort this out now or you'll never have a happy sensual life.

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