Friday, April 30, 2010

Its ruining my life and I need advice?

Im 18 years old..not overweight at all. I eat okay and i exercise daily. I was diagnosed with High blood pressure and rapid heart rate. The doctors think that the hbp comes from my rapid heart rate tho. I have had numerous EK G's and they all have came back wrong so I wore a 24 hour halter Monitor and also had an ultra sound of my heart as well. It showed that I had mitral valve prolapse and I had to end up wearing a 21 day halter monitor. The doc said that my medicine mainly kept my heart rate down but it doesn't all the time. I am currently taking Metoprolol tart 50 mg. Even thought I am on this i am still experiencing the rapid heart rate badly. It stays over 100 beats a minute and resting sometimes goes to 150-160 a minute. When my heart beats fast I get nauseous, really hot, dizzy and i have even passed out. My meds r not seeming to work all the time but then again I do not want to be on these meds my whole life. For one not workin all the time then it makes me very tired and have no energy at all. Its like I have to drap my body around to do stuff but what other options do i have?? And im sure its not good to be on this medication for such a long timeIts ruining my life and I need advice?
ok. #1 it is a misconception that people have that makes them think that you have to be overweight to have heart problems. That totally sucks that your 18 and having all these problems. When i was 16 I was diagnosed with a spinal disease. At the time, I was just happy someone finally found what was causing all of my pain. Now, I am 22 and wish someone would actually fix the problem. I went to so many doctors, it was crazy. People always trust doctors, but they are just human like the rest of us. They make mistakes! If you don't feel happy with your diagnosis, see another doctor. See as many as you need until it makes sense to YOU. You know your body better than anyone. Nomatter how many degrees that doctor has, those degrees are not from studying you. It is so hard to just live a normal life when you have a health problem. I am on so many meds that I cant even go out and party like a normal college student, because they give me drug tests. I have to watch my alcohol intake, because it makes the meds worse. My point is, that you have a long bumpy road ahead of you. Noone is going to take it easy on you because of your heart. They just expect me to do just as much as the next girl. I though someone would see that It is s struggle just to get dressed in the morning, and they would say its ok if shes 5 minutes late. But NO! The world is awful. Anyways. Its your life, you have to fight for it. If you dont think your meds are working the way they should say something to your doctor. If he doesnt want to help, find someone who will. There are tons of medicines out there. Try them all if you have to. You deserve to be as happy as possible. Ask about surgeries, is there anything that they can do to fix it? Tell them that you dont want to stay this way forever. Your best bet may be a teaching hospital. We have one here, it is Vanderbuilt in Nashville TN. They do experiements, and new diffrent things. That way if nothing works that everyone else is trying, then those hospitals will give you experimental drugs. I am not trying to freak you out. Its just I know what your going through. I have wasted years just taking meds to cover up the pain. Im tired. I want to be fixed.I dont want you to make the same mistakes I did. Dont settle for this life you have now. Find a doctor that is intrested in quality of life.Its ruining my life and I need advice?
Your best bet is to talk to doctors because they will be the most informed.

No, it is not good to stay on medication because you will begin to rely on them even if they are not working.

It may be something in your diet (don't base your problems on my answers (Im not a doctor)).

I really hope you get your problems fixed and can live a normal life.
if your meds are not working talk to your doctor. there is most likely another med that will help u with your heart problem. it may not have the same side affects as the one your taking now but there wil be side affects with any med u take. hope i could help!

maybe get a second opinion and if it is a valve get it repaired thru surgery
try a second opinion from another doctor
Listen to jim. I watched a show were the girl was going to the same doctor over and over again for major headaches everyday till the point were she had to lay on the couch all day for 2yrs. Then she when to another doctor and they said that She has a dieases and she needs to take on pill everyday so Ya. haha Go to another doctor or go to a cardiovascular specialist.

Hope this helps (it really doesn't though)

The drug you are on is called a beta blocker which is why you are feeling so worn out. As for the b/p, rythm problem, I would like to know if you by chance have been on any ADHD meds during your life. MVP is no big deal, I have it myself along with millions of people have it and don't even know it. The big deal comes when you have it and an arrythmia problem, this increases your risk to form clots and throw them off causing possible stroke,heart attack, P.E. or just and tissue death related to blood thrombosis. You must have V-tac with intermit V- fib, thats just an educated guess with the information you have provided. The only other option would be to treat you with a calcium chanel blocker, but would really have to know what your EKG looks like to try to guess why these are not being used on your. Beta blockers are great because the help keep b/p down and heart rate. Sorry to tell you, you probably will have to take heart medication for the rest of your life you don't just get fixed by a month or two of treatment. YOU SHOULD DISCUSE THESE ISSUES WITH YOUR DOCTOR, SO THAT HE CAN PROPERLY GUIDE YOUR PLAN OF CARE, WHETHER THAT BE CHANGE OF MEDICATIONS OR WHAT. On the note sure being on a med for such a long time is not good. WHAT IS BAD IS TO SELF CHANGE CARDIAC MEDICATIONS, IF YOU GO OFF THE BETA BLOCKER WITHOUT WEIN WITH HELP YOU COULD GO INTO VFIB AND DIE. SO IF YOU FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE WITH YOU BEING THE BRAINS OF YOUR CARDIAC CARE OVER THAT OF A DOCTOR THAT WENT TO COLLEGE AND MED SCHOOL, PASSED BOARDS AND HAS YEARS OF PRACTICE. THEN BY ALL MEANS GO A HEAD AFTER ALL IT ';WAS'; YOUR LIFE.


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