Friday, April 30, 2010

Life of female marines? 10 points for the best advice.?

There are at least 2 female marines were killed by other male marines. Any thoughts about this?

Thank youLife of female marines? 10 points for the best advice.?
To the best of my knowledge there was 1 female Marine killed and one soldier (army) killed. The men that supposedly (remember this is America and they are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law) murdered these women are a blemish to the United States Marine Corps. If these women and their accused killers were not in the military the coverage of their stories would not be making headlines nationally. I think that for people to come down on the military for these murders is absolutely senseless. Military members come from all walks of life and are just a small representation of the United States on a whole. People are wrong for condemning and blaming the military in these matters. Civilians kill each other every day, there are crimes committed against women and children every day. If everyone would just mind their own business, keep their hands off of others husbands/boyfriends/wives/girlfriends, and keep the drama to a minimum things like these shouldn't happen (these things almost always involve relationship drama unfortunately). The men and women in the US military are supposed to be ';shining'; examples of what every American SHOULD be. And while most are respectable there are a few bad apples that ruin the whole bunch. So I'm not sure what kind of advice you are looking for but here's what I'm going to tell you.... In 4+ years in the Marine Corps I was never threatened or felt threatened, most of the male Marines I know are good respectable people that I would trust with my life if need be. And please don't judge the Marine Corps for the actions of a few miserable excuses for human beings.Life of female marines? 10 points for the best advice.?
The life of a female marine is identical to the life of a male marine. There is no gender bias in the Corps.

The fact that two female marines were murdered by fellow marines should not be held against the whole Corps. Unfortunate and regrettable, but acts committed by individuals against other individuals. Those who committed these acts will be punished within the full extent of military (and possibly, civilian) law.
Pleast just remember they are exceptions - not the norm. I know many female Marines who love their job, love the Corp, and do just fine with their male counterparts. My boyfriend has several friends who are female Marines and all have never been treated disrepectfully by anyone in the Corp.
The military as a whole has demonstrated a total failure to protect the women serving within their ranks, however violence against women is an epidemic that riddles our American society and won't be cured simply or swiftly. You can't label all the offenders as being 'PTSD' as that will only serve to provide an excuse for extremely bad behavior. The Military Authorities need to be more pro-active about protecting the victims of domestic violence as well as providing more effective services.

In the past seven months it has been one female Marine and her unborn child, one female enlisted soldier who's murder is still under investigation and this recent soldier who was a commissioned nurse. I'm quite unaware of this second female Marine you are referring to in your question. Perhaps you should check your facts?
Men kill women each and every day and the fact that it was a Marine committing these crimes should not be a concern to you..

Where do you think Marines come from? That's right..they come from places like where you and I live..

There are murderers, rapist, jokers, jocks, geeks, gay, and every other type of person currently serving in the USMC..I dont see why you have to focus on the fact that a Marine committed a crime as if Marines are super human and can do no wrong..

So to answer your question..I'm not surprised one bit..and guess what..It will happen again in the future.
Thats a shame.....Those two male Marines are not real men, they are low life cowards who deserves to spend the rest of their life in jail.
was it other marines? even if they were female they should have been able to protect themselves. both of their training is tough.

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